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Freelancer Rebalance 3.12 discussion

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Mon Oct 27, 2003 8:36 am

Yes, cruising too long will drain all power, forcing you to drop out and let the power recharge. When you mount a power injection upgrade, you'll be able to cruise for a longer time, since the drain of power will be slower. Also weapons will regenerate faster even at max speed. Almost space sims since FL(see freespace or XWA) had a balance between weapon power, engine power output and shield regeneration rate. The engine drains power from the main reactor, is not running free, it must have an energy source, and the shileds drain power from there as well.
All cruise drain will be calculated in balance with the ship's default powerplant, so if you buy a powerplant upgrade, lets say a mk1 for the hornet, the cruise may not drain the power anymore. But if u will buy an upgrade engine, the engine upgrade mk1 for ex., the cruise will drain power again(the upgrade engines and powerplants will be balanced regarding cruise and normal impulse speed power consumption).

Edited by - Michael Dan on 27-10-2003 21:35:04

Post Tue Oct 28, 2003 1:49 am

Again, I'm with shark. I'm lost in TNG 1.7 only because i cannot find a server hosting this fabulous mod. Please keep us posted on where we can go!! I want rebalance back snif_snif.

Post Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:09 am


Is that whole cruise drain thing a good idea? What if you are in areas where there are no jump gates and you need to get from place to place?

Wanted to address some areas of 3.12 that i was wondering if you knew if there is a fix for or if they are there for a purpose
-when buying Engine Upgrades (MKI, MKII, etc) if you have an existing MKI and are purchasing the MKII, you can't sell the MKI and is stuck on your ship
-certain ships can carry more utilities upgrades than others (Anubis has three slots for combo fusion reactor, shield capacitor, etc, while others have just two) Can this be updated on their ship infocards?
-on Starviper, if you purchase and go to your weapons loadout, you get a CTD if you try to unmount those included weaps in the wip tip hardpoints. i'm not sure how to describe that ... The fix would be to transfer those weaps during the purchase process so they are no longer there when you actually own the ship.
-the Fusion Reactor MKIV info card says it produces 320 energy/sec while the MKV info card says it produces at 240 energy/sec. Error on MKV's info card?
-what is the difference between block and engine? Info card on block says it regenerates thrust and has thrust capacity, while engines don't. Is this basically missing infocard details?

Rebalance MOD is absolutely amazing! I'll keep playing around and see if i spot anything else worth mentioning ...


Post Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:33 am

The weapons that cause you to CTD can be avoided. MD used to called them "Phantom Weapons" Where you can see something, but no icon. What you need to do is to trade back those Phantom Weapons because there are kinda buggy and thus, useless in battle. You cannot dismount or click on the ICON of these Phantom Weapons, they cause the CTD.

Blocks with PowerPlants, the differences? Well, acording to the infocard, it says it has a thruster regeneration thing, not so sure if that works. Because I preffer PowerPlants and mostly using the default engines. I do upgrade my engines when my ship only has one engine.

Post Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:21 pm

wjdragon: g-shark is right, the only thing u can't do with those weapon is unmounting them, at that's precisely what you(and not only you) did. sell them, and forget them. they're cuased by some running or docking light hardpoints used as HP's for weapons. it's in fact a side effect.
The cruise will drain less power when you mount a fusion injector OR a better powerplant, sometimes the draining will stop completely.
the idea is that the upgrade engines will need better and better powerplants for cruise mode. for ex if you mount an engine upgrade mkIII you'll need both a powerplant mk III and a fusion injector mk III. I basically wanted to make cruise "do" something, cause obviously is an exhausting mode for the engine, that graphically requires a lot of enrergy. just shuting weapons down is not enough in my opinion. Anyway the cruise will not stop completely after it drained all weapon energy, but the ship will advance in jumps, slowing it a little. and If you run out of energy u can stop the cruise, wait for the recharge and then get going again. It'll be something like refueling, in space .
The engines not being sellable problem is old an as everybody knows is hardcoded and cannot be changed by us.
The infocards with the number of utility slots/ship will be updated in version 3.2 i hope. The fusion injector mk V does not exist yet and on mkIV the extra energy/sec is 390.
BLocks(small, medium, heavy and twin turbo) are in fact powerplants and the thruster energy&recharge is a property of the powerplant. These replace the civilian powerplants from the Starflier to the Eagle. there is an error somehwere in the infocards where some BH engine is seen as a block, but don't let that confuse you.
thnx for your good opinion of the mod wj dragon. too bad not too many servers host it, that's probably of that 1.1 patch that Rebalance is not compatible with, while TNG is...

