Post Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:59 pm

Ship Wanted

I am seeking someone who would be able to make me a ship.
I will give you the infomation ... If you are interested when you e-mail me.

E-Mail Me On : [email protected]

This ship will be the pillar of autam (HALO - All right reserved by Bungi). FULL SCALE ( As in will requier the ghost docking ring mod in order to land.)

Speed : 300 km p/s (cruis : 3,000 km p/s)
Shilds : 1 Mout
hull : 100,000,000 Damage
Hull Compacity : 1 million
nano's : 10,000
batterys ; 10,000

Wepons :
Turrents : 20 ( 10 top / 10 bottom)
Standard guns : 3

------Thats It -------------------------------

You'll Live!