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"101st WolfPack"

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Post Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:02 am

"101st WolfPack"

The History of the 101st Fighter Squadron Wolves
Dedicated to the pilots lost throughout our history: Scrafeniac, Focus, Bheliom, Dreadwolf, Whitewolf, and the others that have left a legacy of courage and honor in the Wolf Pack, this is for you...

I guess that it was just fate that brought us along the path. The vast emptiness of the cosmos, a giant mass of nothing that is more unforgivable than the deepest sea or highest peak on any planet. It is the most wretched terrain in the universe…so plain…so simple…so dangerous…so deadly. At first the people of our planet dreamed of entering the great void. It was the only place left for us to go. We just felt so powerful, so intelligent, like we know everything that there is for us to know. The pride our race felt was too much for anyone to comprehend. Our achievements and technology that we had conjured up seemed so advanced, so much superior. We had our whole planet taken under our influence, our almighty empire. All of our findings, our newfound wealth, our military might…everything that we could ever dream of having. All that we had left to do was conquer space. It appeared so easy. Just to snatch away a piece of nothingness. We should have let it go. We should have just stopped and let it be. But it was our race’s eternal desire to have more…of everything, that brought us to this, situation that we have brought upon ourselves. Our unyielding thirst for anything that we don’t already have that has brought us here. Yet it was at the beginning, even in our most primitive state, that we were truly at peace. Now we have learned, we have desired, we have gained as much as we could from what we had. But it is this relentlessness inside of our people, the unstoppable lust for power, intelligence, and any possible luxuries, which has lead us to our, and our planet’s, demise. This is our story…the story of our people…our unavoidable fate. This is how it all began…

Post Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:11 am

The date was the year 2207. Our planet Cypselus was prospering. The United Sekadian Alliance was dominating the star system. Our great alliance consisted of the 2 technologically inferior neighboring planets that surrounded us. With this pact we had also created a great fleet, known as the Sekadian Armada, which would be our main show of force in the following years. We had just conquered the rest of our star system and we did it relentlessly, slaughtering any who came in our path. Those 9 horrific years of killing may have sealed the fate that was given to us. We had brought destruction upon ourselves. Because it was then when the first ships entered our system… the first 2 cruisers…larger than anything that we had ever encountered. Whether they were companions of the people we had destroyed, or just an expansionist alien race, we will never know. All we do know is that space was about to eliminate us. Our time was up. It was now our turn to die. We had finally pushed it too far. We knew that people feared us…but only in our galaxy. Others…well…didn’t care. We weren't’t more powerful than anyone. We lived and preyed upon others. We were always prepared for an invasion…we thought if one should happen we would easily have it under control. Yet again our people were wrong in their thoughts and doings. Why couldn't’t we just have stayed in the confines of our planet?
Our Armada was the most feared force in the entire galaxy…consisting of over 300 frigates, cruisers, and battleships, plus each of their respective starfighter contingents. The Armada totaled over 5000 ships in total…yet it stood no chance against our enemy. 2 more of them, and then 2 more, and then 2 more followed the first 2 cruisers that entered our precious star system, and finally the flagship arrived. It was an amazing sight. The absolute size of the vessel was enough to astound you. Yet it struck utter terror in our hearts. We watched as the fleet of 9 ships neared us. Then in less than five seconds…the Sekadian Armada was reduced to rubble. Only 2 blasts from the juggernaut had eliminated our great fleet. Our dear fleet, which was known as the symbol of our greatest achievements. It was gone…all of it. Except for 2 carriers. Then the enemy stuck again. They turned their attention on our beautiful planet. It was the planet that we spent hundreds of years building…creating…and organizing our culture. All of our achievements were obliterated that grave day. All of them, with the exception of the 2 remaining ships of our Armada. Seeming satisfied, the unknown fleet went away after that…leaving those last 2 ships. We had nothing to go back to. Cypselus was in ruins…atomic radiation everywhere. The effects of the attack were irreversible. Our people were destroyed, our planet was destroyed, and our pride will never fully heal. The burden we carry is immense. For it was that day, when the 2 ships left the galaxy; that our everlasting journey would begin. The other frigate decided to go on its own path, separating from us and trying to find a place to settle. We went on by the command of Admiral Saxxon, Captain of the carrier the ANS Europa, who would lead us the rest of the way… deep into the depths of space…the unknown void…simply aspiring to survive.
We are the 101st Fighter Squadron Wolves, the elite squadron of the "ANS Europa".
So feared we were in the galaxy, and the people had given us a nickname…
The Wolf Pack.

