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Best... Space Sim... Ever

This is a free discussion forum on Starlancer. This is the place to discuss general issues concerning StarLancer.

Post Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:10 pm

Best... Space Sim... Ever

You heard me! No damn new-fangled mouse-flight. You don't have to dedicate your life to it for it to rock. Unrealtic, anti-Newtonian physics ROCK. The Tiger's Claw is full of pussies. StarLancer... the last great bastion of a dead genre.

Post Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:25 am

Possibly . . .
I like Tachyon too . . .

Please don't hurt me!

Ban REVERSE THRUST! Fly something other than a phoenix for a change!

Post Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:45 pm

Starlancer *did* do a lot of things well Dev. It's a great game, but it doesn't quite have the same feel as the whole Wing Commander saga in my opinion, mainly because WC had five games in which to develop its main characters as well as explore the enemy.

Post Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:22 am

WC did have characters that evolved, but that evolution was infantile. The storylines were....soapy. Yep - it's daytime tv plot grafted into space sim. Starlancer was awesome in every sense and form - and who says Enriquez was not developed? she was very well developed. Her boobs, that is

Post Sun May 01, 2005 10:55 pm

Starlancer is hands down the best space flight combat simulation I've ever played. I love the look and sound of the rumble from my engines as I afterburn towards my destination. I like hearing and seeing a full burst from a Wolverine fire and sink into my targeted enemy. Making strafing runs on huge scaled capships is also a nice thrill. The capship battles were also exciting. I have to say though that I really enjoy the Wing Commander games because of their lovable characters, great story lines (especially 3 and 4), and mission braches based upon your choices and mission results. One thing I wished they both had was challenging aces to dogfight. At least it was a challenge in Starlancer to shoot some of the aces before they got away, but I would rather have a challenge trying to outmaneuver and shoot them before they shot me. Also, the multiplayer aspects are something I've dreamt of for a long time, but have never been able to experience (I have the Dreamcast version). It's hard for me to believe Starlancer wasn't the best selling game of the year.

Post Mon May 16, 2005 11:50 am

I love WC, so playing Starlancer with the WC Mods is great

Post Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:44 am

This is a great game. You guys need to play the Colony Wars series on Playstation. It's the best series on consoles, with Starlancer a close second on Dreamcast.

Post Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:31 am

Whoa. Some interesting replies here...first off, there's a WC mod for the Starlancer game? I think maybe you were talking about Freelancer, Friend. There's two Wing Commander mods for Freelancer (two that I'm aware of), but I don't think there's any for Starlancer. Unless you mean the WC ships you can import, but that's not paticularly worthy of mention, in my humble opinion.

The Colony Wars games...were decent. But they had several problems, none the least of which was their complexity. Those games are for the flightsim/scifi diehards, who have several months to kill mastering the game.

The real differance between games like that and Starlancer is that anyone can pick up Starlancer in a few minutes of play. Mastering it takes a bit longer, but mastering something like Colony Wars takes a life time.

Alot of people try to compare Starlancer to Wing Commander, or the X-Wing series, when really it is neither. Wing Commander had Five + 1/2 games to develop the same characters in, and to set the stage for their universe. The X-Wing series spanned 4 games, plus the Rogue Squadron spin off series, and was set in the backdrop of the most epic good vs evil better anyone could imagine.

Starlancer does neither of these things, and so comparing it is a mistake. Starlancer is the nuts and bolts of a REAL frontier world in outer space. It's about the darkside of the war, a civil war, really, when you think about it. It's not about polotics, or mission trees, or who slept with who. That I think, is what makes Starlancer a great game. It's about Starlancer, flying ships and shooting down the enemy.

Alot of people feel it is empty because of the lack of character development, but Starlancer isn't about character development. It's about a very real war in a very real outer space, in a very real ships and very real combat. It took my breathe away when I saw that giant Coalition ship sitting outside the rings of that planet that mission (which escapes me at the moment). And you know what? Those graphics still look decent today, even compared with whats presently on the market. It took my breathe away when they killed the man in that pod, when Stiener was alive at the end.

It's my personal opinion and theory that people who say there was not enough substance to Starlancer are not reading the news posts and squadron data, and ace data, and watching the killboard on the ship. Or the short news clips that appear on the TV monitor over the bed every few missions. That REALLY gave me the impression that I was fighting a larger war, and that it was going on around me all the time and are ESSENTIAL to getting the right feeling out of Starlancer.

So yeah, if you want character development, go play Wing Commmander (I happen to think highly of these games). If you want arcade epic good vs evil, go play the X-Wing series (I happen to think even higher of these games). But if you want to play a "down to earth" realistic future space combat game, and experiance what a war in our solar system would really be like, then go pick up Starlancer.


Okay, now that I've had my rant and said my piece, let me make a suggestion. This is a great thread. For the next five years we can play Starlancer alone on our PC's and dream about a sequel, while we spend all day telling each other how much we love Starlancer. Or we can take this another direction, so to everyone who is going to post and everyone who already did, I issue this challenge:

Don't tell us that Starlancer is a great game. Tell us WHY Starlancer is great game. And just for fun, compare it to other flight sims you've played and tell us what Starlancer does better. Or what they do better. Or both. Back up your claims with examples, with evidence. Show us you mean what you say. And if you really can't remember, then I think it's time to dust off your joystick and see about catching me for a game or two when I'm on gamespy.

Post Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:27 pm

In a lot of ways, Starlancer is my favorite space sim as well (never got the chance to play Freespace 2) but I have to admit that the in flight cutscenes nearly killed the game for me. What actually killed the game for me were all the scripting errors I encountered that would force me to replay a number of missions.

But the setting and gameplay were just awesome. It's my favorite space sim setting by far, and the fast dogfighting with an almost WW2 feel was a blast.

Post Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:51 am

I liked the fish tank on the yamato. i liked the epic yet realistic plot. and the sinister yet cowerdly baddies. but i hated stiener and gamma with a passion. i liked the fact that enriquez bent forward at the end of every briefing. and i liked the diversaty in missions.

I am the Death_man, the dark lord, the darkness in which all life dies and the bringer of insanity. In my spare time I manage a small pet supply shop.

Post Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:47 pm

as 2 try 2 explain why i like SL best of all the flight sims i tried....i cant,,it just is,And your right..flying coop missions on multi is gr8,,ANYONE can learn 2 do well in just a few short missions..But.To b totally honest what does it 4 me is the PvP deathmatchs,Absolutly nothing else like it.A totally level playing field,is all up 2 the pilot,how more real can it get?? also really like the (very)old freespace series,also a good PvP envirorment,but PXO went dwn ages ago.All in all Starlancer is just the best damn space sim yet.------PS: someone tell msn we want our room back!!

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:06 pm

I would definately like StarLancer more if it didn't constantly screw-up/crash on my damn PC!!!!!!!!1 >.< *screems in rage*

Post Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:32 am

Same problem with XP here. Running in compatability mode prevents the game from even launching. I had to replay the first warp mission three times as the game kept crashing about fifteen seconds prior to landing.

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