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Starlancer trial Windows XP problem

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Post Sat Nov 08, 2003 7:29 pm

Starlancer trial Windows XP problem

I have the following problem - I am using Windows XP SP1 and running Starlancer Trial version - but when I get to the second mission,..., I destroy the big ship's shield generatorm, my allies jump in, and the game throws me back to the desktop - it allows also crashes on other places in this mission randomly but in that place in mission 2 when my allies jump it crashes 100%, I've tried compatibility 95 or 98 but it always crashes. Any idea how can I fix this or is there a patch for the trial version (because these missions are not included in the full version) ?

Post Sat Nov 08, 2003 9:09 pm

I resolved the issue - I disabled 3d sound and EAX and now it works - strange problem though. The game is cool (and so is Freelancer). Your site is great - it's where I found the tip to try to disable 3d sound and EAX.

Post Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:46 pm

Welcome to the forums! finally someone intelligent enough to use the "search forum" function! I wish you many hours of joy and entertainment with StarLancer, Sir.

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