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TLR WARS : Episode 2 The Fall of the Jedi

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:16 am

bangs keyboard? I give up..sheesh.

Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:54 pm

Han moved closer, slowly as he would to a deer that would flee. He reached out to her. She stood and he took her in his arms and held her close to him. He never wanted to lose her again. He looked at Darkstone as he held her and mouthed the words ’Thank You’.

It was about two hours later when Carla pulled herself together. She sought out Darkstone and told him what her plans had been and what was going to happen. Darkstone shook his head as he got on an emergency com frequency. He had to reach the Jedi before it was too late. Trillions of lives were at stake. The fate of a world.

Jedi Masters Esquilax and Gowserpaul were in the meditation room when the call came in. The were devastated, but said they would give the evacuation order to who ever had ships available. Jedi were sent out to supervise so that pirating would not occur. The Jedi Data bank was secured and sent away as well.

Nearly three hundred ships had managed to get away in time. So very few in terms of lives, lives that would not know what was to happen to them soon. Esquilax and Gowserpaul left with the data, while the other Jedi continued to organize the evacuation.

Admiral Tawakalna was on the bridge. He ordered Indy to take a position near the planet and await the arrival of the Dark Master. Indy looked back at him as if he had not heard right. “Admiral, you may have transferred your flag here, but on this Death Star, I give the orders, not you” Indy spoke, anger rising as he touched a button on the command console. Two heavily armed security personnel appeared. The new clone troopers. “The admiral may remain on the bridge, but he is not to give any on my crew orders for so much as a drink of water, is that under stood?” he spoke to the nearest guard.

“Understood , Sir!” was the response. The Admiral was fuming, but nothing could be done until he could speak to his master. Then, Indy would pay for this outrage.

“Sir, we drop out of hyper space in ten minutes” the navigational officer said.

Indy nodded, “Weapons, stand by to divert power to the main weapon as soon as we drop out.” The he clicked a button, “Engineering, I want full power to the weapon and shields at all times.”

The rest of the Imperial fleet would drop out about five minuets after the Death Star did. They would have the Advantage to strike the blow to the Jedi and to the republic. It would suffer a death blow with the destruction of, Coruscant! With its destruction, the Jedi and their influence would end. It would be possible for the Sith and the Remnant to again take control of the galaxy.

Jagged would arrive ten minuets after the Death Star did. He had to work a plausible reason for him to be there with none of the other ships and his being intact. He knew he would face wrath from Admiral Tawakalna, but the Dark Master, he feared more. He may have no other choice in the matter. His survival was in jeopardy, he would loose his head either way, his only hope for redemption, was to attack any ships attempting to flee in order to placate those over him.

Gowserchris was the first to see the death Star when it dropped out of Hyper Space. So huge, it eclipsed the sun. It became night, in the middle of the day. He knew his death had arrived, but he sent the signal any way. He had to let others know the fate of this world. Wizard walked up beside him. “The last of the ships are away, but will they be able to escape”?

“I don’t know, but, the force is with them” Gowserchris said in reply. He sat in a meditation position. He had no fear of dying, but, he meditated on the change in death. Chips came up beside him and sat as well. The main weapon on the death star was almost facing the planet. It would fire at any moment.

“Weapons command, do we have full power yet?” Indy asked.

“Yes Sir, power at full, the weapon at your command, shielding is at maximum”. Was his reply.

“You may fire at will” came the order. The commander signaled the others and they in turn passed the order on to the relay officers. Power began to surge. The firing chambers glowed a dull green, then it brightened to a blinding white as the power was transferred. When it seemed it could get no brighter, the energy was discharged and intersected the others at a point over the dish. The center beam then fired and combined with the others and streaked toward the planet. It seemed to take an eternity, but in less than two seconds, it his the planet. Slicing down through the massive city, buildings vaporizing as the beam continued. When it reached the planet itself, it split the crust in two. It continued inward to the planets core. At the magma, it ignited the already hot gasses and molten material and instantaneously, expanded outwards. The planet became a bright star in the night sky, the blast ring expanding outwards, for a whole sector. The planet, was gone.

Darkstone and Carla could both feel when the planet was destroyed. The lives lost, the Jedi killed, could be felt like a lead weight in their hearts. They both sat as Han walked up. “Not again, the last time I saw that expression was on the Falcon when the old man said that Alderaan was destroyed”. Darkstone nodded. Han knew that was not the worst of it. He sat beside them and waited until they were ready to talk.

The Admiral was watching the sensors for the fleet to arrive. When they dropped out of Hyper space, he ordered them to destroy any ships attempting to flee, and to prepare for his arrival. He left the bridge in the company of the two guards all the way to the flight deck. They returned to their stations once the shuttle left the Death Star. He would get control of the fleet and carry out his masters orders, then he would seek the Masters permission to deal with the commander.

Jagged was fidgeting when the Super Star dropped out of hype space. He move to join th other ships in the fleet, to get in on the kill. He need as many as he could get to save his life. But, he knew his time was over. He called his second in command over for a private conference.

Locutus brought the Star Princess down to the surface of Naboo. He landed near the X-Wing. He had received Han’s call, and rushed here to be of help any way he could. He owed Han Much and would do what ever he could. He and Lando had been there when lea died and helped him through that, now this. How much could an old man take and live.

Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:20 pm

Nya ha haaaaa! Taw under guard on MY Death Star. Orders carried out and a planet destroyed all on my own direction. Muwahahahahahahaha! Yessssssssss!

Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:31 pm

Coruscant! You're right that was a surprise.

Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:50 pm

it won't last. and it was prob the wrong dam planet anyway.

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:07 am

Now, now, Taw, don't be bitter

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:11 am

First of all, that first pic of me thats supposed to be up, I get a 403 error with a little fat man telling me I cant go in
secondly This is great, very good
Now I can really beat up Taw and Indy

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:17 am

and where's this "my" Deaf Starr come from? he's only been looking after it for someone else..

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:19 am

sw, you can still right click and save target as. That's how I got to see them.

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:15 am

sw, your char. will evolve more now eve. The pic, is the same that is posted at the top of this page for the dark side, the other works sometimes and not sometimes. Now taw, play nice, you get the fleet, he gets the death star.

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:29 am

FD, off topic I know, but why have posts been randomly disappearing from this forum?

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:36 am

@Fd, well it really didnt make me feel good when I looked at the "good" me pic, seeing a little fat man...that was a bit of a eh shock i guess is the word

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:45 am

I thought it was quite a good likeness...

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:51 am

Hey, you might be my cousin, but that still gives you no right ghmf, I think I'll turn back to the dark side now

Post Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:56 am

I think I'll turn back to the dark side now

Ah, I've been looking for an excuse.

*smites with lightsaber*

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