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The truth about the TNG hoax--- read

Here you can find news, get help and comment about ?The Next Generation? Mod for Freelancer

Post Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:48 pm

The truth about the TNG hoax--- read

Ok I'm getting sick of people not getting this throught their flipping heads and people not understanding what happened.

This hoax was directed AT STARFYRE STUDIOS.

A letter was delivered to us which was SUPPOSE to be from MS. However MS verified themselves that the message was a fake.

MS is STILL investigating what happened and is still looking for leads for the person who did this.


I am going to start filing LIBEL / SLANDER suits if people can't get their facts straight and keep accusing US of criminal activity WHICH IS A CRIME IN ITSELF.

Admin, please make this a sticky.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - reynen on 3/25/2004 7:48:43 PM

Edited by - Stinger on 3/26/2004 3:17:28 AM

Post Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:22 am

Stickied...but still had the edit the main post due to ALL CAPS.

Post Fri Mar 26, 2004 9:11 am

No offense Reynen, you should calm down. Do you really care what people might say. I must admit, that this isn't a hot topic anywhere i hang out, so it must be at your forums mainly - or at forums not relating to this site. However, letting them wind you up is not a good idea - just simply because there is not alot you can do!!

I am going to start filing LIBEL / SLANDER suits if people can't get their facts straight and keep accusing US of criminal activity WHICH IS A CRIME IN ITSELF.
For starters, serious problems with the Slander/libel parts here, and threats shouldn't be made in jest in any form. However, i think you could open yourself to counter cases if this was true. If i were you, just ban them from your forums, and inform admins of your wishes on others. There is no point flaming/having a go at the poeple propogating them as they will probabily get a kick out of it.

Post Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:04 am


Normally I wouldn't give a damn what people think, but this time it's different.

One of the users FROM TLR, contacted a UK gaming magazine and told them specifically, Starfyre Studios created an elaborate hoax against MS.

Now you and I know full well that is NOT what happened, but because of someone's lack of information we got slanderd very bad. I am still in a court case suing the magazing company because of this.

You say it is not in your forums. Would you like me to post numerous thread accusing us of created a hoax. I will be more then happy to.

Simple take a look at the new rebalance 3.4 thread, that is but one example.

You'll also find then scattered in the general editing forums and also in several news story comments.

Now I am very serious about people slandering us on TLR. You call them idle threats, I don't do idle threats and I tell you if STARNOVA keeps up his little act I will go down to my lawyer and file a suit against him. Since I don't know his personal information the lawyer will be forced to drag TLR into the fight to get that information and for proof of the slanderous comments.

Of course you could always send me his personal info early and not even get yourselves involved, your choice in that matter.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - reynen on 3/26/2004 10:05:42 AM

Post Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:01 am

As you full well know, personal info is not divulged by general request/other means like that, and you would need court orders to get it out of any website as well. Whilst not particularly up to date on internet law, i can assure you that privacy of people is foremost for the members of any site.

Trying to sue a magazine about comments is fine, but i would expect you not to really gain much. You see, unless your real name is Reynen Starfyre (which would be a cool name), or the article was referring to your real name, I would expect you to where. However, expressing opinion about something is not a sueable offense, so stating views would not make it sueable - and slander is interesting complex when in a court.....Of course though, I haven't read the article/wasn't aware of it. I am sure your lawyer knows alot more about this stuff than me, and i would expect (obviuosly) that since you are persuing this that you do have a good case!

Also - wouldn't it be held in a court in the UK, where the laws are different from suing might just end up with debt on your side.

However, yours is the decisions to make, just make sure you think through the decisions thoroughly. If you do, then persue well - and good luck.

Off topic - Out of interest, which magazine was it? and I guess they published an article about it! I never buy games magazines, so i am pretty unaware of mods in mags etc, and never read them.

Edited by - Chips on 3/26/2004 11:08:18 AM

Post Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:43 pm

hmm... let me know which magazine it was Rey and I'll take a peek. I remember seeing our review in PC Gamer (we got hyped ^_^) but missed this.


Post Sat Apr 03, 2004 3:06 pm

You mean people still care about this?

Post Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:48 pm

Damn, reynen remind not to get on your bad side.......

Post Tue Apr 27, 2004 6:04 pm

In Reynen's defense, It's hard enough to build a studio rep in the game industry without people putting black marks on you. It takes a lot of time and effort to put out work, and when you're not charging, the only benefit that your studio gets is that they build a rep. A little bit of slander can go a long way to ruin that.

All things being equal though, best thing you can do is get the truth out (which I assume was your intent with this post, you were just a little steamed when writing it). Most board admins are more than willing to work with you to keep malicious gossip off their boards, because it makes them look bad too. Just try to keep it professional, or you'll just get arguments instead of cooperation.

By the way, I like TNG, it's one of the better FL mods I've checked out.

Great! I'm a million miles from nowhere with a gung-ho iguana!
-Alex Rogan, The Last Starfighter

Post Sun May 16, 2004 4:22 pm

Why did you even respond to this nonsense? By responding you have validated his/her reason for existance. There are many such losers out there and they all have one thing in common: A need to justify their existance by creating havoc in someone else's life. When you ignore these low lifes you in effect tell them that they are of no known value in your world. This in turn renders them even more valueless, something that they are inately aware of in the first place.

In the act of answering these accusations you have sunk to their level. My advice is to drop the matter, put on a 3 stooges movie, and laugh til it hurts. Then forget him/her. That is the one thing that a person like this cannot abide. This is true vengence = ignoring the twit!

Edited by - protokos on 5/16/2004 5:26:19 PM

Edited by - protokos on 5/16/2004 5:27:56 PM

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:23 pm

first of all id just like to say this is an kewl mod, minus the 10 bugs or so ive found counting the DS lieing on me on how to get to the nexus (which i finely found). but this is an KEWL mod keep up the work. second of all i have to agree with proto, there just trying to get money and crap cus there probly just jelus of the mod, also WTF is going on exacly? do know that you shouldnt let crap like this get to you to bad since it hurts an persons emotional health... sorry no offince.

Edited by - warrior17 on 9/24/2004 5:56:23 PM

Post Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:16 am

Hey, Nice MOD! Is there a map of the universe for this MOD?? If so How do I get a copy?

Post Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:14 am

who really gives a sh!t? accusations need to be taken on the chin, like any man would do... Blair and Bush don't file lawsuits against websites taking the p!ss do they? Nope...

I agree with Chips here, although there is a small chance it could end up being serious, chances are it won't...

Anyways, back to work...

Author of the Freelancer Neural Net
Administrator of Kryosphere Studios
Lead designer of Freelancer: Rebirth

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