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Some thoughts on Starlancer

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Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 8:24 pm

Some thoughts on Starlancer

I'm new to this game and while I know it's been out for a while and none of what I write here really matters, I wanted to give my general impression of the game so far.

First I should say that it is easily one of the best space sims I've ever played. I may not have the deepest exposure to space sims, but I have place some early Wing Commander games, the Privateers (the first was awesome), X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X Wing Alliance, X:BTF and X-Tension... I've missed some great ones like Freespace 2 and Tachyon, but oh well.

Definitely has a different feel than the Star Wars games in terms of combat. In the Star Wars games I would spend a few moments to lead the target then hit the trigger, realign, hit the trigger, repeat. It definitely fits with the style of the movies, but I found the combat in Starlancer more fun in a way. I like trying to get in behind your opponents and just unload on them. Sure each individual shot might do less damage, but it's more fun to be shooting all the time instead of aiming.

Next, this may not seem realistic and it may leave us wondering how the enemy pilots ever got behind the stick, but I like taking down 10 or 20 enemy ships a mission. It means I'm always in the thick of the fight without spending so much time on one ship that I get frustrated. Maybe this seems dumb, but I wanted to mention it because I feel like all of the little positives add up to create a strong experience.

One other thing is the setting. I love the fact that this is essentially a Cold War story with the action taking place in our Solar System. This was one of the first original storylines and backdrops I have encountered in a long time.

Things that bother me. First, I wish they would have spent the time on one patch. I know the game didn't sell well, but fix some of the bigger problems so most of the owners can get a relatively smooth experience. When my friend and I play in multiplayer, chatting too much crashes the game. Having other programs running at the same time also seems to contribute to crashes, so I don't runt Roger Wilco. Bottom line is I can't really communicate with my human wingmen, makes for an isolating experience in some ways.

Second, with such a great setting, I wish they would place the missions a little better during the briefings. On the maps, maybe start out by showing us where we are in relation to Neptune, or show a map with control areas marking major bases in relation to the planets, then zoom into the sector we'll be travelling in. Maybe I'm just being a dork, but I felt that even though I was familiar with the setting, I never really knew where I was... just flying out there in some sort of space. I would have liked more references to visualize where the action took place.

Last, maybe less action stopping cut-scenes in space. In one mission Steiner shows up in his fancy ship - stop action to comment on his fancy ship. I might have liked it better if the guy made his comment about the ship, then if I really cared to look at it, I could do my own fly by or something. Who know if this really would have worked better.

All in all, this is an outstanding game and it's a shame it wasn't a bigger hit.

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:57 pm

Yea, starlancer deserved more than it got, mainly caus the space sim isn't really such a popular genre anymore. It's kind of a shame i think, but almost the entire gaming industry now revolves around 3 major scenes, first person shooters, rpg and rts. I definitly hope Freelancer and maybe X2 and EVE will change this, though i feel Freelancer has a bigger chance of being a hit because of the mouse flight and it being a microsoft game so they've got money enough to promote it.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:08 am

i definatly agree with you on the in game cut scenes i can't even tell you the number of times i have almost killed an enemy ship and a cutscene starts its even more annoying when you have to replay a mision...
i also agree with you about killing so many enemy fighters, i thought 5 kills was an ace... it was alot harder to kill people in XWA the AI was just better at piolting

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:59 am

Hmm...I play Simulators, FPS's, RTS's...all of them have their advantages, and one is never "more fun" than another. I love Starlancer because, well, I'm a futuristic space-junkie.

As for other things... explosions. Definitely the best ship destructions in any game out there. It's just so cool to see all the huge chunks floating all over the place after a large battle.

Actually, I've been thinking of hooking up another comp in my house to this one, so I can do co-op LAN games when I have friends over. Always more fun to fight with a friend as your wingman.

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 4:50 am

The explosions are definitely some of the best I've seen in a space sim, and playing multiplayer is a lot more fun for me than just going it alone. I wish more games would follow Star/Freelancer's lead and include co-op mode.

Anyone know how this game compares to Freespace 2 or Tachyon? Are they worth picking up?

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:25 am

Sheesh, I reckon Starlancer is selling better now than when it was released. Glad you enjoyed the game though, I always thought it was one of the better ones out there.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:22 am

Probably because it is only 2 bucks, so instead of having to shell out all that cash on an unkown, you've got at least a few minutes of entertainment..

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 8:03 pm

So far it's been the best two bucks I've spent on gaming in a long time. Actually, I picked up three copies and two to some friends and now we occasionally play co-op. Looking at the sales figures though, I wonder if the move to the mouse for Freelancer wasn't such a bad idea after all. It seems that hard-core titles in the respective genres haven't done too well recently.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:27 pm

Although I'm pretty decent at mouse flying in Tribes2, for a dedicated sim I'd rather have a joystick. IMHO, it would be better for them to have both the mouse interface and a joystick one for whoever wants to use it.

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless


Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 10:35 pm

Well i flown for a long time in Flight/Space Simulators, and i think the new mouse interface for Freelancer is a bad idea because this quit a lot of emotion to the game. and i agree, this is the best game i bought for $2 and have one of the best storylines, but the weakest things is the ausence of an mission editor.

201st Squadron "Aztec Eagles"

Post Fri Feb 07, 2003 6:22 pm

i think the mouse's a baad idea as well, unless ther's a setting to choose from keyboard, mouse, and the joystick, then i'd rather stick with keyboard settings. i never tried mouse flying b4, but if u suddenly like knock it, the whole plane goes off course, not good, whereas the keyboard, u can knock all u like, u have to press...

This war - is a game of chess - and i have a plan - and its my turn - to hit back.

Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 5:23 am

I hate flying anything with the keyboard...not fine enough control. You can only depress the key a certain amount(all the way), so there is a constant rate of turn, you can't make as precise of adjustments(or slower, more graceful turns).

My preferred control interface is a joystick(used for flying/driving, in the left hand) combined with a mouse(for aiming, shooting, selecting, etc, in the right hand). If FL indeed does have turrets, that's the kind of interface I'd like.
Thus, you don't lose the feel of having the joystick(which, IMHO, really lets you feel like you're in the cockpit), but retain the precision aiming that a mouse offers.

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 11:06 pm

Unfortunately Freelancer doesn't have multiplayer coop as its seen in StarLancer. Its more like an MMORPG from what I've heard - log in, do some missions, get bigger and better stuff, then ownerize everyone.

BTW, games like EVE won't help the space-sim genre as we know it. Most of us grew up with twitchy joysticks, spiffy fighters, massive beam weapons, and a singple player story line. Games of today, EVE for example, is an MMO, mouse controlled, cap ship only, and doesn't focus much on actual player skill.

Games of today are severely lacking in all of the above :\

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 11:07 pm

BTW, FreeSpace 2 is the greatest game you'll ever play in your life.

Post Mon Feb 10, 2003 6:21 pm

Since my first "real" game was a flightsim, I know what you mean by just isn't the same without the stick.

If worse comes to worst, I can always set up my strategic commander to work with the game I guess. That's ALMOST like a joystick, but not quite...

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