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Another Whale on Prozac?

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:12 pm

Another Whale on Prozac?

Well, now it seems we might have another whale on prozac {Humpback was original}.
The Pakthan has a nice loadout but P/Y/R is awful. It turns so slow it is nearly useless in combat. Really a bummer to have a fighter fly like a frighter stuck in half-froze molasses.

It is hard to soar with eagles when you fly with turkeys.

Post Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:28 pm

the Pakthan was never meant to be a fighter , first and foremost it is a bomber class vessal , and bomber class vessals in Wing Com are always as manoverable as a brick in molasses

sure the Pakthan feels bad but what ship do you think it should fly like ?

Post Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:55 pm

I've set up all of the equipment, weapons, loadouts, and ships according to stats I got and Wing Commander CIC.
And as you've discovered, the Kilrathi ships were designed to be destroyed, not flown.
The only thing that truely makes them appear more awesome is the game that they're from.
As adversaries, they're not bad in Freelancer, but they excell in the Wing Commander games.
But, I'll try and tweak it a bit.
But remember, the Paktahn is a Kilrathi Gunboat.
And Gunboats are slower than molasses.
(Which is why they always have a wing escorting them.)

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Apr 29, 2004 7:33 pm

Thnak you for the elucidation. BUT since escorts are NOT possible in FL then a bit more manauverable would be nice. Thanks.

It is hard to soar with eagles when you fly with turkeys.

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