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Flrebalance 340 Upgrade 2.1 Bug reports, Comments and sugges

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Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 4:18 am

Flrebalance 340 Upgrade 2.1 Bug reports, Comments and sugges

I'm starting this post in order, everyone who has a problem with the upgrade 2.1 comments or suggestions for this mod, to have a place to post...

First of all, I want to thank Michael Dan for his excellent mod and his support, LanceReactor and specially Bakedpotato for this site and his help and all of you for the feedback for this mod.
I'd like to apologize for my English (I have quite basic knowledge) and also I'd like to say that compare with many people in this site, I'm newbie, so any help or suggestions for the problems that are going to occur (hope not) would be great.

Thanks again all of you for your support...

Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 7:40 am

You might already know this, but the Hydra Addon will not work with the Upgrade. Also, the Improved/Deathwish AI mods will not work with it. I know these two are not a Rebalance MOD, but they ARE meant to work with other mods. In FLMM, these two appear as not conflicting with the Rblance or Upgrade2.1 MODs, but I seem to get crashes when I try to activate the AI mods.

But otherwise, great job!

Edited by - Ro9ue on 4/17/2004 8:40:21 AM

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:32 am

This MOD has the potential to become greater.
The arranging between shields-engine blocks-engines-guns power usage, has plenty things to "play with".
Apart from these, you have to fix the extra systems. They need much more consideration of "where and why".
Especially for Earth Alliance System.
I will give more or to become more specific if you want to.
Nice work, anyway

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:06 am

Ro9ue I need you to be more specific with the problem. At what point you get the crashes with AI mods? Is it in SP with Storyline (which point), in SP without storyline or in MP? You get the crashes from the beginning or at a specific area/point?
Improved/Deathwish AI mods are not conflict with FLRebalance or Upgrade 2.1 mods. There is a small conflict between Upgrade 2.1 and Hydra Addon but if you install first Flrebalance 3.40 then Hydra Addon and then Upgrade 2.1 the only problem you are going to have is that the name "Hydra Corvette Prototype B" is going to be "Maine Docking Ring"!!! This has to do with the Modinfo.dll file and is not creating crashes.
I have already try to activate Flrebalance 3.40 + Hydra Addon + Upgrade 2.1 + AI mods and everything seems to work OK.
One last thing. Which version of FLMM you use?

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:20 am

iniochos, yes I would like you to give some more info.
In this area is most welcome any comments or new ideas, so please go on...

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:58 pm

Oh, ok. I had Hydra addon + AI mod + Upgrade when it fisrt came out, but I cannot remember when/where exactly it crashed :/ Sorry, it was a couple weeks or so ago; I just remember having a problem. It was in SP.
However, it COULD have been Upgrade 2.0, and that would explain it
I have FLMM 1.31
But if you say that it works, then I'll take your word from it. I will try it out soon - I started a SP character a few days ago, though, and I don't like to start all over once I start one. So I'll let you know if Ihave another problem.

Post Wed Apr 21, 2004 7:50 am

OK, Here we are
Pirates coming from nowhere. (A station is needed to justify their existence).
The same as in IOWA. An asteroid field might be useful.
Missions inside Sun's Cororna. Make them impossible to accomplish. Not shown on the map (F6).
1.Trade lanes beyond the sector's boundary.
2.Large fleets (Outcasts, Corsairs, e.t.c.) appearing from where. Not a single station or Planet occupied by them.
3.Station around Jupiter. Instead of landing in a station, you are landing on Pittsburg planet ???
4.Planets far away. At four corners of the sector and beyond its boundary, are desert planets. But WHY ?
In all, this system needs to be rearranged.

As a start, i like the way that you try to make the FL's universe 3D alike.
Keep it up the good work.

Post Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:59 pm

This upgrade is great!!

I like the different and so particular bases you have created, whereas i have deleted most of the things the equipement dealer sold in (i prefer to look for them in the entire universe, especially the hardest ones).

I like the possibility to have different random mission level too. It is a great improvement for the game as we can also have fun in New-York at upper levels! But It seems to be just in liberty...

Thanks for this Upgrade. And thanks MD for this magnificent mod.

Post Sat Apr 24, 2004 8:08 pm

Just wanted to throw in my $0.02 about the Earth Alliance system. It's great, but trying to fit them all in there doesn't really work. You can see a couple of distant planets but if you fly past the F6 map boundary to reach them, they give weird names, one of the was the same name as a base iirc.

I suggest splitting the Earth Alliance into two systems, the inner and outer systems. So you could have Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter inside the Outer Earth Alliance, and Mars, Earth, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Sol (the system's star) in the Inner Earth Alliance system. The inner system should be accessible via the Outer one, to give the illusion that it's all one system.

Also, most if not all of the planet descriptions are screwed. The station beside Jupiter does not even have a name, it just shows up as ", Earth Alliance System", so when you launch the announcer says "Freelancer Alpha One dash One, this is, prepare to launch". The infocards for the planets say they are Pittsburgh, and the bases are Battleship Suffolk iirc. I don't know what history is decided for the Earth Alliance system, you'll know better than me what should be in there and why.

