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Post Wed Sep 10, 2003 3:02 pm

The only thing I can confirm is that I have directx9. Dunno what you mean by the rest. Its actualy sorta cool, adds a chalenge! Plus its like they have a cloaked fighter... with a mysterious name to match!

"If the limit of a function exists, than it is unique(and therefore, doesn't exist)" - My Calculus textbook

Post Wed Sep 10, 2003 6:34 pm

I tried to use FL datastorm to find the earth/moon bases, as I have never played a re-balance before this, but it just shows the normal map... no special ships or anything. Need I somehow "load" the re-balance map?

Ok, this is an edit. Found the earth system and I just want to say how impressed I am with your mod. There is no way that I have yet found to cheat making easy money... unless you count risking your life getting artefacts to manhattan or leeds. In fightspace for example there is a short trade that is unholyly (lol) profitable between 2 bases a few kilometers from one another. The ships don't cause a massive slowdown if they have four engines (as in TNG) and everything is well priced. Again, if you want the good stuff, you gota work for it. I am doing the campaign, so as I c problems or interesting things I will let you know. I recently bought the thunderbolt fighter (four thrusters!) and it is COOL! Engine kill, than thruster for a couple secs... Ive hit a max of 750 (is it m/sec) !!! Fun fun!
Having said all this, here are two things I noticed... 1, the "Bobas fire" ship I recently fled from is indistructable. I watched my fire go right through it many times, although the shield did go down. (good job of npc regenerating shields btw!) Other ships that have say, swept back wings/engine pods (rhineland bomber AKA y-wing) are nearly impossible to hit. The targeting cross, for all ships, targets the middle of the cross section. in the case of the y-wing, there is nothing there! its between the engines! I have noticed that on very thin ships (verticly) when coming head on the cross is below or above the actual ship a little bit. Thats not so much of a problem though, as most of them roll ironicly getting themselves hit

"If the limit of a function exists, than it is unique(and therefore, doesn't exist)" - My Calculus textbook

Edited by - Warlord Bob on 11-09-2003 00:57:42

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:06 am

hey mike, this version is just as good as the other ones. i'm takin sysco systems so hopefully that might be able to get it so i can play online.

still wish you could figure out how to mine planets and such. maybe even drifting planets. that would make the game interesting. also why not be able to get a job on a planet so you can get quick cash? low payin jobs but that might be better

"the difference between insanity and genius is success."

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 4:48 am

Been Playin' MD, and having fun. Got a new vid card, 9800 Pro, and now it's super. 1600x1200 with 4xaa and 16xaf and smooth as silk. And thats on a t-Bird 1.2 ghz rig. No need to get that new P4 2.8C now or the 800mhz FSB, or the new PC3200 RAM. Who needs that crap when you got a 9800 Pro under the hood. Makes my GF3Ti500 look crappily slow.

Now, I'll just wait for the Opterons and Itaniums to come out and go down in price. I had just bought a BFG 5900nu, but man, it flickered like you wouldn't believe. Like it was at 60hz instead of 85. I think all nv 5900's flicker . Sucks for them and their stock price.

My 3dmark2001 with the ole GF3Ti500 was 6090.
My 3dmark2001 with the now returned 5900nu was 6900.
My 3dmark2001 with the ATI 9800 Pro 128 was ....................9050.

Go figure. I love ATI. PS. I almost took the ATI back because of Graphical glitches in all my games, but found out that you have to turn off AGP Fast Writes for the card to work right, and oh does it ever. It is my first ATI card and I LOVE it.

PPS about the mod, well, it's cool too.

PPPS I best FL will sound cool on the new Audigy 2 ZS with THX 7.1 speakers.

What do you know

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 6:56 am

That is some serious hardware there. I am currently using a GeForce4 Ti 128DDR, AMD Athlon XP 2400++, 256DDR Ram.

I am playing Rebalance Mod online on a server that was recently updated to Version 3.01! Yeah man! Just for you ppl to know, just in case u wanna get me, the server is named "Tom's Game". It has only an 8 player slot limit. But it works for me.

