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First Visual THN Editor

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Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:02 am

First Visual THN Editor

Hi, As You all know this place isnt very famous at helping people out, so this is what we have:
We are making the first THN editor with Visual Outlook, that means everything goes fast and simple.
We are currently making the Interface and soon we need help with the Realtime 3D display.The team currently making it is: The Babylon 5 Total Conversion for Freelancer team. Anyone who is Interested, please visit our Forums and notify us with intent of Cooperation. Please think about it and make a Favour to your fellow Mod-Team Members to help us with this Project
Our Forum is here:
Later If its finally ready we will Release it in The Lancer Reactor

Edit: Edited some Stuff, that was a bad idea

Edited by - Foxer on 4/20/2005 10:03:11 AM

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:27 am

All the best with getting people to help out.

Thank God that people like Matt Lieder, Joe Boomz, Dixi, Mario "HCL" Brito, Accushot, Shsan, Louva Deus, Watercooler, Crabtree, Anton, Redeye... and all the other tool makers, didn't share your idea of making their tools exclusive to only those who could help them out.....

Speaks volumes imo.

Edited by - Chips on 4/20/2005 9:51:04 AM

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:45 am

As somebody who has been behind the scenes with a lot of the recent development projects, either as a kibitzer, tester, scenario-creation person, etc... well, I can't say that I find what you're saying to be all that intriguing. I only work with people who're committed to keeping their methods and tools open and well-documented, and who're dedicated to the FL modding scene as a whole.

When you say that you're going to keep your project to yourselves if you don't get whatever you want, it makes you sound like the llamas of the past, who built various things around here as demonstrations of their "leetness" and then declined to share their methods and tools with the community- whereupon they became lost when those people left the Forums.

Which is one of the main reasons, imho, that it's taken so long for us to solve certain problems- I, for example, have had to reconstruct a number of private methods and document them for the community, because I cannot stand the idea that I know something useful and am not helping all of the people here who aren't as "advanced" as I am- I was a modding newbie only a few months ago, after all. I am planning to document THN scripting and custom-built Rooms at some time in the fairly near future (when my current mini-project is done), so by the time you get some sort've neato visual GUI done, it may be a moot point anyhow. You can feel free to build off of that work, or whatever, but I'm certainly not going to help you if you're not committed to releasing the tool to the public... and now that you've said what you have, I wouldn't ever be willing to trust you enough to give you my time

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:50 am

Well....Im sorry if its insulting or anything but it seemed to be the only way to get some attention.....
Our C++ Programmer estimated 1 Year until its finished if he has no help
And TLR never is very good at finding help
I sincerely hope, that people here would just join together and forget their differences to build a better place for all of us....
Can you imagine how simple it will be if its ready?
For intros you can just Pick Objects and place them in the 3D View and move them around....make paths and assign ships with Engine Flares on them.....
Can you imagine how Easy it will make all the Work? After that there can be Custom storylines and alot More!
But this huge Project cant be finished by one Man who already has his Personal life and stuff....
Si I sincerely Hope, that we can all work on this, release it here and then Enjoy it

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:53 am

Hmm..good call Chips.

Hows about we DONT help you, DONT answer any questions you may have and generally ignore you. Firstly, a visual THN editor would be nice, but it can be done without. Anybody who did release one, would have my thanks.

The fact that somebody exists in this community with the attitude of "either help or we wont release it to you" is crap. If everybody had that attitude, you wouldn't even be posting here as we wouldn't have any modding tools and the scene would be dead.
I would love it if maybe all of the people Chips mentioned decided that you weren't allowed to use their tools. You wouldn't even have a modding team.

Well done, it seems that only you and your 5 members will have access to this fantastic project that you are making.
Some people on here will know me or my Swordsman alter ego as a helpful person. Somebody only has to drop me an email, or ask in here, and if I know, I'll tell. Chips is the same. As is Anton. As is Glock36. As is Argh. And Accushot, I could go on and on. As is everybody who is worth a damn in the community.
If you dont want other people using your fantastic little invention, dont release it. But if you're taking that option, less of the "I am the gods gift to coding. Kneel or be smited" approach. It will win you no fans.
I have an utter hatred of people who do what you are proposing to do. I will remember to boycot your project, and advise others to do the same.

Now, normal programming is to be resumed...

