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New Mod Idea!

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Sat May 08, 2004 6:39 pm

New Mod Idea!

I was wondering if any of you guys like the Privateer series of mods for freelancer? Or if any of you like Flight Space 1.1v Mod? Or FL Rebalance 3.40?
( I am asking the Devteams to make a Mod that will come all the good parts of their current mods and comibine them into one single awnsome mod) (Personally I think this is a good idea but I do not know how to make mods what so ever.)
(So I am asking the DEV GODS to show their talents once more) PLZ!

If so here is my idea. Make it so that Privateer 2.4 and Flight Space 1.1 into 1 mod. Add the battleship encounter mod but make the orginal BS be replaced with the customed ones. Add a couple of systems that are on the Rebalace 3.4 mod like the Minbare system with their own caps paotroling in that system or sereis of systems. Make sure the right capitol ships are in the right system. EX the Earth Alliance ships (human) would be in the Liberty, Kushari, and Rhinelender the Omega Class destroyer for exmaple in the liberty system and other (human) systems. The Vorlon Planet Killer would go in the Vorlon Space "system"...I jsut think it would be cool if you could fly Wing Commander ships and BAB 5 ships plus other cool ones and get it in the same mod.

Cpt. Starwarrior

Post Sat May 08, 2004 7:09 pm

starwarrior you are posting in every single forum. I understand this is more the forum you want to be in, but don't cross post!!

EDIT: Okay, you've posted here, in General Editing, Off-Topic, Freelancer Discussion and Babylon 5. Please don't post any more of the same thread in any more forums. And don't use ALL CAPS in the subject line (your other posts). If you want to be a nice guy and not get into trouble with the moderators, you should delete some of your posts.

Sir S

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 5/8/2004 8:15:42 PM

Post Sat May 08, 2004 7:22 pm

I want to leave these up ok. B/C the MOD IDEA is about them.

Cpt. Starwarrior

Post Sat May 08, 2004 7:27 pm

Several of the ships that are in our mod are here only by special permission from their modeller's.
Even if we wanted to, we can't give permission to use them in other mods.

On a personal note:
I've never been fond of crossing series with each other.
They tend to be lop-sided in favor of the author's favorite series.
In Privateer: The Reckoning, we have a set of standards that allows combining of ships from different games into one, coherent mod.
Trying to calculate how much damage a weapon in Star Wars does, compared to one in Wing Commander, compared to one in Star Trek, compared to Freelancer, compared to Starlancer, compared to whatever, is nigh onto impossible.
As is calculating thrust, turning, handling, power generation, power consumption, shield strength, etc.
While combining series may sound fun, and may be somewhat entertaining, having a true balance is difficult.

And I should know...
Balancing everything from one universe, one series, and about a dozen games, has been daunting!

Watch your 6!

Post Sat May 08, 2004 10:07 pm

Thankyou warzog.

I am glad the poster above likes the Privateer Mods though!

Post Sun May 09, 2004 4:39 am

Wow. Thanks. But if were lucky we might get the Starfury team to help a little. Maybe.

Cpt. Starwarrior

Post Mon May 17, 2004 8:51 am

Maybe we could all sign a petition asking them to help us. By singing the petition that will show how much we want this mod to be made. It would benifit all parties involved if we send them all our petition. ( sending to all I mean to send only to the modding teams involived in this project hopefully)

Post Wed May 26, 2004 7:14 pm

I'm certainly willing to donate as much as I can to this project, as long as I'm not the one making it <G> I mean, let's face it: as warzog said, this sort of thing has so much ego-wagging it'd be the most controversial mod. I'm not sure I know anyone willing to deal with that sort of thing.

Post Wed May 26, 2004 8:16 pm

Currently, there are several mods doing it, or trying to.
I've had several requests to use the ships in our mod, but I've directed them towards the modellers, as I can't give permission for the models.
I have given permission to use my Spinning Planets and AI coding.

Watch your 6!

Post Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:40 am

I am not asking you to design the modd just help. I have no coding experience, but I have uniquie ideas, like this one for example. LOL. We only need a excellent coder, modder, and support members plus the permission to use their ships in this mod.
If we get all this then we will be off to a good start. Now lets try to complete this first. Once that is done then lets move to the next objective.
Oh Thanks for your support.

Post Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:02 am

I think it's a terrible idea. Mixing all those mods and themes up. I got really bored with the Rebalance mod because of it's mad mix of ships. WC-anything especially needs to remain as pure as it can be (so we can all pretend it still is Wing Commander and the series never ended)

..i was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now..

Post Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:15 am

Lots of people have "unique" ideas. Some of them are even good.
This, IMO, is not one of them.

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