Does anyone else know any online smooth servers?

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:22 pm

Nice Pc u got there thurmo..mine is only a XP 2200 with a FX 5200 graphics card, and 512 mb ddr 333.Warlord Bob, if u were impressed by the EFA system wait till next pirate factions will jump traders and 3 powerfull flyable capital ships(Naginata frigate, Tempest destroyer anf Javelin Cruiser) will be a players disposal along with their specific weapons(turrets, missiles, beam cannons, particle cannons and so on). All have 4 thrusters HP's and can reach speeds of 950+ for 30-50 secs. The things u noticed about the Boba's Firespray and the Ywing are true, and due to the fact that the .sur files were imported from other fighters and do not match their shape. Also true about the Falcons', and Bwings.
Toco the engine of FL does not allow having mining planets, at least not from the ini files modding that we all do here. Missions on Earth have been greatly enhanced and the BH guild + the EFA police are giving 150-200k worth missions.
Too bad the Damocles Battlecruiser does not work would have been a hell of a ship. But it's crashing whenever trying to access the ship vendor...

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 1:57 am

Glad to hear about a new version with some great ideas it sounds like.

Thanks for the compliments, but actually my rig is kinda are the real specs.

AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.2 ghz Socket A
ATI 9800 Pro 128mb
(Formally my trusty ole GeForce3 Ti500 - got it the bargain bin at Babbages for $25 about 6 months ago!!!)Had a regular GF3 anyway, which btw is for sale if anyone is interested - 50 bucks.)

384 mb PC133 SDRAM (3 x 128)
30gb Maxtor 7200rpm ATA133 HD
30gb IBM 7200rpm ATA133 HD
SB Live! 5.1
CD-RW etc. yadda yadda yadda.

Anyway, it gets smoked by the newer stuff. I had just last week ordered a new MB, CPU, RAM, and case, which was a ASUS P4P800 Deluxe, 2.4C P4, 512mb OCZ PC3200 , but my order got screwed up twice and so it never shipped. I was gonna put my Ti500 into it which would have probably fixed my framerate (lack of) problems in newer games and allowed me to run AA/AF, and it would have set me back 400 bones. Not too bad for HT and an 865PE motherboard with 800mhz front side bus. Mmmmm!

Don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna order it again some day , but... the day that the second order got screwed up, I was in Best Buy and saw a BFG GeForce 5900 Non ultra for $269 open box buy.

I got it and played on it for about 4 days. The first thing I noticed was some graphical anomalies and texture corruption, so that sucked. Quite often actually. But not so much that I wanted to take it back right away. It did fix my framerate problem and I could play most of my games with everything maxed and 4xAA 8xAF. Sweet. I didn't need no stinkin Ultra for $450. The 5900 was cool for a day, but .....

there was just something not quite right about the screen. It kinda pulsed like someone changing the brightenss control really fast, but subtle. So i typed in 5900 graphic glitches and saw the threads about the FLICKER problem with all 5900 reference boards made by nv. You notice it the most on bright whitish backgrounds, like the skys in Black Hawk Down, or in a flight sim.

Its funny how on every thread about the 5900 flicker problem, there is a canned response letter from a PR guy with you know who saying how they know about the problem and anyone in the Bay area should bring in their rig so that they could see the problem in effect!!! They must be going blind over there! It also says that their competitor's have the same problem. Bull****e! My ATI has ZERO flicker. Its solid as a rock! I'm so glad I could take back the GeForce. Sorry NVidia, you guys are suckin lately.

And after todays news about HL2 and Gabe Newells press conference, where the 9800 Pro smokes the 5900 Ultra by 2x in real game tests, WOW!!! Even the 9600 Pro beats the GeForce 5900!! Basically he said that the buyers of HL2,who just bought 450 dollar cards and will not get acceptable framerates to play the game, will be pissed off, and Valve is smartly putting the blame where it rests.

