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SL Stability Issues

This is a free discussion forum on Starlancer. This is the place to discuss general issues concerning StarLancer.

Post Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:40 pm

SL Stability Issues

I've had a terrible time playing SL not because it's difficult, but because certain kills always result in CTD. This happens both modded and unmodded, I even tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling to erase any modding I had done, and the issue persists, even with 3D sound disabled. Does this stem purely from running this game in WinXP? When configured for Win98 compatability the game doesn't even launch, and its getting very frustrating having to replay the most difficult missions several times to complete them before the game crashes. CTD's happening during kills have me yelling "Nooooo!" at the same time as the coalition pilot I've just destroyed.

Post Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:14 pm

Ya know, mine just crashes at completely random intervals while on a mission. Its just i'm flying and then BAM, i'm dead.

Actually, now that i think of it, it DOES tend to happen while killing someone.

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