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PTR-The Gemini Sector

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:49 am

Received, Repaired, and Installed, Sadra's new Mining Base into the mod.
(Took a few attempts to get the docking just right.)

Watch your 6!

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:15 am

Warzog, the workload you take upon yourself is immense. It's hard to believe that you have a job in real life to do alongside this.

I'm sure there are many people here willing to write the rumors and help with the petty work.. (like me!) but Ialso understand that finding computer people who can construct grammatically sound sentences must be like uncovering diamonds in the sand.

Demon textures will be up in a day or so, and Gothri textures soon after.

I wish I had textures for some of the other ships in order to keep the palette similar.. if someone can supply me with textures made for ships like the dralthi and the tarsus it would help me out immensely.

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:33 am

To be honest, until this past month, I've been to sick to work.
I'm currently looking for a new job.

Got about 1/3rd of the bases populated.

Watch your 6!

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:42 pm

Ah, of course, the Dralthi ... we don't have a texture for that either, as of yet I don't think you should be overly concerned about keeping the pallette for the Dralthi and Confed ships similar ... if anything, they should be fairly, if not radically different - these are, after all, alien ships

And warzog ... I salute you. I don't think there's much else to say.

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:58 pm

Nice to see you in here again.
(And Thanx!)

3/4ths of the bases are populated.

Watch your 6!

Post Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:59 pm

Finished populating the bases.
(But it didn't work!)

Then I discovered why...
I kept using the same set of names over and over again.
(FL won't allow that!)
By my estimate, that means I'd have to come up with around 5000 new names!
(I don't THINK so!!!)

As I'm not using the people on the Sirius Sector's bases, I'm going to delete them.
Unfortunately, there are only 1631 names in FL for base personnel to begin with...
(And I have to keep 1-4 names on each of the old FL bases.)
I either need to come up with around 3800 new names...
Repopulate all of the bases using the limited number of names available.

I think I'll go the latter route.
That'll only take a day or so.
Who knows how long 3800 new names would take!?!!

Ever try coming up with a name for a new baby?
Imagine 3800 of them!

Watch your 6!

Post Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:52 am

warzog, let's start a list. If 10 of us come up with 380 names that aint so bad.

Post Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:32 am

Good one!
I had a hard enough time coming up with the 51 names for the wrecks!

While messing around with the mBases.ini I realized that there is a group from FL & Privateer that's conspicously missing.
In FL, you never encounter other Freelancers!?!!
So, far...
There were no Privateers in the mod, either.
Since Trent is in the LSF, I made the LSF, Privateers!
They fly Mercenary ships...
They always fly solo...
You'll only encounter them in larger systems...
They'll offer missions, and accept bribes, on planets, or on a few mining bases.
So be careful!
Don't want your own faction PO'd at you!
(Which is probably why they're missing in FL.)
I'm going to rename the LSF personnel to match the list of people who've contributed to the mod.
After all...
WE ARE the Privateers!!!

Watch your 6!

Post Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:05 am

There are some obvious names to use. For instance in the Confed, Christopher Blair, Maniac Marshall. The Vesuvias could have Admiral Tolwyn.

Thrakhath for the cats and maybe Hobbes. Can anyone remember some of the names that appeared in the orignal Privateer game. Not like Sandoval who had no ship, but Roman Lynch and what his henchman's name? What's the smallest faction in FL? Maybe Roman Lynch can have his own tiny Mob empire.

Sir S

Post Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:19 pm

Sir Spectre:
I gave the FL Junkers to Lynch.
The names of pilots is not the problem.
(Got tons and tons of those names.)
The problem is the on-base personnel.
There's only 1631 names total.
and 574 of those are Bartenders, Ship Dealers, etc from the original FL bases.
(I can't touch them without crashing.)
That leaves me 1057 names to work with.
And 396 of those names are for the Bartenders, Ship Dealers, etc in the 99 new bases I've created.
Which drops me down to 661 names for random people on the bases.
I figure that, that gives me about 5 people per star base, and about 9 per planet.
(58 Bases/41 Planets)
My original set-up had 15-25 per base, and 60-85 per planet.
The bases/planets allow anywhere from 4-12 people at a time, so it was quite a nice setup.
(I managed to get New Detroit to work a coupla times.)

As I'm trying to get a new release out, I'm working with what I have, and can add to it later.
As I'm replacing the Bartender, Ship Dealer, etc with Robots, new names are cut by quite a bit.
(I'll just use RoboServant#, or RSV# for them.)
As to the 661 other names, all I need to do is change their faction.
Which I needed to redo anyway.

Currently, I'm reworking the mBases.ini to meet the above criteria.
Each base is getting 5 of their faction's people.
Each planet is getting their faction, and part of a faction without it's own base.
I'm doing them so that each faction is sequential.
In that way, I hope to prevent errors of who's what faction, and what sex, etc.
Once I've finished each base/planet, and used the 661 names, then I'll grab people and move them around to randomize the population.
(They'll take their name with them.)

I'm about 1/3rd of the way through mBases.ini right now.
I figure another day or so should do it.
And then it'll take another day or two to move the people around to balance things out.

Once the next release comes out, and the bugs are found/resolved, then I can worry about adding more people.
I suppose I could always download a phonebook and just delete the phone numbers.

Watch your 6!

Post Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:05 pm

The obvious solution would seem to be to pick names from Origin and the Wing Commander community in general. I mean, it's what they did for Wing Commander IV

Post Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:58 am

While taking a break...
I realized how much I really hate the Manhattan base in FL.
(Probably from seeing it a gazillion times!)
Upon search the possible alternatives, I found a base that is fairly similar to the New Detroit in Privateer 1.
If you don't recall...
On New Detroit, you land on a pad high up on the side of a building...
It's always raining.
New London, in FL, is an almost exact match.
So, I've replaced the Manhattan base with it.
Looks really nice, and it just feels better.

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:54 pm

Advanced technology mixed witch old London architecture, monuments in shipyard ... in one word kitsch. More S-F PLEASE !!!

Post Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:05 pm

Ca?y Fl nadaje si? do wymiany, co za durnie biora si? za tego typu gry, tragedia,
Trent wygl?da na modela prosto z wybiegu, kostiumy postaci do bani, ze nie wspomn? o koszmarnych komunikatach pojawiaj?cych si? w grze, masakra.
Prawd? powiedziawszy nigdy nie ukonczylem FL , po prostu mnie odrzuci?o.
Niech stanie si? cud i kto? zrobi Privatera w 3D....

...voice from another dimension

Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 12:33 am

1) Needed a base that matched New Detroit, New London does.
2) Needed a base with constant rain, New London does.
3) Wanted a base seldom visited.
(I think I've gone to New London maybe 2-3 times out of the hundreds of times I've run through the game.)

I think I found a major cause of bugs in v3.0!
When ships query each other, IE "Drop your Cargo" it causes a CTD.
I just tried adding the voice mod back in, and got a CTD every time I queried the Mercs.
For now...
The voice mod is out!
I did put the music mod back in.
With all of the bases matching Privateer, now...
I've matched the music to the bases.
(There's still a few FL tunes in the mod to prevent to much boredom.)

After all...
I'm shooting for a Privateer "feel," but with some of the more advanced FL features included.

Watch your 6!

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