Post Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:08 pm

Since the engines are unsellable. I have noticed for example if in a Defender that buying a new engine uses up cargo space so I could not get upgrades like a deep scanner and other good stuff. Can you like increase the cargo hold space for all ships?


ps. looking forward to your 3.2.

Post Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:44 pm

Hey MD et al,

I've been moving into my new house over the past few weeks, so I haven't played much FL lately. But I just finished downloading 3.12 and plan on getting into it tonight.

Not to be exact, but when are you thinknig about releasing 3.2? Days, weeks, or months away?

Thanks for your continued work. It seems like there are a lot of individual mods for FL now, but not very many overarching mods, like Rebalance, out there. I really appreciate you going through the new mods and picking out the best stuff to go into Rebalance.

I can't wait to play tonight.

BTW, to any interested parties who may want to get into game development, I am working on a design document for a game idea that is revolutionary, and I could use some help in fleshing out some concepts and ideas.

It is in the strategy/simulation genre. Nobody has ever done a game like this, and it NEEDS to be made. I don't know why someone hasn't already made one like it - maybe because the dumb-as publishers need a clue, but anyway...

if me at [email protected]

Don't expect me to spill my guts right away as to all the details, but I realize that it needs to be a team effort if this idea is to be realized.

BTW, I know that everyone and their brother has an idea of some sort, BUT...not this one.


PS - sorry I'm using this board to recruit, but I really don't participate in any others at this time - and the peeps here seem to have good brains attached to their feet.

Post Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:37 am

MY first message is directed to Gameshark and all that played on a 1.1 Rebalance server. I need to know exactly what is causes the server to kick you out. I tested the TIE's and TIE weaponry on my own LAN server and it seems that only the TIE models are causing the cheat error messages. TIE weaponry is safe to use, at least in 3.12, as I monuted it on a Starfury and a Jedi Starfighter and played safely. So once again, especcilay you G-shark as you sent most bug reports related to 1.1, try to remember exactly what equipment or event caused the kick-out.
Starnova, can't increase too much the cargo of the ships, but if you run out of space try mounting a regular engine, not an upgrade one. also the deep scanner does not occupy cargo space since is a orginal FL equipment. only the deep scanner MkII does. You're right about the Defender though, it needs a cargo increase, since it still has the original one. It will be done in a future version.
Glad to see you back Thurmo, the mod will be out in probably 2 weeks max, maybe sooner. I need to test its 1.1 compatibilty first as you saw above. About the game development idea, I personally can't help much, maybe with suggestions, or by making a mod after it's done .
But anyone here that's willing to join have my blessing since a original game combining both strategy and simulation will be more than welcome on the gaming world.

Post Wed Oct 29, 2003 9:19 am

Wow! MD needs me! LOL ^_^

Lucky for you all those 1.1 NO-NOs are in my head in the Never-Should-Do folder. LOL.

