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Requesting Help

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:14 am

Requesting Help

I am writing a fanfiction based around a generic freelancer from Manhattan: Harson Danelles. The purpose of this fiction is to emulate Digital Anvil's "Journals of a Freelancer" story - which I greatly enjoyed - :Harson Danelles does not save the world, has no superpowers, does not meet Trent, Juni, King, Orillion, or any other main character, this is simply the story of one adventurous pilot. Harson can, and does, influence the politics of Sirius and the Nomads and The Order are still here, it is just that Harson is not supposed to be particularly special.

Currently Danelles is halfway through his planned year of freelancing, and is working for the Outcasts. His objective is to smuggle Cardamine from Malta to Manhattan, so that he can return to New York when his year is up. The Outcasts have established a new treaty with the Red Hessians following the conclusion of the Battle of Omega-5, so Harson plans to make his run through Rheinland. I thought I would ask you established traders around here: what route should I best take?

This is Harson's reputation with all the factions he has met, though it should be noted that he is disguised as a Bowex trading convoy.

Liberty Police: Hostile
Liberty Navy: Hostile
Liberty Security Force: Hostile
Liberty Rogues: Above Neutral
Junkers: Neutral
Lane Hackers: Above Neutral
Bretonia Police: Below Neutral
Bretonia Armed Forces: Below Neutral
Mollys: Neutral
Corsairs: Hostile
Rheinland Federal Police: Below Neutral, On Alert
Rheinland Military: Below Neutral, On Alert
Daumann Engineering: Neutral
Kruger Minerals: Neutral
Red Hessians: Friendly
Unioners: Neutral
LWB: Neutral
Zoners: Neutral
Outcasts: Friendly, Current Employers
Deep Space Engineering: Neutral, Previous Disguise
Border World Exports: Neutral, Current Disguise
Xenos: Hostile

If anyone turns out to care about this fiction, all contributors will naturally be credited.

Post Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:42 pm

You should probably do this.

Omicron Alpha-Omicron Beta-Sigma 19-Sigma 17-Omicron Theta-Omega 41-Omega-11-(Either Dresden or Stuggart).

This route should help you avoid Omicron Gamma, and be able to swing up into Rheinland and towards Liberty as you wanted. Going through Omicron Gamma would be an option, but it'd be better to just bypass it, as it'd be bad for a freighter to pass through a Corsair nest like that.

Also, what exactly was the conclusion of the Battle of Omega-5?

Edited by - MercZ on 7/26/2007 8:42:40 PM

Post Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:46 pm

Thank you. The conclusion of the Battle of Omega-5 was that, with the help of the LNS Connecticut, captured along with Harson by the Outcasts, the Red Hessians were victorious, Cadiz Base was destroyed, and the Outcasts and the Red Hessians established their treaty.

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