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Most money pr. mission ?

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Post Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:40 am

Most money pr. mission ?

After the story has ended, and you search around the galaxy, where have do you make most money pr. mission ?

I'm at the Rheiland System, and by the Hamburg Planet, I make about 16.000 to 19.000 credits pr. mission. Is there anywhere you can make more ?



Post Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:41 am

sure head to the omicrom systems, there you can make 190,000 - 235,000. be warned, those are NOT for the timid. You will need to get on of the VHF like eagle or sabre, eagles the easiest to get from Freeport 9 in omicron theta, which is run by the zoners. You can also pay the bribe to get freindly with corsairs, and go to gamma, which is reached thru the jumphole south of FP9. you can get to omicron theta from sigma 13, or go to sigma 17 from kusari, (forget which system) then to sigma 19, then to theta. get a cls 9 sheild at least, and make sure you get some good cls 9 or 10 guns, as the corsairs are no pushover. and one more thing, eagle and sabre both sell for 558,000. titan is 700,000 or so.

good luck


Post Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:15 am

DAMN, thats a lot of money ;o) - is there a system that's ready for me ;o) - I started the game for not so long again, after it was on the shelf for 2 years ;o) - my ship is still the anobis with shield class 6, but pretty good weapons. Where can I go to make some money on missions. Is there anywhere I can make more than 20.0000 whith my eqipment I have now, or will I meet sudden death ;o)

Thanks, by the way - I will visit the Omicron system when I have enough money to buy the bribes and get the Titan.



Post Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:56 pm

Chances are very likely that if you try any higher paying those in Omicron Alpha against the Bounty Hunters...especially in a LVL 6 max're toast.
I remember one time I took my shiney new Anubis on a mission against the Unioners once.... I'd swear one of them fellas had a Sunslayer Loadout.
I never blew up so fast in all my life.

Just remember, the higher you get in level...the NPC's will also increase in their levels too.

Post Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:38 am

The Anubis may be the best ship the Order has to offer, but it is small fry when you go up against the real VHFs. I remember exploring in Rheinland space, thinking my Anubis was hot stuff ... until I got jumped by Red Hessians in Sabres. I barely managed to escape through the jump gate and reach the nearest station. I'd had both wings shot off (losing the guns on them), had used all of my bats and bots and was down to the last square on my hull strength! Once I patched up my Anubis, I immediately began looking for a stronger ship. Even the Bounty Hunter's top ship beats the Anubis.

Before you go after those top paying missions, make sure you trade that Anubis in on something stronger. After all, you will want to use those level 10 guns you've probably found on Rheinland and Bounty Hunter wrecks by now.

Post Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:19 pm

I've always been a fan of the Bounty Hunters top ship, Hammerhead. I use it to take down other human characters in eagles and titans It doesn't have near as much armour as the other VHFs, but its incredibly manueverable.

Post Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:08 pm

Pah. It might make it easier to have a Class 9/10 VHF, but it's very much possible to beat high-level contract missions and even Nomad encounters with lower-level gear. It's quite a bit more challenging and a lot more rewarding to play the underdog.

I've gotten rather rusty since I don't play a lot anymore- I tend to use either the Anubis or the Stiletto as my ship of choice (never did play much MP) for combat. Back when FL was my main game, though, I loved flying into all those hazardous zones and high-level missions with my trusty Patriot and a full load of Ripper mines... aaah, good times. With payouts like those, the $7,229 price-per-shot wasn't all that painful either.

"Need" is relative. once you get past a certain point in skill, all that high-level gear starts to get a bit cheezy.

Post Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:55 pm

Don't forget breslin's "starflyer" challenge: beat the story missions with only a Starflyer

Note: i don't know if breslin issued this challenge but he did write a walkthrough on gamefaqs

Play CYOF!

Post Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:35 pm

... or you could play Toolkit 1.3, where almost everything is balanced enough that you can take on anything with anything, and it's all down to skill

Post Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:55 pm

If you are looking to move up in gear from an Anubis, I suggest buying a Valkyrie or a Banshee (if you are good with light fighters). As Nukelt stated: once your skill is high enough you can get through anything with low level ships. (Flashback of smoking HammerHeads with my little Legionaire with 2 adv. Stunpulses and 2 Dragoon type 1s)

Alas, to get good you need to put in some serious gametime so I think the Valkyrie is your best bet for next ship. That got me through alot of flak back when I first started.

Post Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:59 pm

Yeah the Valkyrie is a good all purpose fighter for your point in the game. You will lose some manueverability and cargo space, though. Don't rule out the Falcon entirely either.

Beware pirates bearing gifts!

Post Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:16 pm

Got the sudden urge to play through FL again... not using anything too challenging, just a Dromedary, but I'm rusty as all hell because even with that I'm taking a lot more damage than I should be. Next time I think I'll use a Mule... the last time I did that it ended badly, and I've always been wanting to try it again ever since I perfected my technique with missiles and mines.

Never underestimate the power of engine-kill. Even the most sluggish ship can work wonders with the help of inertia- if you engine-kill and make head-on, thruster-assisted passes while holding down either your left or your right strafe key (strafing does not re-engage your engine, unlike forward or reverse engine controls), AI ships can't target you properly. Add in a little side-to-side motion and you can evade pretty much anything while lobbing indirect-fire weaponry such as missiles and mines in your enemy's general direction.

Doubly effective because the higher your closing speed is, the more damage explosive weapons do. Missiles and mines are thus the salvation of low-level ship pilots, as even a lowly Class 3 Slingshot can deal quite a bit of damage when delivered properly (and just forget about what a Ripper could do).

Post Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:42 am

Well, I just beat it again in a StarTracker, which, in my opinion, is a great little ship. Very manueverable, and not *quite* as delicate as the StarFlyer. Great fun. (Though I will say - going against the Nomads over Toledo is incredibly hard....)

Post Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:06 am

I tried using the Startracker, but I just couldn't get used to having that little firepower to work with. Never beat the game with the Starflier either, though I did do it with a Patriot once.

Post Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:45 pm

I know a good way to earn/make money. And that is to trade, i know it may seem boring but you can earn like 1,000,000 credits if you're kinda rich with certain commodities.

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