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Server Bandwidth Exceeded

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Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:44 am

Server Bandwidth Exceeded

if youre wondering why you cant access the site, its because the bandwidth has been used up, which I think means, the site will be back up at the start of next month, unless we can figure something out. More information later

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:53 am

Duriel - check email bud

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:04 am

have you tried doing what i have?

if you host your site somewhere that has unlimited bandwith, like, then sign up for a URL Masking thingy, like, it works wonderful!

Or if you uploaded an index.html file onto your space that simply redirects to your one (the one with unlimited bandwith) it works like a charm!

Just an idea...

-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- - New and improved, with downloads, and a forum!

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:55 am

Sorry to hear that. Only the 11th too, must have had a large group downloading the 1.7 mod or something after news of the beta.

As for any of those unlimited sites, there are limitations. not to mention ads, pop-ups, spyware, and other misc. annoying crap.

Best to luck on getting something working SS.

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:55 pm

I warned people but they wouldn't listen.

I have to pay quite a bit to get it back up and I just don't have it.

Really sorry. If more people would have donated I would have been able to keep it up.

I'm trying to work on a solution.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - reynen on 2/12/2004 7:24:46 AM

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:09 pm

I've paid some of what is due so it should be up soon.....

It's only a temporary fix.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:15 pm

$1000???? I told you about that deal, may i suggest that you guys have a split site or something?

$7 a month which will host forums/basics and basic downloads.

Storage for that $7 a month = 2gigabytes
Bandwidth per month for that $7 = 60 Gigabytes.

That way even if you did exceed bandwidth you would have the basics. Also - if bandwidth came near, you could TURN OFF THE DOWNLOAD DOMAIN instead, whilst keeping the website up and running without any problems.

Seeing as you have a 100meg mod at end of Feb - you will need a decent host to help you out.

What about offering the mod in parts, and having a few extra domains with it (ie splash screen, video, music etc) that can be put together from the main download like a patch?

That way the burden will be shared, plus lesser connections could leave out splash screen and video if they wanted, and the music too. Seeing as i read you say you had 40 meg of music - that would really ease the sites bandwidth, and the modems etc if they were going to try downloading. It could be made into components. These are suggestions like i said, and you can take them or leave them - but it would help, and certainly keep your costs well under this vast vast chasm your paying. Hell - i could have a website with 1 terrabyte bandwidth a month for a year for that money - and i bet there are even better deals out there too!

*edit* - Reynen, after you told me the other day about how i should ask my provider how much the cost would be for 30,000 downloads per month of a 100 megabyte mod (or the 3 terrabyte bandwidth) - I was online at Globat, so i emailed the sales department asking about pricing for that sort of bandwidth (basically terrabyte a month deals) for you.

I got a reply about 5 minutes later from one of their employees. I will be going to bed shortly, but they said:

I think it would be better if you get a dedicated server. I'll have our Sales Director send you a quotation.

So assuming they get back to me by tomorrow, i should be able to tell you some ballpark figures for you.

I would also like to point out that reviews for Globat are highly favourable as server providers. I am a customer, i don't get anything for referring poeple (though i could if i had links on my website and they used those), but they are one of the most generous providers. Remember what i said, not only 2 gig storage but now 60gig a month bandwidth.

how good are they?

Well - just cause their buisness is going well they INCREASED EVERY gigabyte deal customers bandwidth by TEN GIG per month!!!!!!. No price increase, no nothing - just an increase in bandwidth for free.
They increased the bandwidth for free that most others offer for $15 a month! Now that is what i call a nice company

Edited by - Chips on 2/11/2004 6:16:04 PM

Post Thu Feb 12, 2004 7:23 am


That amount of from a backbill of from over the past 6 months bandwidth charges. Our current one is about 100 gigs, but we use that up fast.

I looked into a dedicated and that runs anywhere from 250 - 300+ a month which would be more expensive then what I have now.

I'm looking into options though.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Thu Feb 12, 2004 7:44 am

You asked Louva?

He has (from the sound of it) his own dedicated servers with mirrors worldwide. Now obviously I don't even know the guy, but he hosts FLMM as well i think. Maybe a casual asking or something?


Outcast Gaming Network - who do Baltimore shipyards. Those guys were dying to get some people at their baltimore shipyards, and hosting your mods download would be a good one. Once again - i certainly cannot say how much they could do, as i barely know them at all, but Akiraprise might be able to sort out a "download mirror" or something for you at least (like i said, don't know - just casting out ideas for you).

Might be worth considering. of course - they might refuse - but its worth a peek!

Akiraprise can be contacted via the outcast gaming network (type it into a browser and search results). Its worth a shot.

Post Thu Feb 12, 2004 7:48 am

I could host your MOD for you, as a sorry for my remarks

-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- - New and improved, with downloads, and a forum!

Post Thu Feb 12, 2004 7:51 pm

That is definetly an option. Thank you.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:18 am

Yes, of course, we will all trust mr. cardamine, the guy who's cracked several mods, INCLUDING TNG. Cardamine, you don't deserve to be on here.

What a disgrace

Don't be afraid of your past, unless its something terrible you've done...

Post Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:51 pm

Forgive me Kendo - he hasn't "cracked" the mod - he made no cd cracks - probabily from the instructions on your site.......

Either that or downloaded the no-cd hacked exe, then just changed the version number instead.

Edited by - Chips on 2/13/2004 4:51:22 PM

Post Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:27 am

What I'm getting at here Chips (btw, no offence to anyone meant) is that Cardamine is making NO CD cracks for TNG and other mods.

Its just as illegal to make no cd cracks for the game, as to make no cd cracks for a mod...

Don't be afraid of your past, unless its something terrible you've done...

Post Sat Feb 14, 2004 4:16 am

How did you find out Kendo? oh wait theres the other topic, anyway he HAS LEARNT HIS LESSON, leave him be, and let us all get on.

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