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Contacting IGx89

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Post Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:26 pm

Contacting IGx89

Does anyone know what IGx89's email is? I need to ask him if i can modify his freshstart mod for public use.

Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.

Post Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:07 pm

Open up Freelancer Mod Manager and click Help, then About. His info is in there.

Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:29 am

Alfa you haven't been around in a while so you probably don't know, FLMM 1.4 (all versions) is buggy as hell and seriously unstable, all of IGx89's new features interfere with all of the old ones. The 7zip doesn't work right, the cache feature interferes with the delete file/folder function on 1.31 and older mods, and the xml script for 1.4 isn't as backward compatable as it should be, a couple of mods won't activate because of it.

Stick with 1.31 as it's the only stable version we have, yes it means you can't use the "freshstart", but then editing the "restart.fl" was a crappy idea to start with.

**shuffles off with a new headache**

Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:22 am

I've had it work many times, and haven't had any problems with it. Plus, I've seen a couple of other mods that require 1.4. Is it that bad of a problem?

Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:13 am

The usual problems with mods xml scripts not working is the fact that Matt always managed to tighten up the strictness on the scripts.

Any tags out of order, or slightly wrong = picked up by parser and highlighted as an error.
Means folks have to correct the badly made, incorrect, or just plain fubar, old scripts

Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:39 am

So basicly no one likes it because they don't like that every little things has to be perfect?

Post Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:38 am

the xml codes used in most mods are perfect
but flmm 1.4 is not able to interprete some of the codes that were working in 1.3 or 1.31
this is not a fault of the modders since they only did what they learned from 1.3
and in 1.4 there is no notice that some commands wouldnt work anymore so i would consider it a bug

Post Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:02 am

To be honest the problems started after beta1 was released, before it had been properly tested people started asking Matt for other features to be added. I tested all four versions and can say that beta 1 was the most stable of them all, but it still had problems, beta's 2 to 4 should be sent to the trashcan as thier that bad.

As far as I'm concerned the cache feature is the biggest problem, during beta testing I lost 4.5 gig from a 20 gig HDD, I couldn't find the problem until I looked in my FL directory. Every mod's custom content from systems to CMPs, were in there, now none of these mods were built for the cache feature so nothing should have been left, but to then add insult to injury, the next time I activated one of those mods FLMM made a backup of the custom content instead of reusing it.

If you use 1.4 with some of the larger mods you will find that you will be deleteing your FL directory and reinstalling it on a regular basis.

Now if a mod is built properly to work with 1.4 you won't have any problems, but in reality you need 1.31 & 1.4 installed to use most of the mods we have.

If you still want to use the "freshstart" then check the FLMM forum section here on TLR, all of the information is available there as it was Argh's idea to start with (you'll have to go back nearly 18 months to find it though). If all you want it for is the OpenSP then check this out, it's basically Chips's opensplite with one major difference, the content.dll has been remove and replaced with a slightly modified newplayer.fl.

**shuffles off with a new headache**

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