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Game controller button issues...2 at once.

This is a free discussion forum on Starlancer. This is the place to discuss general issues concerning StarLancer.

Post Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:15 pm

Game controller button issues...2 at once.

I have a dreamcast controller hooked up to my computer to play Starlancer and I am trying to configure the controls the same as dreamcast, but the game wont let me configure a control to hit two buttons at once. For example, I want Target Nearest Enemy to be X+A on the controller, but it will only let me choose X or A, not hit X and hold and then hit A.

So I'm wondering if there is anything I can do about it.

One more thing sorta off the subject, I noticed there is like no way to just stop at a certain speed. My ship is always accelerating and the only way to stop that is to decelerate, but sometimes I just want to cruise at say 45. I'm not sure what to push or turn off or on.

Anyway, thanx for any help.

Post Sat Feb 28, 2004 7:53 pm

SL wasn't designed to hit 2 buttons at once...I think.
As for your throttle issue, I have no idea.

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