Version 1.1 Incompatibility and Server Claimed Cheat Issues:
TIE Weapons
TIE Ships, all of them (even when no weapons mounted). Dock on a few planets and magic happens. Maybe its the engine too? I never tried replacing the engine, but since you cannot sell engines, I guess theoratically, it would still happen.
About the TIE Engine, I thought it was supposed to charge to cruise faster than the X-Wing engine. But now it charges as slow as the normal default ones.
THe 5million credit shield and the 10million credit shield.
Class10 weapons dropped by enemies. Considered Cheating when docking into planet/base. Sometimes if lucky to dock, undocking has the same prob. Class 10s that work are the original ones from wrecks or bought ones from planets, but not enemy drops.
Ghost has a major issue even when the Cobras were removed from Liberty. Dock in any System in Liberty, except NY, and you turn into a Cobra with the stats of a Ghost. When Rogues had Cobras, and if any player in the game has a Ghost and comes to Liberty. Rogues will morph in Ghosts FOREVER. (this was when they had Cobras).
Trading from EAF (except extra Systems from Ediburgh and Dublin) would also be considered cheating.

One thing, the TIE LF only sold in Magellan by the pirates. PRetty hard to get now, unless you bribe. It is like a secret ship that noone might know where to get. LOL. TIE LF was my most kick-titanium-butt ship, until it went POOF from Pittsburgh. LOL ^_^

Edited by - GameShark03 on 29-10-2003 09:23:12

Post Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:45 am

Thanx for the list Gameshark it will prove very useful in my future testing days.
Only one thing to notice, the TIE weapons worked mounted on other ships than TIE's.
Also when you bought the 5 mil or 10 mil shield, or when tractored the special weapons, it is possible that the server kicked you cause of the massive credit fluctuation...i undertstand that it does this kind of checks in 1.1.

Post Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:05 pm

2 things so far
Millenium falcon (Hokkaido) and vorlon cruiser (Planet Mercury)
Both have twin engines (Firespray I think), and when using z to kill the engines, they both accelerate to fantastic speeds. ooh great you think, until you hit a couple of rocks, and the shields fail and you lose stuff.

Also the vorlon cruiser is unfliable. the mouse flight makes it twist, up goes down and viceversa.

I am working my way through the ships, but I still think the centurion is the best fighter and the naginata the best larger ship

No shields on larger ships makes them problematic, especially the centauri cruiser and minbari cruiser (both Moonbase) as they have too little mass, and moving into asteroid fields make them bounce around like marionettes


Post Wed Oct 29, 2003 9:04 pm

MadPommie, that thing that's hapening to the mil.falcon it's called hyperspace(or warp) and it's added to several SW and STrek ships. If you don't wanna hit some rocks better use it only in open space or in short burts while you're in an asteroid field. the vorlon is declared as a capital ship in shiparch that's why is unflyable. Use the Naginata, Tempest, Javelin as those were designed to be flyable.

List of servers hosting the Rebalance v3.12 mod:
Nerv HQ - Rebalance Mod 3.12
Mathias Haus Rebalance 3.12
River Side
KLiQ Space 2K3
Mookies Rebalance 3.12 full

that's it for now, i hope more will appear soon.

Post Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:48 am

Whoa, MD, can you post up their IPs for all those Rebalance Servers? I have seen Nerv HQ's server before.

Warp/HyperD-ing rules. And only a mook would warp/HyperD thru a rock/asteroid/gas/mine field. Logically and technically, aint that move suicidal? It is like you running on an oil spill. LOL. I have personally witnessed a friend of mine warp into a Sun and died. Maybe it was because I forgot to teach him how to stop. LOL. He was a newbie. It was so funny ^_^

Post Thu Oct 30, 2003 2:41 am

Thanxs for the list MD, I'm gonna look into starting my own server. If this happens I'll let u know. Whoo-hoo!!!

Post Thu Oct 30, 2003 3:57 am

Reddawg, u dawg u! Remember no Version 1.1 LOL

Checked out the servers, sad to say all of them are 400 Ping and above T_T. There is one server at 270 Ping, but guess what. He is behind a router and firewall. So ppl cannot gain access to him! SNIFF!! No contact adds, so cannot comment the dude. Sigh.

Edited by - GameShark03 on 30-10-2003 06:06:15

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