Post Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:54 am

[ZAFT Recruitment and Advertisement

My name is Commander Athrun Zala of the [ZAFT Clan (Zodiac Alliance of Freedoms Treaty) on the Dominatrix server. I have come to Lancers to advertise for my clan, and as a side effect advertise for the server I play on. My clan is a military type clan that, more or less, enforces the law at the Dominatrix Server.

We have 3 ideals that each member has to obey. All other rules are based on the player's morale, ethics and of course, Server rules.

1) We will not engage others when there is no need
2) We will not interfere with other factions situations or complications
3) We will not let other factions threaten us and will defend ourselves with force if need be

Pilotwise, I am searching for good pilots, but above that, I am looking for good people. People who are friendly to other players and will not openly insult or attack them. My thought is: Having good pilots are ok, but its the person that counts.

At this point, we aim to be one of the largest and most feared clans to pirates. We will deter pirates from entering civilized systems at the same time staying true to our ideals.

I hope to see many potental recruits come to the Dominatrix forums ( and PM myself, or e-mail myself at [email protected]. I hope many people will show interest in the [ZAFT Clan.

Thank you for your time.

ZAFT Special Forces Agent, Athrun Zala, Pilot of the Justice

Edited by - [ZAFT_Athrun_Zala on 1/14/2006 10:53:27 AM