Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:18 pm

Important info!

CCN News Correction

We apologize for the mistake but it appears we were given faulty information regarding ASF Sgt. Darth Favre. The deeds previously described were indeed performed by an ASF Sgt but in fact it was ASF Sgt. Darth Reavn, not Darth Favre who is the perpetrator of these heinous crimes. Our bumbling intelligence director George Tennant screwed up again and switched the names.

We would like to issue an official apology to Darth Favre who is now an ASF Captain. CCN has been informed by ASF Headquarters that Darth Reavn has been drummed out of the ASF and has absconded with sensitive ASF information and equipment. He is now a rogue agent of the dark side. ASF Commander Crabtree the well respected leader and founder of the ASF has placed a bounty on Darth Reavn’s head.

Any freelancer who wishes to engage ASF-DarthReavn-Sgt is given ASF permission to hunt him down. But beware, he should be considered armed and very dangerous. DarthReavn’s notorious crimes have required him to take many different names to accomplish his dastardly deeds. The list of known aliases are as follows:






During a heavy hyperstorm we have lost control over all ASF jumpholes, but we have been able to confiscate most of his hidden ships before and been able to inform all our special agents and ASF Members and although CCN News. What we haven´t get at the moment is himself. Think he might appear with one of his last left Aliases we couldn´t find out where they are, these are DarthReavn and Birds-Eye

Hereby the ASF anouncess a reward of 5 $ Million Dollar on his head, he is wanted dead or alive.

Good hunting…

AKA: Alpha_One.

EDIT: @Supersnipa, this is the second thread I've had to remind you about ALL CAPS in the subject line. Do we need to talk?

Edited by - Stinger on 3/24/2004 8:34:47 PM