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HomeWorld Mod

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Post Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:41 am

HomeWorld Mod

I need some help for my Homeworld mod Idea. I am a complete newb to modding, and I need some serious help from Experienced modders. I'll can make weapons and thats about it.

So please help me make this mod successful

CEO and Emperor of the Samura heavy industries and empire-CYOF2
President of Liberty- CYOF 3
Supreme Overlord of the Junkers and Miners Guild- CYOF 4

Voted Best Explorer in CYOF 2
Voted Best Backstabber in CYOF 3
Voted Best Corperation, Tied for Most powererful faction, best backstabber, best sneak attacker, best tech and most effective fleet in CYOF 4

Post Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:52 pm

There's already a homeowrld mod. Try the mod search. Oh, and GB, I need some battle results on SWTwi...

Post Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:36 am

I know theres a Homeworld mod, but I'm making another one. IS That ok with YOU?!

CEO and Emperor of the Samura heavy industries and empire-CYOF2
President of Liberty- CYOF 3
Supreme Overlord of the Junkers and Miners Guild- CYOF 4

Voted Best Explorer in CYOF 2
Voted Best Backstabber in CYOF 3
Voted Best Corperation, Tied for Most powererful faction, best backstabber, best sneak attacker, best tech and most effective fleet in CYOF 4

Post Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:35 am

Why? I think creating a mod is great, but there's no point cloning another.

Post Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:49 pm

Well its just like having TIE universe and Freeworlds. There both Star Wars mods, but completely different. I'm trying to make a Good Homeowolrd TC mod.

Oh yeah anyone wanting to help with the project, the official site for the mod is:

I need some people good with creating ships and anything else that my be usefull.

I can make the weapons and systems. But as far as ships go I need some help.

CEO and Emperor of the Samura heavy industries and empire-CYOF2
President of Liberty- CYOF 3
Supreme Overlord of the Junkers and Miners Guild- CYOF 4

Voted Best Explorer in CYOF 2
Voted Best Backstabber in CYOF 3
Voted Best Corperation, Tied for Most powererful faction, best backstabber, best sneak attacker, best tech and most effective fleet in CYOF 4

Post Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:33 am

Nice to see you alive and well, even though your did ban me from your forum. Going to run this project for a week and give up as well?

Post Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:41 am

Outcast what are you talking about. I'm reset the game as about half of the people playing weren't even posting. the game is going to restart. and I don't give up on projects. I don't know where you got that from but thats ludicris.
And your banned until you apologise for what you said. And I don't personally care if you come back. If it was up to me you wouldn't be coming back, but people in your faction want you back so until you apologise your not coming back.

anyway, I found some pics of some of the ships and was wondering if anyone would be interested in making them. Considering that I know squat didaly about making ships. I'm almost finished with the Ion Cannon weapon and I am getting ready to test it out. Again modders are wanted to assist me in my homeworld mod.

The site is found here:

Edited by - Gunblader on 6/13/2005 11:54:24 AM

Post Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:28 am

Ok, I'm sorry, but I was very pissed at you deleting the galaxy I was just about to take over. I was going to win in a few turns! Can i come back now?

Post Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:21 pm

yes you may come back. And read some of the threads, you won. And I would be honored if would help me with the mod.

Ok I found some pics of some of the ships, Almost finished with Ion cannon weapon.

Edited by - Gunblader on 6/14/2005 9:24:42 PM

Post Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:23 am

Two major problems.

1. I've never played Homeworld in my life.
2. I cant mod.

Post Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:29 am

I thought you could make ships?

Post Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:19 am

Who told you that?

Post Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:06 am

I thought you said you could in the discussion for the CYOF 1 mod

Post Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:48 am


Post Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:12 pm

I can make ships, weapons and everything that comes with it, but I have one question:

I'm wondering if this mod is set in the Freelancer's Sirius Sector. In that case I'm not in because frankly, I don't like that idea. If it isn't, then maybe we could come up with something.

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