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FL: TNG 1.5 Update Status

Here you can find news, get help and comment about ?The Next Generation? Mod for Freelancer

Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 3:19 pm

i agree with freak, the ships handling is just too sluggish for some of the ships, my biggest beef being the millenium falcon.

Compare the speed and handling from the ship in the game to the ship in the film, big difference isn't there?

Fantastic mod by the way.

Post Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:36 am

There is a reason for this. If the the heavy ships manuver good there will be NO reason to by the smaller ships.

This way you choose between firepower or manuverability.

Having a slave1 move like a starflier would not work at all and would make all the other ships obsolete because everyone would want to use the slave 1. People want uber ships with max firepower, max speed, max everything and I am not just doing that.

Also in pvp it ACTUALLY gives the guys in more maniverable ships a chance against people in the heavys. How would you like to fight someone in a b-wing that moves just as fast as your light fighter. Not very fair is it.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:51 pm

Fair point.

i have another two things, 1. can you reach the dyson sphere, if so how?
2. would it be possible for you to make missions where you go up against fleets?
for example, i would choose a group mission where we have to take down 1 dreadnought, 2 cruisers and 2 battleships and there escorts. i think it would be good. if these questions are in the wrong thread then just delete them or something.


If your behind me it's cos i let you, If your infront of me your already dead!

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 11:25 am

I for one greatly appreciate what you are doing here. Even simple edits give me a headache, switching between 7 or 8 txt files at once, then editing the ini's.. Flipping back and forth to see what you named something, or what ID you gave it. Keeping a seperate sheet open to track what you are doing at a given moment, because after entering data in 12 different files you begin to lose track.. Jumping into the game for the 100th time to see if the values you used are really going to work well, or if you just screwed something up..

Arg. Too much work, and I dont even want to imagine modeling. I've messed with hardpoints and such, with mediocre success, and found it to be as entertaining as relearning calculus. And Modeling itself is an art. I dont even want to know how the modelers do what they do, I'm sure I'd have no talent for it anyway, even if I were to become proficient at it, which has been the case with most of the home-baked mods I've cooked up.

From my perspective you guys are doind a hell of a job!

This stuff isn't easy folks. If even every idea in this short thread was implemented (if they even could be within the limitations of the game itself) some poor bastad of a modder would have spent 80 hours working at home for no pay.

Post Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:58 am

Just a thought, how about opening up the dyson sphere system and allowing entrance into it too?

If your behind me it's cos i let you, If your infront of me your already dead!

Post Tue Jul 29, 2003 4:52 am

When docking i your TNG 1.4 version it seem there is docking movie on a space station. well i can live with that. the trouble is when it is launching some station view some kind of a docking bay or is it launching bay..whatever... my ships disappears (a custom ship) then when launched in space what i mean is there is no movie. well some space station omit this movies. Well i hope you understand what i meant.

can you include my ship in your MOD, it is supposed to be bought at Battleship Yukon in California a replacement for the liberty heavy fighter.


Working hard to earn... but too lazy to do something...

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