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Crossfire NPC nanobot/shield battery use...

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Post Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:47 pm

Crossfire NPC nanobot/shield battery use...

I was hoping someone could give me some tips when fighting the npc's in this mod. I MUST be missing something obvious here, because surely the single player missions weren't meant to last up to 30 minutes each because of the npc's seemingly endless supply of shield batteries and nanobots is it? I mean, I like a challenge, but I am currently alt-tabbed out of the game because I was getting close to smashing something because of sheer frustration. I've been chasing/shooting one ship for about 10 minutes now and I've had them down to less than half hull multiple times, and I just chase them around a small asteroid and ... oopsy...full hull and shields suddenly. Again. 10 minutes of effort for nothing.

Is there a way to turn off the npc's using nano's/shield bats for single player? The openSP story sounds intruiging and I like the fact that tons of content has been added, but if every mission I take lasts this long I'll just uninstall it. It's not worth the frustration.

EDIT: I JUST finished the mission now.

Edited by - Jagadance on 6/6/2007 2:08:59 PM

Post Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:43 pm

that happens most time when ppl are new to the mod
CF was designed for experienced players and those which like the game very hard... after some time you will get familar with it and learn to kill such npcs without any probs

Post Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:24 am

Well, I think I'll have to give this mod a miss then. I don't really have a desire to dedicate my life to become adept at Freelancer hehe. It's a shame, because I liked a lot of the ideas in the mod. I think an openSP option to disable the npc's using nans/bats would be a solid option for the mod.

Post Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:28 am

why dont you just get better equipment first before you fight those npcs?
there are many ways to get started and get enough money to by good ships and equipment... very likely it will be much easier for you to fight then

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