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>> Freelancer S.D.K. v1.3 (STABLE) and v1.5 (BETA)

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Post Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:57 am

Some issues I spotted in reviewing the SDK 1.5 beta files:


nickname = zone_br01_destroy_vignette_ <--- ???? What number is this?
nickname = zone_br01_destroy_vignette_33
vignette_type = exclusion

No exclusion defined or available for these zones.


nickname = Zone_Br02_003_Jumpgate_to_Li02 might read better as
"nickname = Zone_Br02_to_Iw04"

nickname = Zone_Br02_004_Station_Br02_01 should be
"nickname = Zone_Br02_03"

nickname = Zone_Br02_007_Station_Br02_04 should be
"nickname = Zone_Br02_02"

nickname = zone_pop_br02_california_gate
comment = Kingston / California Gate
should be
"nickname = zone_pop_br02_cortez_gate"
"comment = Kingston / Cortez Jumpgate"


nickname = Zone_Br04_Leeds_death

Guessing from the position of this, I'm pretty sure they ment
"nickname = Zone_Br04_Sun_death"


nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_03 should be
"nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_02" according to pos

nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_02 should be
"nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_03" according to pos

is: star = med_yellow_sun
should be: star = Ew01_yellow_sun


nickname = zone_ku02_destroy_vignette_8
vignette_type = exlcusion

No exclusion defined or available for this zone.


nickname = zone_ku05_destroy_vignette_7
nickname = zone_ku05_destroy_vignette_11
nickname = zone_ku05_destroy_vignette_12
vignette_type = exlcusion

No exclusion defined or available for these zones.

nickname = Li01_space_tankl4_dmg_1
nickname = Li01_space_tankl4_dmg_2
is: parent = Li01_space_police_dmg_1
should be: parent = Li01_Ithaca_station_1

nickname = zone_li01_destroy_vignette_13
vignette_type = exclusion

No exclusion defined or available for this zone.

All occurances of "Hubble" should be Bering.
All occurances of "Aldrin" should be Hudson.

is: nickname = zone_rh01_destroy_vignette_191
should be: nickname = zone_rh01_destroy_vignette_19

St03.ini is missing the following:
nickname = Zone_St03_sun_death
pos = -32480, 12000, -6630
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
damage = 100000
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000

While a few of these might be simply cosmetic, they make it difficult when parsing the files to corelate which is with what. I tried to do this as in-depth as I could with what limited time I have available for doing so.

Post Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:47 pm


Is this just for modding or would i be well served by unpacking this file into my FL directory on my server?

In other words, is this only for creating mods or does it enhance game play on a vanilla 1.0 server as well?

Thanks much,

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:39 pm

Cosmetic i know but since the SDK is about fixing stuff, anyone think about including the rings for the two gas giants in New Tokyo?
They are there on the infocards but not included in the systems.

I speak firstly of planet Fuji,

nickname = Ku01_Fuji_planet
ids_name = 261133
pos = 56342, 0, 42043
archetype = planet_gasgrncld_5000
ids_info = 66071
spin = 0.000000, -0.040000, -0.001000
atmosphere_range = 5200
burn_color = 255, 222, 160
rotate = 0, 0, 0
ring = Zone_Ku01_Fuji_planet_ring, solar\rings\ice.ini

nickname = Zone_Ku01_Fuji_planet_ring
pos = 56342, 0, 42043
rotate = 10, 0, 0
shape = ring
size = 12000, 6000, 200
sort = 0.000000

Secondly of planet Kitadake,

nickname = Ku01_Kitadake_planet
ids_name = 261135
pos = -4336, 0, -51808
archetype = planet_gasblucld_3000
ids_info = 66073
spin = 0.000000, -0.040000, 0.002000
atmosphere_range = 3200
burn_color = 255, 222, 160
rotate = 0, 0, 0
ring = Zone_Ku01_Kitadake_planet_ring, solar\rings\weisser.ini

nickname = Zone_Ku01_Kitadake_planet_ring
pos = -4336, 0, -51808
rotate = -20, 0, 0
shape = ring
size = 9000, 4200, 200
sort = 0.000000

This works nicely i can assure you

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:48 pm

And while we're on the subject of New Tokyo, the planet using the archetype Ku01_planet_storm_5000_1 needs a death zone. This should do the job

nickname = Ku01_planet_storm_5000_1
pos = 56342, 0, 42043
rotate = 90, 45, 0
spin = 0.000000, -0.040000, 0.000000
archetype = planet_storm_5000
atmosphere_range = 5200
burn_color = 255, 222, 160

nickname = Ku01_planet_storm_5000_1_death
pos = 56342, 0, 42043
shape = SPHERE
size = 5100
damage = 2000000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
population_additive = false

Hope this helps

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:23 am

Floating around Omicron Theta i stumbled accross Planet Pygar, when u click on the planet it displays it's name as Zoners Planet. Quick fix for this is as follows,

nickname = Ew04_02_Pygar
ids_name = 261149
pos = -15156, 0, -8978
archetype = planet_desorcld_500
ids_info = 66075
spin = 0.000000, -0.040000, -0.001000
atmosphere_range = 600
burn_color = 255, 222, 160
reputation = gd_z_grp <-------------------- REMOVE THIS LINE

Should now display planet name correctly

Edited by - Gibbon on 10/16/2005 8:23:54 AM

Post Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:38 pm

I installed 1.3 and I had this weird thing surrounding my ship... :s

I reinstalled Freelancer and it was back to normal...

I then installed 1.5 and the thing was back again - I basically can't see a thing because this weird opaque texture thing fills the screen :s

Post Mon May 15, 2006 5:12 am

Try installing the QuickFix Patch.

Post Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:08 am

Freelancer Software Developer Kit ("SDK", is a set of decompressed ini files from Freelancer ("The Game", with many fixes applied to enhance speed and stability in gameplay. The SDK also serves as a clean base for making modifications to The Game. This SDK may only be used as A) a codebase for the purpose of non-profit modding of Freelancer and an unofficial game patch. By installing the SDK you are agreeing to the terms of this license and you agree not to use this package to break any of the terms stipulated in the Microsoft© Freelancer EULA.

Post Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:26 am

The new one says you can only use it for making mods.

Post Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:14 am

My apologies to those who were offended by my previous announcement as that was not my intent. The reason why I am referring people to the =EOA= forums is because I check those far more often than I do Lancers. If you do post here then you must be prepared for a potentially late reply. You can, of course, contact me through the =EOA= contact form on our site. This form is setup to bypass all of my spam filters to ensure I receive your email. If you email me directly you run the risk of being caught in my filters and I will never know you sent me anything.

Click here to visit the =EOA= forum discussion for the Freelancer S.D.K.

Edited by - Louva-Deus on 4/28/2007 7:07:25 PM

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