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Freelancer 2 -- Politically Possible?

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Post Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:39 pm

Freelancer 2 -- Politically Possible?

A couple years ago, I proposed a discussion on this forum, that "Freelancer 2 is Politically Impossible."

The upshot: Microsoft would not, in today's political climate, risk any appearance of celebrating terrorism. Obviously, and needless to say, Freelancer *does not* celebrate terrorism, but a bonehead could misread it as such -- and that's a risk that Microsoft won't take (or so I argued at the time).

I paraphrase the previous discussion because it has been deleted from this server, which deletion is of course is just another demonstration that, for political reasons, the discussion just isn't going to get very far.

But now I think times have changed somewhat, and I do not think Freelancer 2 is still politically impossible. For instance, the Warner-Brothers movie "V for Vendetta" aired things out a little bit. (That movie, like Freelancer, could also be misunderstood by a bonehead to celebrate terrorism.) Said one star of the movie, Roger Allam, a brilliant actor and overall genius: "it's nice that we've gotten to a point that we can talk about these things."

(The previous discussion was not directly censored, and I congratulate the admins here for that decision. The discussion came to its natural close, and the thread was quietly deleted some months later.)

Post Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:34 pm

So you think it would celebrate terrorism with pirate groups like Bunschuch, Corsairs, Mollys, my home boys the Lane Hackers, and like that?

When all else fails, tell them you want world peace.

Post Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:46 pm

but when the came came out, the war on terror had already started, for for that reason, might it have been more politically unsound to release it back then?

Post Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:02 pm

Zeta1 wrote:
> So you think it would celebrate terrorism with pirate groups like Bunschuch,
> Corsairs, Mollys, my home boys the Lane Hackers, and like that?

Yes a Bushbrained fool might get mad at the game for allowing people to take the role of anti-corporation. But there's the SP campaign that lionizes the Order.

ubertrekkie wrote:
> but when the came came out, the war on terror had already started, for for that
> reason, might it have been more politically unsound to release it back then?

It was already written, and already slated for release. And at that time, I don't think executive heads were so conscious of the presence of (arguably) terrorist themes in Freelancer -- but thought about it later and probably cringed a bit. Definitely it didn't come out with the concept that it's closely related to the question of modern terrorism. By contrast, "V for Vendetta" does come out with that firmly in mind, of course.

Post Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:32 pm

theres nothing political about this game. what i get from this game is everybody is a criminal from the little junkers to the liberty police. i like sigma 13 that alg asks you to kill samura or the gmg.

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:06 am

Folks, lets stay with the game and away from current modern politics or this thread gets locked.

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:24 am

haven't i seen this thread before? wasn't it called freelancer 2 politically impossible?

bah- seriously i doubt whether microsoft cared a bit about terrorists in space - fyi they appear in lots of scifi, and sometimes in an ambiguous light like the b'jorans on deep space nine. 'nuff said

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:39 am

I dont think it is wrong to sympathise with terrorists. I personally think it aint wrong to sympathise with anyone, they are just so bothering sometimes that we blast 'em to hell...

I might not be very emotionally involved with terrorism, but I tend to associate them with people that have anger against society because of some reasons. Like, I was bullied on my first years at school, it was like this:

going to school = getting bullied

That was the main things about school my first years, if I denied going to school my parents would turn on me, and that is something that you dont want when being under 13 years old. After changing classmates and I got into puberty the bullying pretty much stopped. In a long period after that I had anger at any societical interference. That is because:

Societical interference = school = someone gets bullied

This is why I sympathise a little with terrorists. I hope at least someone understood.

Edited by - erkolos on 9/14/2006 7:40:02 AM

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:45 am

At the risk of getting this thread locked...

A bully, by definition, abuses and/or hurts people because they don't do what he wants or follow his beliefs.

The terrorists openly admit they will kill people who do not convert to their religion. To prove this they have beheaded innocent people on live television, and flown planes into crowded buildings.

Tell me, who is the bully?

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:37 am

Final warning.

Politics aren' t allowed on TLR for a good reason. It leads to flaming and attacks. Limit the discussion to the game and its factions please.

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:40 am

well, this is all very fascinating, but can we get back to talking about FL2?

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:59 pm

Why even try to talk about FL2? It's not like 1500 players are going to charm Microsoft's heart and make them hire DA again to make the game, and I don't think there is a 3rd party company willing to pay the price of paying for the copyrights or the right to use freelancer material, just to come out with another.....crappy 3rd party game to try to make the extra penny, O boy I am sure that it will be worth my 40 dollars.
BTW I don't get why the poster even made this has no point and 99% of it has nothing to do with FL or FL2 at all, now why doesn't the admin just remove it?

Post Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:23 pm

it has no point and 99% of it has nothing to do with FL or FL2 at all, now why doesn't the admin just remove it?

Or just don't comment upon it instead? It'd be wrong to simply delete threads because we deemed them unworthy - where would we draw a line? That's what the rules are for

As for no third party - didn't Ubisoft get a "license" to re-release FL in their gold classics or something? If I remember rightly, it was done about a year ago - AND it includes a no CD patch too...

Only MS could have allowed that to happen, which they did (obviously).

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