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co-op mod?

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:18 pm

co-op mod?

Is there a Freelancer Co-Op mod anywhere? I've just finished the single player again, and I thought it would be cool to be able to play it with a friend

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:14 am

There isn't any such mod, no. Even leaving aside the difficulties in making such a mod, there are logistical problems too. In many of the missions, you do some of it alone. How would that fit into the mod?

Sorry to disappoint but you're out of luck.

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:31 am

Passa your talking old fashioned MP the kind I played, but now days game companies are to lazy to make a real MP like the old days. Many new games they do not even add NPC's to it or the story. Therefore, when a good game comes out that makes MP as good as SP and the same that will be a game to hang onto.

"It doesn’t matter what universe you’re from. That’s got to hurt!"

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