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I need help real bad!

Advertise for Modelers, Programmers, Webmasters, INI Editors, Script Experts, Adventurers, Servers, or anything that has to do with a project

Post Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:22 pm

I need help real bad!

I have several files for a mod like the thrusters and everything.

But i don't know how to combine it into a mod so I can activate it.

I have all the parts of a mod but can combine to instal.

Help me!!!

E-mail me at [email protected]

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:56 pm

To put your MOD together all you have to do is use the same folder structure...

In other words make folders using the same name as where the file came from...
Follow the same tree structure that the Freelancer files are in and then use...
edit - select all
right click on the files and select - add to archive (zip)
then name your mod...example
and zip it up
presto you have your mod ready to use with the Freelancer Mod Manager.

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