Post Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:38 am

Band of Brothers

The Band of Brothers is a paramilitary corporation with its headquarters on Planet Manhattan in the New York system. We play on the GetOnIt Freelancer server.

GetOnIt Freelancer:

Band of Brothers:

Some of the things we do:

* Law enforcement within BoB controlled space. We put a stop to piracy and the smuggling of contraband in our systems

* We patrol the BoB systems helping those that ask for assistance, provided the activity is lawful.

* We take the time to help new players get a start in the game. This is normally done by providing information or helping do missions, etc. We don’t give money.

* We patrol the BoB systems neutralising those players that come on just to be a nuisance to everyone.

* We escort traders of legitimate cargo when requested.

* We take paid mercenary contracts to fight for other clans.

* We catch and ban cheats. (The admins of the GetOnIt server are in Bo

* We treat everyone with respect.

* We have fun. Smile

Edited by - ant on 8/2/2005 1:38:49 AM