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tc mod

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Post Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:44 am

tc mod

ok ive decided imm going to try and make a TC mod ( a bit like freeworlds but not based on star wars) ive found the collection of ships imm going to be using, and ive got the basic idea of hwat i wish to create.

i need to know the following thing:

1. How to wipe all the old systems out and start a fresh using fReelancer explorer, when ever i use the deleat all systems option it works but then when making a base it provides no templates.

2. How do you make you own nebule.

3. How do you set real patroals, like when u see cargo ships using trade lanes and docking at pantes and stuff.

4.Rename factions and set new ships for that faction.

5. how to make new equipment ( sheilds and thrusters ) and change color of tractor beams.

6. player drops loot

Also if any 1 has a link for these topics.

Making guns.

Making info cards for the guns.

Making new cargo.

making your own wreckage drops.

setting resonable bettle ship spawns, like only one every 3 mins, ive seen other mods where u undock and theres like 8 battle ships and crousers flying about.

i could do with some help with this if any one is up for it.

if u can help me or want to join me making this then leave a post.


Post Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:48 am

some_guy welcome to TLR .Here are a couple of pointers for you.

1) Download and install the SDK 1.5

2) Get the new version of Freelancer explorer as it fixes the template problem.

3) Start reading all of the editting forum threads, especially the tutorials forum and the two newbie threads in the general editting forum. Unlike most games that are moddable Freelancer doesn't have a toolkit to do it for you (MS doesn't like people messing with their stuff), which means to do what you want to do ,you'll have to learn how to edit the files by hand. Most of the tools that we do have were created by the people in the freelancer community so that they could mod the game.

Post Sat Jul 09, 2005 10:19 am

ahh n1 ur grate help, i dint know about the new FLE, i got sdk in so imm rdy to go, ill take a look around

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