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Post Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:21 pm


Is there any possible way to land on Curacao while Liberty hates you in the storyline? I became friendly with them, but they still attack due to the hostile Navy tradelanes nearby. Maybe I need to totally max out my rep with them? Or will their loyalty to the Liberty house corporations still be higher?

Post Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:05 pm

Well, if you're in the story line...chances are likely that you'll have to resort to using the wormholes.
But in your present state of affairs, getting past Mactan is going to be a problem.

Post Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:13 am

Sounds like you are not really friendly, just neutral. If you are friendly with a faction, they will not attack you. But if you are only neutral and a faction they are friendly with attacks you, they will indeed join in.

Post Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:58 am

Not necessarily true, depending on how strongly their alliance is with the faction that hates you. One time I ticked off Universal Shipping but managed to keep all Liberty faction reps in the friendly zone; I flew past Trenton out of carelessness and the whole Manhattan area went red and started shooting me without my having fired a shot. If you're on bad terms with one lawful faction in an area, even so much as one of their ships in the wrong place can turn a whole mess of good guys into your enemies in a heartbeat. I don't know if the same is true of the looser pirate alliances.

Post Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:13 am

Check my thread here on this subject.

Allies in Freelancer

Post Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:06 am

One of the fun things to do after Mission 4 is travel to the badlands (in New York) and kill a ton of pirates (Rogues and Outcasts), until you're clear to land on Manhattan. After that you can fly around New York space with impunity -- quite against the intention of the game designers!

Another way to land on Curacao (in theory, anyway -- I haven't tried this) is to fly to Montezuma, and accept a mission from the Rogues. The Rogues probably have a neutral reputation at this point, thought you might need to fix your reputation a bit before they'll offer you a mission. Anyway, once you have a mission, all the random NPCs that would normally attack you will be neutral until you finish your mission.

The trick then is to just fly directly to Curacao rather than complete the Rogue mission. If the trick works, you'll be able to land because the mission prevents the lanes from registering hostility.

Have fun, and please post again if you try it! Love to hear if it actually works.

Post Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:22 pm

I was going to try it, since I was neutral with the Rogues. But just as I was docking with the Rogue base, the #@%* Corsairs appeared and the base turned hostile! Suddenly, I was being attacked by Rogues and Corsairs, plus some Lane Hackers came along and joined in. I was lucky to get away in one piece.

Maybe I'll try again when I'm feeling suicidal.

Post Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:26 pm

Why do you want to land on Curaco anyways? Just wondered.

Trent: It's not the time, it's the sides that keep changing.

Post Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:14 pm

Sorry. I forgot I posted this question and have been mucho busy (No time for FL).

I am max friendly w/ Orbital btw, I forgot to specify that. The planet is friendly, but as soon as I get near the planet the hostile Navy tradelanes set the Docking ring and nearby Orb ships hostile as well.

I'll try that theory when I get the chance Breslin. Sounds pretty fun

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