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Help please !!!!

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Post Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:06 am

Help please !!!!

hi i came up with a good idea for a Mod but for this to work i need to make a Model on Character edit that makes you look like a robot or even how can i make the Model myself and add it into it (i dont know how to mod so i will need help) i already have the idea of what he will look like thanks for your help

Post Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:21 am

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can easily change Trent to a robot by replacing:

head = pi_pirate5_head
body = pl_trent_body
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left


body = robot_body_a
righthand = robot_hand_right
lefthand = robot_hand_left

Just a note, but that includes the head. If you leave Trents head, it will look very funky. Believe me, I've tried it.

Post Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:47 am

how do i change it then i tryed in the editor costumes file but it didnt work and i mean how can i make a custom costume and add it in not make him a robot that was an example

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