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**Tutorial** - Speed and Handling

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 5:41 pm

OK now to change cruise speed for those that don't already know.

first decode constants.ini file using the decoder of your choice. Personally I use FreelancerIniExplorer for its ease of use.

Warning do not use FreelancerIniExplorer on mission files unless you can re-encode the files otherwise crashes may occur.

Next open the constants file and under the section EngineEquipConsts add this line:

Now under the section PhySysConsts add this line:

You can make it faster if you want but will crash land into planets and even with an invincible ship will die when you hit the water. It still says you are going 300 but you can see that you are going faster than that.

Post Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:26 pm

Hiya, I tried to edit my ship's engine so that my throttle is able to go higher, but I ran into a problem... I set the throttle really high by setting max_force = 8800000, but it's slowest speed is still too fast, how can I make it so when I scroll my mouse wheel up and down the throttle has a more accurate interval/throttle gain/loss instead of instantly jumping to warp? Sorry if this is answered elswhere, I tried to search for it and came up with nodda.

Post Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:57 pm

i found a some info on tradelanes in the select_equip.ini but don't know what to edit

nickname = basic_trade_lane_eq
tl_ship_enter = basic_tl_ship_enter
tl_ship_travel = basic_tl_ship_travel
tl_ship_exit = basic_tl_ship_successful
tl_ship_disrupt = basic_tl_ship_traumatic
tl_player_travel = basic_tl_player_travel
tl_player_splash = basic_tl_player_splash
secs_before_enter = 2
secs_before_splash = 0.2
secs_before_exit = 0.3
tl_ring_active = basic_tl_ring_active
spin_max = 50
spin_accel = 15
activation_start = 750
activation_end = 500
\what is your travel speed in the trade lane

confucius says you'll be on the toilet all night after that 3 week old pizza

Post Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:28 am

which is in "Freelancer\Data"
the following lines have helped me with my mega-speed fighter-


-push up "ANOM_LIMITS..." to a reeeeally high number, I do blieve that's the absolute maximum speed for eveything, and that tradelanes use it as their default max speed too... I think that increases trade lane speed, although it still takes a VERY long trade lane to ramp up to that speed. Hope that helps.

Wait, what was I doing? Never mind, it was probably dumb anyway.

Edited by - Taytayisking on 6/29/2005 10:45:32 AM

Post Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:44 am

Hadn't seen that stuff on Tradelanes you just posted... gotta mess with that, see what it changes (breaks)...

Wait, what was I doing? Never mind, it was probably dumb anyway.

Edited by - Taytayisking on 6/29/2005 10:44:13 AM

Post Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:47 am

This entire thread is the result of having no search button.Hate to say it(not really,i'm reveling in it)but I told you so.

everything that has been discussed in this thread has been covered in tutes & general editing.

Post Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:28 am

Well thats just because this thread originated in 2003

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