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Some questions bout the background

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Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 10:44 pm

Some questions bout the background

1st of all, hi, I am new to this site and the forums.

Now, to the topic!

I was wondering why I have a co-pilot and a turret on my ship. I mean, all the guy does is jabber on and on about how good I am at shooting foreigners

And another thing that confuses me is where does the Coalition come from? I mean, I know they are humans, so they come from Earth. But how did they wind up on the other half of the galaxy? I mean, why dont the nations just fight it out on the ground?

Stupid question perhaps, but just made me wonder if Digital Anvil answers these questions in the game, and I jsut didnt notice, or if its not covered at all...

Thanks for your time.

"In Space, no one can hear you shoot Screamers..."

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 10:55 pm

1st of all: welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay.

The copilot: yes, he compliments you if you shoot your fellow countrymen.

The Coalition: Sovyet Union, China, and Arab nations. It is kinda weird that they didn't fight on the Earth. But it happened before: Napoleon once tried to cripple British economy by invading India, instead of going across the Channel. After the colonization of America, Britain and France also avoided warring on their homelands and chose to do the battles on the New World instead. Hostile Crusading nations sent their armies to the Holy Land and fought tooth and claw for a chunk of land over there, while the borders of their homeland in Europe remains relatively unchanging. Proxy War is something desired by both sides in order to preserve the pristine conditions of their homeland. Strange, but fact.

(It's been a while since my last World History lesson, and one or two of my examples might be faulty. Anyone, please do not hesitate to correct me.)

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:02 pm

ZZZ... ZZZ... HUH? Wha? Im awake...

Hehe, sorry, no I dont doubt your history classes. Your probably right. But I was just wondering why go out in space when you have all this firepower you could just drop on America. Saves the hassle of going out there, and having to fight your way back.

And you didnt answer my first question. I know he talks alot, but DOES THE TURRET HAVE A FUNCTION? Or can I shoot it myself?

"In Space, no one can hear you shoot Screamers..."

Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:05 am

But it wouldn't make a very good space flight sim would it.

Welcome to the family btw

"A TopGun through and through"

Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:49 pm


Ah, I give up...

"In Space, no one can hear you shoot Screamers..."


Post Sun Jun 22, 2003 8:25 pm

the rear turret never does anything (same goes for the co-pilot). You can't control it, so you may just forget it, the more as it seems to be too weak to do anything anyway. Speaking of fighting in space, remember that both sides had numerous colonies all over the Sol system, so you can't just finish things on earth and end the war this way (I suppose that the majority of resources were in the colonies too, since the Earths supplies would've been pretty much used up by that time). Hope I answered your questions. If anything, feel free to post what's unclear (I'm not an expert , but some guys here surely are)

I don't have a drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem.
(stolen from a local pub)

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 7:21 pm

The backseater 'Moose' acts much more like a political flunkie whose sole purpose there is to ensure that the pilot does whatever Command has ordered. He's more a political officer than co-pilot, and should you violate rules or neglect to do what was asked of you, he'll hound you to tow the line.

And the whole setting fo Starlancer is within the Sol star system-- the star system you're sitting in right now. It is not a "whole across the galaxy" deal-- it's a fight for control over the home star system for humanity.

"Best start believing in devils, love-- because you're dancing with one."

Post Thu Jul 17, 2003 2:14 pm

Coalition's main members were Russia, Tigris Confederation, Eastern Republic, and China, I think...Alliance was USA, UK, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, and later Spain...prolly Canada and Australia too, though they aren't mentioned.

Moose is just a backseat driver. Though his compliments to your commie-busting can be amusing at times.

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless

Post Thu Jul 17, 2003 2:22 pm

I disagree. Moose is your 'political enforcement officer'. Fail to jump to lightspeed when directed to by the squadron, he'll rag on you about it until he himself initates the drive. He yells at you to finish mission objectives, such as destroying fighter cover or taking out all the laser turrets. And if you should happen to get involved in friendly fire incidents, he'll take the controls and bring you in for court-martial.

If you do anything that deviates from the plan, such as deciding to go sightseeing after a fight, he'll eventually take over and do the the thing he's been "suggesting" all along.

"Best start believing in devils, love-- because you're dancing with one."

Post Thu Jul 17, 2003 10:58 pm

Moose is annoying, but he's just doing his job. I'd like to see you join the army or airforce and not get court-martialled and executed for shooting your own allies, or not get sacked for disobeying orders. Yeah, this is just a game, but SL's real military atmosphere is one of its main attraction!

Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 3:18 pm

I just played (or, at least, tried to play!) Mission 14 or 15: the one where you take out the Advanced Warp Gate. I could not get the Success+ status on the mission despite any and all ways I tried to play it. The reason why? That flunkie Moose, that's why!

In the course of the attack, a Coalition carrier warps through the gate. Apparently, scrapping that carrier is what earns you the Success+ status for the mission, but I was unable to kill the machine. Why? Because as soon as the carrier makes it through the gate and launches his fighters, Bandit orders the squadron out of the area, and there I have Moose in the back seat cussing me out for not warping the crate out with the rest of the gang. End result? "I don't believ this!" he says, and he engages the warp projector himself and takes my fighter that I am flying out of the fight!

Tell me, who's the one deserving of court-martial there!? Moose displayed cowardice in the face of the enemy.

"Best start believing in devils, love-- because you're dancing with one."

Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 3:45 pm

If you want to kill the carrier you have to hit all the gates power cores first. They drop to half power only though. Thus when it's time you destroy the gate quicker than normal and the carrier is chopped in half coming out.

Give it a whirl, it's fun!!!!


Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:04 pm

Well, if Moose wasn't so quick to hit the Jump button and would actually allow me to do my friggin' job without his whining as a distraction, I'd rip that Coalie ship the good ol' fashioned way!

What sort of game has a 'feature' that "suggests" courses of action that escalate into major distractions, threats, and finally a complete override of your control and automatically executes operations on a scripted and inflexible basis?

Oh, wait. This is a Microsoft-backed game, after all

I just wish Moose would refuse to get out of his bunk for this mission, so that I could do it as I call it. In fact, that should be an idea for a mod: Drunk Moose-- the mod that blanks out Mr. Whiner and opens all mission scripts so that you're free to initiate the jump, or land, when you feel like it, not that flunkie in the back seat!

Edited by - Jevryn Markes on 18-07-2003 17:09:40

Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 6:11 pm

Ok. So sometimes it would be fun to have an ejection key just for the copilot.

Moose would be cool if he would just get the rulebook out of his arse.

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless

Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 6:13 pm

That doesn't really sound the way I remember it. The Full Completion of the mission was actually an easter egg that gives you more satisfaction if you managed to find out by yourself - the real-life tactical term is "target of opportunity". Moose does not press the Jump button in this mission unless the last ship already fully emerged from the warp gate. If this happens, the mission is a failure, no matter who Jumps.

Think about it: you're a wing of fighters, and Gamma Wing already spent its ship-killer torps. There's no way you could destroy the capship by yourself, unless using unconventional tactics: destroy all 4 power cores of the warp gate BEFORE the commie capship finished the warp. This will cut it in two.

And MS is not responsible for all the evils on this planet. They entered at a very late stage of the development of StarLancer to save DA from bankruptcy, not long enough to effect a real influence on the game.

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