And the Geforce 5900 Ultra costs 100 bucks more than the ATI 9800 Pro. HA

Thanks for taking the time to read my diatribe, but I just had to get it off my chest. I am a fan of great graphics and playable games, and was a fan of Nvidia because they gave me just that, a great gaming experience, until now. I hope they get their ****e together.

But boy oh boy do I love my 9800 PRO - It RuLES.
By the time it isn't adequate for good gaming, the 64 bitters will have been out for a good while. Freelancer good. See, it wasn't all about me and my soapbox.

What do you know

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:25 am

Ummm .. topic is ... Rebalance Mod 3.01 .. Michael Dan .. and ummm .. Rebalance! Haha, since when turned into a display forum for PC specs? Killer rig though.

I am so satisfied with the EAF. Smooth without the crashing to desktop when u undock and meet a certain ship.

I was still wondering about these ...

- Even thought Rebalance Mod may be a Final, will there be patches to add new ships?
- I think the Thrusters take FOREVER .. FOREVER ... FOREVER!!!! .. to charge. T_T
- Possible to make an item to make ships HyperDrive? As an additional feature. To slot into the place like the Power Injection and stuff. Bringing up the possibility to have a MK4 Engine and Hyperdrive at the same time.
- And again .. Thrusters charge too slow .. they make it hard to flee when u are doing difficult missions and from missiles. MY SKILLS! MY POWERS! They are lost to me!!!
- Those new BAT files, NoCuts and Cuts, I don think they work. Or maybe I don see what the diferences are. The Cutscenes remain the same, removed (thx to the Rebalance Mod). Cuts means you would see docking scenes and all that again? I tried running it, but one of the BATs seem to state a missing fle or folder. Could you look into that?

I am currently using the Slipstream. Cool Looing ship. But u should look properly, the ship is uneven if you compare left and right side with guns equipped.

Edited by - GameShark03 on 12-09-2003 04:29:23

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 2:14 pm

G-shark: the nocuts.bat file works but u need to rename the folder Nocutscenes to Nocuts in order to work. Thruster recharge is very balanced now and will take u a long way if used carefully. VHF powerplants have a lot of thruster energy and higher recharge rates so go for those when u find one. Hyperdrive is not possible to make as it is a side effect of mounting 2 engines into one ship. It's only possible at buy time.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 2:27 pm

Sorry, kinda forgot that Thruster regen relies on Powerplants.

BTW, did you see that Swarm Missile thing by =EOA=Louva-Deus on LR? It is kinda cool. Maybe you could have it added? This never hit my mind, as I remembered that there were actually missiles like those. From Macross/Robotech, that is.

But if might be too much Then don do a thing. Anyways, the mod is coming to be a final version. So I guess requests are limited.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 2:54 pm

Found something odd. I have just purchased the Jedi Starfighter from BS Yukon. The odd thing was I could not mount my shield powercells in the upgrades section. The game mounts them in the weapons section, taking up a weapon slot. Anyone else notice this?

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 5:48 pm

Sorry 'bout the off-topic. It's just that my wife won't listen to my video card experiences and travails. I had to spill it to somebody, and well I guess I'm too lazy to register at one of those hardware only forums.

In E we, Rebalance is great. Southhampton Shipyards...are there supposed to be ships for sale there? The icon shows but it doen't do anything.

My no cuts didn't work either. I guess I'll try that fix.

Seems like more and more cool new stuff just keeps coming out for FL.

I hope you stay active MD.

What do you know

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 9:46 pm

I play Rebalance online on this server. And the TIE weapons are still nuts. My friend bought the weapons from Pittsburgh and the server booted him for cheating. The solution was to get rid of all the TIE weapons, then he could get the TIE Light Fighter out.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 10:33 pm

the swarm missle thing wouldn't be a fair as you can see in the pic. (i.e. all the ships exploading) but if you make it so there is a limited amount you can holda and make them really expencive they might help with getting out of jams.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 10:35 pm

now that i've takin a even closer look at the pic the swarm doesn't have a stock of missles so its more like a gun not a launsher and that he has 4 of them. but even so they have to be strong to do that cause the flames don't last to long

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