Edited by - devineman on 4/20/2005 9:56:24 AM

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:55 am

It seems, that it wasnt a very good thing to say, So im willing to Release it in the Lancers Reactor
It seems, that my first opinion was a very bad one to make.
My apologies
And if anyone still is interested, then
We currently need people with:
C++ Knowledge
Graphics Knowledge
THN Knowledge
Some DirectX Knowledge to Render it in Real-Time

Edited by - Foxer on 4/20/2005 10:07:04 AM

Edited by - Foxer on 4/20/2005 10:08:46 AM

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:17 am


Look... here's an idea:

1. Get your coder to design a very simple GUI for the tool. It's not that big of a deal to design something that creates a database of objects and naming conventions, which would then allow people to plug in pre-built Lua and build simple animations, and it doesn't need anything you can't build in VC++ in about half an hour- just some forms, some drop-downs, and the ability to save the results as a THN. Just have it do some very simple things, like build a script that will rotate a camera- the user chooses which axis, and how fast. Nothing fancy... just a way to build a simple THN in a hurry.

The FL engine is just fine for previewing THNs... just replace the Intro Rooms, and you're all set. Sure, it's non-interactive, and debugging it won't be fun, but it'd be a little bit better than what we have to do now, which is to hand-code things.

2. Have your coder release the code and the project here on TLR, so that we can all see that you guys aren't full of hot air... and get some feedback. You've gotta understand here- THNs are one of the last areas that people get into, because they're really pretty complicated, and they're totally unrelated to the rest of the game engine.

That, to me, sounds like the only way you're going to get any serious help- I sincerely doubt that anybody senior will touch your team with a ten-foot cattleprod after your previous posts... those of us who've gained some real skill at this are usually well-experienced with your type of ... person. Prove me wrong- show us that you're actually a nice person, who really would like to help the community, and who really has the chops... and I might bother taking you a little more seriously...

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:23 am

Well....I didnt even hope for any help in this one....
We will make it ourselves then and maybe in the Future we can release it here, but as I told it will take Quite a long time without help.

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:44 am

Foxer, you can always email BP or Eraser - outlining what your after - and you may get a frontpage mention... to try and generate interest. Forums aren't the best place to get noticed!

If your willing to share with people when its done, I am sure BP and Eraser will be happy to make a news page. They may still make one if you aren't going to release it to the community, but I would wear a flame proof suit if you then read the comments section...

However, I wouldn't say that TLR isn't a place to get help... indeed, far from it. Every single mod out there has used TLR as a reference and help facility along their way... even the huge ones. Most tool makers help each other out as well... and I would imagine your best bet to pitching this, would be to angle it along how useful it would be for making a storyline... as lets face it, a years worth of programming to make a intro cutscene animation is a bit bonkers...

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:00 am

I said, that I will release it To the Public and I am also saying, that we need alot of Help
BEcause we have only one C++ Guy and he's name is Tony. And I dont think one guy can make it all Happen
I would really much appreciate if we get this thing working
And the First "BAD" idea was because I have had alot of experience with having no Help at all
I made 5 different topics for Help and yet, no-one answered....
And then I thought this was the only way to get People notice this Project
Dont think of me as some mean "Son of a B***h" I've just been disappointed and turned down so many times, that I just couldnt be nice with it
It really only changes the amount of time needed for it
And if it will take a Year to make it, then we need to use it to finish our MOD (as some or many here have sayd "stupid, Pointless, Boring, **** -Mod"
and then we will release it.
So its quite a difference.....of choosing from few months to 2 years......

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:25 am

And BTW, this isnt Just for making ITRO's, this is for making a whole new Single Player experience with all custom stuff....
That means custom cutscenes, Planetary Camera nad all that stuff Movements...
Finally it will become the Ultimate tool to completely customize Freelancer....but if you dont like it, then you dont have to download it when its ready

Post Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:28 am

Now this part is what you should have said at the start

this is for making a whole new Single Player experience with all custom stuff....
That means custom cutscenes, Planetary Camera nad all that stuff Movements...

Seriously, email BP/Eraser - and see if they will post a note on the front page outlining what you are trying to do, and exactly what sort of help your looking for. Their email addies are in the staff page profile (Home page, top left).

Post Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:59 am


My friend progammes C++, he's right next to me! email him at [email protected].

My site is currently under construction^^

Edited by - cyclonek on 4/21/2005 10:59:36 AM

Post Fri Apr 22, 2005 3:33 am

Ok, thanks

Post Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:02 pm

Most people who know anything... myself included... avoid the help wanted forum. Too many newbies asking for things they could easily learn themselves if they even bothered to look in the appropriate forums, then of course there is the search feature...

Besides that most of the pros don't visit here very often because they are busy with other things or got tired of answering the same questions 99 billion times and counting.

Check out the latest beta's of the Freelancer S.D.K. 1.5 and Freelancer Explorer v2.x

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