Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:58 am

Worlds Unveiled Mod Needs Help!

Okay the Freelancer: Worlds Unveiled mod needs more mod members. Our forums are This is the mod backstory:

The year is 822 AS, the colonies have recovered from the nomad war, many wars are still being fought, and new alliances have begun. The Order, a group that saved the colonies from the nomads 20 years ago, have became heroes. Liberty became jealous, and declared war on The Order to get rid of them and to stop them from eventually takeing over Liberty space. The Order gained the upper hand by getting an alliance with Kusari. Kusari helped The Order by declaring war on Liberty. Rheinland and Bretonia stayed neutral. The Corsairs explored into the Unknowns and met The Order. They quickly established an alliance, and soon both attacked Omicron Alpha. The Blood Dragons have broken their alliance with both GC and Outcasts, and are now helping The Order. Sirius is getting into chaos, and it bacame worse when Liberty explored an unknown system and unleased a new alien race into Sirius! With the Noamd War heros somehow dissapearing, Sirius is noth going to be a happy place!

We need the following to be on our mod team:

1 or 2 Modelers/Texturers(Current: NONE)
2 Assistment System Makers(Current: Starkiller)
1 or 2 Ship Coders(Current: Micro Mod Makers)
1 Weapon Maker(Current: NONE)
2 Beta Testers(Current: Me)