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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD Beta 2.4 Feedback

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Sun May 02, 2004 10:22 pm

From what warzog's done, yes, yes they can And go ahead and take all the time you want, Perry's too important not to be perfect

Another question: I've downloaded the Galaxy textures, and they look nice, but which goes where? Do you have some kind of diagram on how things go together? That'd be helpful .


Post Mon May 03, 2004 12:45 am

Bob- Unfortunately I dont even have a model of the galaxy to look at.

I made these textures in hopes that the texture-applier could figure something out himself. If I had some model pictures then maybe I could draw some diagrams.

Maybe I should install my old version of 3dsmax, then I could render/texture myself. I havent done modelling in years though.. ;(

Where are you located, btw? We might be in the same time zone. I am in (east) Germany.

Post Mon May 03, 2004 2:23 am

bob with that modeling youd make cris roberts proud 8)

seriously, i get all nostalgic just looking at that thing. if the rest of the bases you crank out are of this quality we are gonna be fine

Who dares wins

Post Mon May 03, 2004 2:43 am

New Perry textures are being uploaded now. I decided to add the "grid" with a few grey panels. I also lowered the PERRY 05 down a ways, so its closer to the vents. Tones were also altered to make it closer to blue than green.

Please render and post!

Three textures: One with the perry 05, one without the perry 05, and one background.

Post Mon May 03, 2004 3:09 am

I live in Hawaii (GMT-10). though recently I tend to be up until around 2 AM (that's 1 PM?) So if you want to catch me when I do the late-night forums sweep, try early afternoon at the latest.

I'll swap out the textures for the new ones. Maybe I can grab a picture of the Galaxy while I'm at it. (BTW, to Havoc: could you upload the galaxy to the FTP? I seem to have lost it among all the junk on my HD ... :\)

Post Mon May 03, 2004 3:34 am

Ladles and vents, the amazing (evolving) Perry!

Post Mon May 03, 2004 4:54 am

I like it. I like it so much, I don't know what more I can do with it. Maybe a few more grey panels? Maybe darken them just a tad. I can't say. This final evolution might do it!

edit: that looks better than the original

PS: I used to live on Oahu 10 years ago.

Edited by - lvxoccvlta on 5/3/2004 5:57:31 AM

Post Mon May 03, 2004 6:12 am

I can almost see Admiral Terrel staring out his window.

Sir S

Post Mon May 03, 2004 7:04 am

Found some bugs...not sure if this is from "original" Freelancer or not.... two rumours have errors, one from Willard Research station after big battle, the other from Mactan Base. It comes up with coding information ie :
?xmlversion"1.0"encoding="UTF-16"2><PUSH><TEXT> rumour message followed by><PUSH/><TEXT>msg.

Also..there are too many hardpoints on some of the ships I remember from Privateer.
Tarsus only had capability of 2 guns and they mounted on the side of the cab...

The Galaxy only had provision for 2 turrets, 1 top and 1 bottom. Also the Galaxy engines are not oriented properly, especially the top 2 seem to have switched positions

Any chance of getting cargo delivery missions? The original Privateer had you able to get cargo delivery missions from the terminals, usally they were fairly dangerous for freight type ships.


Edited by - Quixotal on 5/3/2004 8:29:51 AM

Edited by - Quixotal on 5/3/2004 8:32:11 AM

Post Mon May 03, 2004 11:00 am

quix, we cant add mission types because they are hardcoded into the .exe file. we may be able to tweak some conversations to make it seem like your on a mission, but im not sure if that will work

Who dares wins

Post Mon May 03, 2004 2:40 pm

In Privateer, the ships were ballanced amongst each other.
As were the ships in Wing Commander, Wing Commander II, Wing Commander III, Wing Commander IV, and Freelancer.
Now, we're trying to do the same ballancing act, but with ships from 6, or more, games.
Combine that with models like the Banshee, who's creator gave us permission to use it as is, and unaltered, and you'll find flaws with every ship in the mod.
While we are trying to be as faithful as possible, that's not always possible.

Perry looks much better than the one I tested.
Did you move the docking points?

Found the Mission 07 bug-tried using a non-existant loadout!
Missions 9 & 10 show signs of a minor bug-you fly to a waypoint and everything stops! If you move-Look OUT!!!
Missions 11 & 12 have an intermittent bug-and it only occurs when I use Fussion Cannons & Torpedoes, whereby the jumpholes are locked, or your next waypoint doesn't activate.
Just starting Mission 13, so no report on that yet.
FLspew.txt keeps reporting a "no file assigned" error that I can't isolate.

Watch your 6!

Post Mon May 03, 2004 3:13 pm

I like it. I like it so much, I don't know what more I can do with it. Maybe a few more grey panels? Maybe darken them just a tad. I can't say. This final evolution might do it!

As long as I don't have to remap the textures :p

Perry looks much better than the one I tested.
Did you move the docking points?

Sadly I'm not totally certain how to do that Maybe Swiftr or whoever was doing that could help?

Post Mon May 03, 2004 4:37 pm

More bug finds...When I reached Bretonia space, and started killing attackers, the Kilrathi faction now begins listing twice under Reputation

Apon landing on Cambridge with the Galaxy freighter, as the movie camera angle looks up just before the Galaxy lands, the ship disappears and only the weapons/addons show momentarily before touchdown

Alot of the stations/outpost in Bretonia space are only selling pets and wood, and not paying much for essentials like food items, pharmeceuticals etc. This is true more so near Leeds area


Post Mon May 03, 2004 4:55 pm

quix, with any user made ships the model will disappear briefly when the ship moves across the edge of the screen. not sure why it does that, but if you just blink at the right time you dont even notice it

Who dares wins

Post Mon May 03, 2004 6:13 pm

>>Flight horizon plane of view streaking

After Mission07, while in Kusari space before meeting up with Ozu, the graphics degrade and the "plane" of view streaks along the flight horizon. These are straight line streaks that seem to be synchronized in tempo with the orbits of the planets in Kyushu and New Tokyo systems. After meeting up with Ozu and heading off to capture the artifacts transporter in Honshu, it stops.

Don't know what's causing it but, like I said, the planar streaking seems to be synchronized with the planetary rotations.

I cannot get it fire more than once until the first warhead explodes. It often explodes only a few meters in front of my ship. I assume it has hit a stray object or something, not sure. I reset the delay to 0 as recommended but I have not noticed any differences between this and the original delay setting.

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