Btw the infocard problem seems to plague most planet/base/ship info in Rebalance. I don't know why this happens. Sorry to say, but it looks really shoddy. The LF/HF/VHF/Freighter designations also tend to be vague, if I want to know what a ship is I have to pretend to purchase it, and when the dealer is letting me decide what cargo/items to transfer over, I click on the Shield equipment and check what shield is loaded on the ship. It doesn't help that HFs and VHFs share the same HF-type equipment either, although presumeably they are basically the same class.

Also the very first ship you fly (Starblazer?) itself has a messed-up infocard, instead of the loadout, you get a repeat of the info text, and it looks very sloppy. It's a great mod otherwise, but the untrustworthiness of a lot of the infocards is really annoying.

Edit: Okay, I just realized this thread was for the 2.1 Upgrade, and NOT Rebalance itself. Bad girl Oh well you can recycle my comments for 3.4 Final if you want to.

Edited by - Trucidation on 4/24/2004 9:18:05 PM

Post Sun Apr 25, 2004 5:25 am

well i only just finished d/l the 3.40 (56k modem, and due to what i can only think of as a heatwave, my pc is overheated way to fast) and i just seen this upgrade,
a suggestion, but since my pc overheats so fast i havnt had chance to test, but in 3.30 the engine took enrgy from the wep energy, so basicaly flyin drained ur wep energy, so in dog fights u wud soon be unable to move and shoot!!!
so if it wasnt changed in 3.40, i think it wud be great to get rid of this in ur upgrade, i mean i find it very unrealistic and it really pisses me off when i gotta literaly become a sittin duck so i can fly/shoot agen, and worse of all, cruise engine takes ALOT, so on the guard transport thru ice field, u cant do it cos ur cruise shuts down cos u have no wep energy, but i babblin on now, so if u can get rid of this that'd be cool as far as i think

Edited by - Forbidon on 4/25/2004 6:31:07 AM

Post Sun Apr 25, 2004 6:02 am

That's true, I remember some ships' standard outfit start with poorly-matched powerplants, the popular X-Wing among them. You'd start cruising and then see the power start to drain. IMO cruising should be sustainable with the basic powerplant for that ship. The ability to "fly around" at regular speeds indefinitely (i.e. cruising) should be the minimum requirement for a ship's basic powerplant.

The reason for upgrading your powerplant is so you can deliver more energy to sustain more powerful guns than the basic loadout, NOT so that you can meet the cruise energy requirements -- that should be the job of the ship's regular powerplant. If it can't even handle the cruise drain, the manufacturer has no business mounting such an underpowered powerplant in that ship.

You know, I think afterburners shouldn't have a separate indicator, but use regular power too. Heh. Yeah with some of the more popular loadouts you'd be drained dry, but hey -- afterburners are meant to be used during emergencies only, right? Not for sustained continuous burns like cruising.

P.S. To beat the heat, you can open one side of your PC's casing and direct a table fan at it. Beats mounting all those tiny computer fans which imho are an unnecessary expense unless you like gadgets and widgets and stuff Or move your computer to an air-conditioned room (if you have one).

Post Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:15 am

i have done both of those, and it still over heats, my window, which opens kinda like a door is now open near all of the sunlight hours and i have two normal fans, one pointed @ my mother board another at my graphics card, i had a new more powerful extractor fan fitted on the motherboard aswell, and it still over heats,
but ne-way, its nice to hear sum1 agrees with me, i mean if this wer real life and there were space pirates no company with a sane mind wud link the wep power + the engine power, and as u sed, the ship shouldnt be sold if its own engine cant handle cruise...


All You Touch and All You See
Is All your Life Will Ever Be

Post Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:19 pm

That's strange, any ordinary desk fan pointed at your machine should be pushing enough air to cool it... unless the ambient temperature is already too high. Then it'd just be blowing hot air around :p

The way Freelancer works is that the engines draw power from the powerplant. Otherwise we'd have to refuel manually, and that would be even more of a hassle. You wouldn't have your problem if ALL the ships were created with a default powerplant that was strong enough to handle the default engine coupled to it.

Post Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:55 pm

i have a problem in SP whe running rebalance, in the first mission (avenge the donau) once i have destroyed all the order ships i try to click on the BS guardian and i get dumped to the desktop. Why?

p.s. my friend has the same problem in MP he can't select it but i can dock with it

When did I realise I was god, well I was praying and I realised I was Talking to Myself

Post Thu Apr 29, 2004 6:04 am

forbidden u have a serious prob with ur box u need t take it in 4 a look see befoe u fry your chip and or motherboard
as far as the oh so many bugs /lame info cards/dumb azz trade routs/battleships that crash server when torps r fired/mis labled planets& trade lanes/mpc encounters compleatly out of wack/piriats in places they dont belong
shields that make u invencable/weapon mounts that will let u mount battleship turrents/systems that r 2 empty 1 planet in a huge system (bab5systems)/destroyable stations(bad 4 Mp)/the cruz eng drain/starting location very lame/the fact u have 2 download & activate 4 mods just 2 play the freaking mod/ships that have mystery weapons that CTD when u unmount them/system maps that dont work /and a creator design team that made this all possable god only knows what they have planed 4 3.5 /and 2 show u how lame I am why dont u come over 2 my server oregon/usa rebalance and experance the joys of this mod 4 your self

Have A Great Day

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