We had left the star system. And we left it forever, never to return to the place of our race’s destruction. So we embarked on our journey, deeper into the same void that lead to our people’s demise. We were all distraught. Nobody really wanted to go…but we knew we had to start a new life. There we were, the original major members of this great squadron. Saxxon, he was the most intelligent one of us, and our mighty leader, who would bring us though the upcoming journey. Then there was Scrafreniac, an amazing pilot. He knew all the tricks in his fighter, he could shoot down anybody in a matter of seconds. Of course nobody could forget Orion. Quite a fine pilot himself he trained for battle through dusk and dawn. Darkwolf…the master of aim, of which nobody could escape once he had his sights on them. These were our best; our most honored and respected selection of starship pilots. Saxxon organized the best way for us to survive. We would simply go on deeper and deeper into space, recruiting and training pilots and any possible allies we could find. We were alone, but not for very long.
A month later we would make our first contact with an unknown people. We had come across a planet called Srraat. There dwelled a magnificent settlement of buildings and architecture. There was where we found our first recruit. A young man about 18 years of age was shuttled up to our ship. The people on Srraat felt like helping us on our journey. They said that he had always wanted to fly, especially in space. And he wanted to come with us. So Saxxon decided to let him come onboard. As we would learn later, our leader had made the right decision. Once we continued on our journey Saxxon wanted to see exactly how the young one could fly. Orion was sent to test him in a combat simulator aboard the ANS Europa. Here we found the power and preciseness that the man had. Orion lost for the first time in battle that day. The young man? It was his first flight in space. He was born to fly. Scyther was born to fly.
Throughout the next year, we encountered numerous people. Recruiting was increasing. With the addition of Hawk, Leviathan, Scyther, Stormfronter, and Eagle1, we knew we were finally getting somewhere. This increase in pilots lead to the creation of a new fighter wing: Epsilon wing. Compared with the other wings, alpha beta and delta, it dominated in terms if piloting ability. It consisted of some of the best pilots the 101st Fighter Squadron has ever been privileged to have. Orion led this remarkable group of pilots. Scyther, Stormfronter, and Leviathan staying closely in his wake, ready at every instant to fight for their Wing Commander. Epsilon was the best we had ever known, and they were greatly respected by the others. We had entered the Sol System. Which is where we had encountered more and more people. Enemies. Enemy squadrons coming from alien fleets, random planets, or some were just like us…expelled from their home and struggling to simply subsist. One of which was the Executioners Dynasty. A race of people much like us…exiled from their planet because of their own blatant carelessness. Except that they were out for revenge. We managed to conjure up an alliance with this esteemed group of pilots bent on destroying those who killed and slaughtered for no reason. I guess they knew nothing about our past, and the sins that we had done. Although our days of unforgiving relentlessness by us are long over, we can never forget what we did to those innocent people. We would never do anything like that again; even if it meant the death of us, and of our followers.
But of course with allies there are always enemies. That is the consequence of encounters. And we had an unusual encounter with a squadron called the Grim Reaper Squadron. They were a part of a colossal fleet from the planet Promaedia. They’re cruiser had a faulty jump drive and they got lost in deep space. And they were bent on finding they’re fleet and getting home. They would demolish anybody who slowed them down or stood in their way. At one point, the ANS Europa stood in the way of their cruiser, apparently our helmsman was not paying attention. The Grim Reapers launched their ships…and we launched ours. Thus began 2 long years of war. And again we were on the defensive. They would strike every day and we would be scrambling to defend the ANS Europa. And everyday they would be driven off. For Epsilon it was all just too easy. But they just kept coming for 2 years… no matter how many pilots they lost. Eventually they had to surrender because of internal disputes. They revolted against the demonic person that they had once called leader. We had won the war. But it was at a cost. 25 members of the Europa’s crew were killed, in either a breach in the ship’s hull or the explosion of our power core. All of our pilots survived.
This luxury would not hold for very long. 7 months after the war, Scrafreniac died. Out on a mission to attack a freighter carrying silver from the mining planet of Gaion, he was ambushed by pirates and was killed. The 2 others that were with him managed to eject and were captured. They have never been seen since. Unfortunately for us, this would mark the beginning of a dark time. Arguments started to take place in the Wolf Pack, and all was not going well. Tempers flared when Focus and Talorin fought in the mess hall. Punches were fired whenever Lonewolf said a word. Insults were dealt out when Whitewolf and Tiger lashed out at each other. Epsilon Wing had disbanded. We were falling apart. We should have been gone at that point, whisked away by the immensity of utter emptiness of space. But Saxxon would not let us go down so easily…we only had one purpose: to survive.
We then had a skirmish with the Saiyan Militia. But it was no problem for us. We wiped them out and only 2 of them remained. Zego and Goku were good pilots, and managed to escape. Then it was the beginning of the Reformation. Saxxon had to do something about the status of his squadron. So he had to reform. First was the recruiting of Nessus, Spawn, and Abadon. Plus plenty more recruits from random planets in the Sol System. This was a period if growth. We had to make up for lost time. We encouraged anything that could make us better…more training…more battles. We have made contact with a group of pilots who call themselves Schatten Engel. It is the perfect opportunity to sharpen up our battle skills. We have lost many great pilots in the past. But we will live on to fight. As long as we have a purpose, we cannot be destroyed. The only thing that may destroy us is ourselves. And we cannot allow that to happen. Saxxon will not allow that to come upon us. Now with the resignation of Focus and Whitewolf, who have gone off to settle on Karrakah and start a normal life together, we must continue on. We have no destination. We have no desire for luxuries. We are satisfied. As long as we are alive, we will be complete. We are currently in the Sol System. It has been 7 years since the destruction of our homeworld…In the name of the souls of our fallen comrades:
The Wolves are here to stay!

WP Crying Devil
WolfPack leader & webmaster

Post Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:43 am

Is that logo a wolf or a bear?

Post Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:01 pm

looks like a bear

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:18 am

Yeah, it definitely looks like a bear. sorry, pal.

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:35 am

Hmm bears with white muzzles and the typical wolf distinctive pattern.

OR - you have a clan called wolf pack, but after searching through the thousands of wolf images on Google, you instead plum for a bears face. Do i need to say how ridiclous that sounds/is?

Its a wolf - period.

Furthermore - in a clan post, I cannot believe three people have posted "I think the image is a bear". *sighs* some people.

Edited by - Chips on 7/23/2004 2:37:38 AM

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:47 am

ok, upon closer inspection (admittedly cutting and pasting, then enlarging) i have to admit that it looks more like a wolf than a bear. sorry, potato.

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:32 am

Why you saying sorry to me I only posted the "101st Wolfpack" notice for

WP Crying Devil
WolfPack leader & webmaster over at the Wolfpack

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 4:29 am

Here are the member lists for The Wolf Pack clan on GeminiProjekt and Elite.

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