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Plz put rebalance mod''s upg. system in 2.0

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Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:09 pm

Plz put rebalance mod''s upg. system in 2.0

dont take this personally but currently the latest Rebalance Mod's upgrade system is completely better than the one used in TNG 1.60

I hope that the *exact same system* in its current form is duplicated into 2.0
because I absolutely LOVE Rebalance's innovative ways of customizing one's ship.
you can effectively customize the ship specs to yer hearts content!
I consider rebalance to be THE BEST in ship flexibility thus far --- a shame they went overboard with battleship encounters in that mod. But anyhow...

a summary of RB's upgrade system as far as I remember for those who havent played it:

different powerplants affected energy to weapons vs. engine and also the heavier the class of powerplant the more cargo space required by really would make me think:
more cargo and speed, less pwr? or less speed more cargo and more pwr? or less cargo and more speed and pwr? etc.

thus, there is a tradeoff to using higher stuff. the more dramatic the upg., the more cargo space used and the higher the price, but the more boost you get overall. With TNG 1.60 there seems to be no such tradeoff, just a "best upgrade" and a "worst upgrade".

-- Gregster2K

Edited by - Gregstar2k on 23-09-2003 23:09:25

Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:13 pm

Side note: if starfyre studios adds more star trek ships plz make an effort to make the starships relative sizes correct

i will scream if i see, say the NX-01 larger than voyager or something, or the defiant larger than an Enterprise-E. LOL

and remember that there are two classes of Klingon Bird-of-Prey... a scout class and a cruiser case u get confused as to what its size is if and when u implement such a thing

Post Wed Sep 24, 2003 1:13 pm

OK, now this is a silly question.
look, now Rebalance is a TOTALLY different mod from TNG. If we were to copy ALL his hard WORK and just put it in ours, what would that make us?
it would make us out as to be low-lifes. See, unless he gives us TOTAL permission to use it, (which is VERY IMPOSSIBLY UNLIKELY) we cannot just take his code and put it in ours.
that is called STEALING.

also, if you like Rebalance soo much more, go play it!

Edited by - Duriel_LOP on 24-09-2003 14:18:30

Post Wed Sep 24, 2003 1:16 pm

ill make sure to take note of it seeing the entire team is Dyslexic,
we cannot have ships that we did not make, but have permission to use, be ridiculous sizes now can we?

Post Wed Sep 24, 2003 7:58 pm


Unlike alot of other mod makers, we just don't steal other peoples hardwork. We like to invent your own. Thats the problem with the modding community, they like to steal everything from everyone and don't even bother giving credit.

Also we had our upgrades using cargo awhile back and htere is a MAJOR problem with it, which is why we got rid of this. Try this and see what happens.

Your in a ship that carrys 40 cargo space

You buy one upgrade that costs 25 cargo space and another for 20. Tha'ts 45 cargo space and you CAN do this. However this is where the problem starts. The minute you launch with that stuff equipped and are over your cargo limit, you will crash the server / game and corrupt your character account.

Try this on the current rebalance and see for yourself. People kectp crashing the game like mad in TNG when we had this, which is why we got rid of it.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:20 pm

I will say this once and once only in this thread.
I am appalled at the responses you are giving me. You all are acting like I was suggesting you steal the work of the Rebalance team without any credit.

There is something called ASKING them for the thing.
When I say "I'd like to see the same system in TNG" I mean the same exact system, but I DONT mean taking it w/o the Rebalance team's permission! Please do not make assumptions like that.

The primary reason I dont play because they went completely PSYCHO with the battleship encounters (which frequently crash my FL and drop my FPS to 5...seeing 4 AI-controlled BS fleets battle in Omicron Gamma is fun to watch...but its overkill!!!) and its probably due to that overkill that nobody ever populates the rebalance servers.

Again...being quick to anger and putting words in my mouth was uncalled for...I will bear your reactions in mind next time I say something.

Edited by - Gregstar2k on 24-09-2003 21:58:07

Post Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:42 pm

Regarding the crashes, why not simply make all the cargo space usage an even number, as well as the cargo space on all the ships? Would that not fix it?

Also, there are other ways to create tradeoff BESIDES cargo space. But what I'm really inspired by is the shield upgrades that affect power consumption featured in Rebalance...because what you have just said Reynen has given me a great idea.

Instead of mounting equip upgrades in nano/shield panel...mount them in the weapons panel instead.
Before you write me off as nuts, read me out (as opposed to hearing me out...):

in tng when i buy a diff ship after having a Battleship..sometimes some of the BS turrets stay in my cargo hold and take up cargo space.
Well, when I remove some cargo from the main hold and try to transfer a turret back to the ship into the tiny bit of cargo space left, it DOES NOT WORK like you said it does with the equipment menu: it goes "INSUFFICIENT CARGO SPACE." Hmmmmmmmmm.
This _must_ mean that FL has safeguards on the weapons mounting menu but not the equipment menu, wouldnt it?
thus, if you made the upgrades mountable in the weapons menu, trying to mount too many upgrades would result in a "Insufficient Cargo Space," right?

How am i thinking this???? ----> I noted that the Nomad Torpedo available in Rebalance takes up some cargo space and I think it still does even when its mounted in a weapon slot because when my hold was full of commodities and I tried to fit a torpedo it didnt fit ("insufficient cargo space".

What I worry about is...would the upgrades work if mounted in weapons menu...
and would it be possible to keep them from appearing in the inflight weapons status panel? And is it feasible to make power plants mount in a weapons panel instead of the equipment one?

If I'm right, though, this could be the answer to that problem of yours.

Edited by - Gregstar2k on 24-09-2003 21:58:38

Post Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:56 pm

Regarding ship sizes, again, the asking part. You can always ask politely for the modeler to scale it up or down for you. Maybe they'll do it for you, maybe they wont, but there is no point in acting like "what you get is what you use." If you keep acting like that the TNG players are going to get really, really, really mad.

I know a LOT of players who strongly agree the current Starship Enterprise is WAY too small and shouldn't be designated a heavy fighter. A lot of people will be offended if you don't bother to keep scale of certain "themed" ships. Many, including myself, believe that it should at _least_ be as big as the Brakiri Battleship.

Personally I think it should be nearly as long as the Liberty Cruiser -- because the original Enterprise would be best suited as a "light cruiser" and the Liberty Cruiser is definitely the weakest TNG cruiser, period. (It's main gun doesnt do squat, unless of course u upped its refire rate to something like 2.0) The NX-01 model recently put out would probably be an "ultra-light" cruiser, if you ever use it. But if you have no power to change the sizes of the models you receive, it would be good to at least try asking the modelers to do it for you.

Post Fri Sep 26, 2003 5:26 am

Let me say this, this rebalance will not work out, Rey and Mike Dan had an argument awhile back, and those 2 havent talken to each other (that i know of) since. Anyway i'd prefer our method over thiers, and TNG2.0 is coming!!!! be happy!
why not check OUR forums, not everything that is going on is posted in here....

Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:51 am

DOnt get *****y, jackass, you said "The upgrade system exactly as it exists now" should be included (read broken into, hotwired, and stolen) in to 2.0. That means copy, or STEAL the code. NOw i for one dont give a flying crap if you never wanna play the mod again and say "Man that spawn guy is a raging hemorhoid of a human being". People like you make it a PAIN to make these mods and you should be beat prfusely with dense blunt objects.

Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:57 am

Yeah! what that "master of your universe" guy said!!

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