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Rules Of Engament!!

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Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:01 am

Rules Of Engament!!

If you accidently hit a military or police vessel, will it then attack immidiatly or does it take several hits to piss off the law..

The question is of course kin of retorical, but how much leeway does one have??

-------> When playing is taken seriously...

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:14 am

From what I could see in one of the recent videos it takes quite a few shots but it will totally depend on your reputation with that faction.If you're allied with them you'd be given a warning like in the recent videos with that sabre very heavy fighter,if you're are neutral they'll probably warn you as well or engage immediatly & if you're enemies well,it all goes down hill from there.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 2:17 am

It mostly depends on how strong your weapons are relative to the strength of the ship you hit. If you have weak guns against a stronger ship, it will take a lot more hits. If you have strong guns against a weaker ship, it might only take a couple. If it's a huge technology gap, like a Titan against a Patriot light fighter, then they might only take one hit before they turn hostile, because that one hit might obliberate their shields.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:24 am

i don't know about you but if im attacked by anyone...that isn't in my squadron he can kiss his you know what goodbye.
I guess we'll find out soon enough
Phoenix out

"In War Resolution, In Defeat Defiance, In Victory magnanimity, In Peace Goodwill" Winston Churchill
"no one ever won a war by dieing for his country...he won a war, by making the other dumb bastard die for his!!!!!" General Patton

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:36 am

Lol.. I'll be right with you on that one.

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