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the n00b again

This is a free discussion forum on Starlancer. This is the place to discuss general issues concerning StarLancer.

Post Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:51 pm

the n00b again

(ya, I know I'm starting to get on your nerves with my noobish questions)

What exactly is StarLancer? A mod of FreeLancer?


Post Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:22 pm

Geez, dude! That's aboput the worst question I've ever heard on TLR!
SL is a TOTALLY different game. If you like joystick-controlled space shooters, that's a must for you! Anyway, SL is a prequel to FL, telling the story of how everytihing started. A cool game, about the collest i've ever played.

It's better to be a worldwide known drunkard than an anonymous alcoholic!

Post Tue Jan 20, 2004 12:20 pm

<<< FreeLancer Spoilers >>>

StarLancer is a sort of "prequel" to FreeLancer. It takes place after (before?) the sleeper ships launched from Sol, and the Alliance has been ambushed by the Coalition. It is your job to fight as part of the 45th Volunteers to help turn the tide of the war.

If you don't have it, you can buy it for dirt cheap (less than $5) and it's a really great game, worth the 30-something I paid for it. It also has Joystick support which X2 fans would like.

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