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Tutorial - How to - start modifying Freelancer

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:24 am

Tutorial - How to - start modifying Freelancer

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Tutorial - How to - start modifying Freelancer</span>

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Page 1</span>

Modifying Freelancer requires a lot of reading.
You can't just start changing files and adding to files without knowing what does what. So read all the information you can find on the subject that you're interested in working on.

Use the Google search on the front page.
You can also use the Search Forums and the New Search Engines.
By using the Google search you will find information that has been stored in the database for the past 5 years.
The show topics The Google search engine is on the bottom of the current news post on the front page.
Just type in what you're looking for: say for example that you're interested in making new ships, do search's for milkshape, textures, ships, engines, thrusters, constants ini, hardpoints, market ship ini, weapons, equipment, etc..

This is a general start of what to do to modify Freelancer.
Anyone can add to this tutorial and it will be edited with new information as it is added by community members.

Please add links to "how to tutorials" or "editing posts" that you think might be of help.
If you don't know how to link a post in the forums take a look at the Forum Codes for an example:
Or click on and take a look at the text in this post.

Before you start to edit the files and during your project, always backup your files.
Always test what you changed or added, start Freelancer and make sure it works, if everything works OK backup your files and then continue editing.
I can't stress this enough. Even small errors can cause Freelancer to crash and if you can't find the error you will loose all your work and have to start over.
So if you have backup files you can always use those so you don't have to start over and some people even abandon the project because they can't find the bugs.

Note: If you can not "open" a file or "open with" - right click on the file and select properties - down in the Attributes: un-check the Read-only box and select apply.
Now you should be able to open the file in your text editor.
ini files can be edited with a text editor.
ini files (information files) are the files that you will be working with for the most part but they are not the only type of the files that you may want to be edit depending on what your mod project involves.
There are more types of files such as thn, dll, txt, wav. utf, exe, 3db, mat, cmp, anm, dfm, txm, bmp, tga, wmv, dds, et cetera (and so on) that you may need a special tool, utility or program to open depending on what you are trying to modify or add too.

The first thing you should do is start out with a new clean install of Freelancer or a second install of Freelancer for your Mod project.
Don't just un-install Freelancer and then re-install, delete your Freelancer folder and then install Freelancer again.
If you just un-install Freelancer and then re-install there could be some files left in the Freelancer folder that will cause Freelancer to crash or not even start up.
So delete the Freelancer folder and then install Freelancer...
If you don't know where your Freelancer folder is... it's in:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer

To get a second copy of Freelancer all you have to do is re-name your current Freelancer folder to something like - back up copy of Freelancer - and then you can install Freelancer again. To start Freelancer from the backup copy, create a shortcut to the backup copy of Freelancer which is now loacated at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\backup copy of Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe"

Edited by - bakedpotato on 4/20/2007 6:56:18 AM

Post Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:25 am

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Page 2</span>

Mod makers should start their Mod Project with the Freelancer SDK version 1.3b-sdk_20070313 and not the QuickFix version 1.0c. The Quickfix is for players, think of the Quickfix as client-side (In computer networking, the term client-side refers to operations that are performed by the client in a client-server relationship).

Mod makers can download the Freelancer SDK version 1.3b-sdk_20070313 here.

The SDK files are text files so you can edit, change and add to them. They also fix a lot of the original bugs in the files.

The Freelancer SDK (meaning software development kit) is the ultimate mod maker's platform available to the Freelancer community.
This project will no longer be used as a patch but as a foundation for building mods, and from now on it will only be distributed in a ZIP archive form.
The SDK is only for mod development and should not be used for any other purposes.

How to use the Freelancer SDK files version 1.3b-sdk_20070313 for editing:

1. Install the Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31 if you haven't already installed it.

2. Open the Freelancer Mod Manager mods folder located at:
C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods
Make a new folder - name the new folder with whatever you want to call your Mod. Example: MyMod
Open the MyMod folder (or whatever you named it) and make a new folder, name it Data (do not make up a name).
Now extract into C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\MyMod\Data


Put a script.xml file in your MyMod folder
C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\MyMod
Even a basic script.xml file will be enough to show the description of your Mod in the Freelancer Mod Manager interface.

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Example of a script.xml file:</span>

<header name="MyMod" savesafe="true">
Your name
The Mod text description goes here.

<span style="text-decoration: underline">What does what in the script.xml</span>
<header name="SomeModName" savesafe=”true” exclusive=”true”> <!-- Header tag and name of mod. If savesafe is equal to “true” default is “false”, saved games made while this mod is active will not be moved into their own directory. If exclusive=”true” default is “false”, FLMM will force the user to deactivate all other mods before activating this mod, and not allow any mods to be activated while this mod is active. Use only when you really have to, because probably not all mods would mess up your mod -->
<scriptversion> <!--The oldest version of FLMM that this mod will work with -->
<author> <!--author(s), one line -->
<modurl> <!--Link to mod’s homepage (or forum thread) -->
<description> <!--description, multi-lined-->
This Mod features bla bla bla
<options default="1:1"> <!-- default specifies what to use for the options attribute in <data> tags. The numbers stand for which option/item pairs, in this format: “optionId:itemId,optionId:itemId”; if you leave out “:itemId”, it is considered in all the items of that option. This particular value tells FLMM to make every <data> tag without the options attribute to only be activated if the user selects the item with id=1 under the option with id=1. If it was “1,2”, every <data> section without an options attribute would be activated no matter which item the user selects because “1,2” is the same as saying “1,2:1,2:2,2:3” or “1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4,2:1,2:2,2:3” -->

<option id=”1” name="How fast do you want to go when using cruise engines?" savesafe="true"> <!-- savesafe tells FLMM whether different item selections are saved-game compatible with each other in this particular option -->

<item id="4" name="Normal" /> <!-- “id” is whatever you specify, and doesn’t determine the order the items are listed -->

<item id="1" name="600kps" />

<item name="1200kps" /> <!-- If the “id” attribute is left out, it uses the previous item’s id plus 1 (or 1 if there are no previous items) -->
<item name="3000kps" />

<option name="Do you want to double the thruster speed?" savesafe="true"> <!-- No id is specified, so, just like the item’s id attribute, it is the previous option id plus one (2 in this case) -->

<item id="3" name="No" />

<item id="1" name="Yes (realistic power drain)" />

<item name="Yes (no change in power drain)" />


A great tool for your mod project is FLScan v1.3 by Accushot
FLScan is a program that will scan your Freelancer files looking for errors, saving you the time and headaches that this usually entails. You can direct the program to scan certain areas of your project or to simply scan the whole lot. An error report will be created which details the problems, common causes and possible ways to fix the problem.
Read the contents on the FLScan download page.
Download FLScan v1.3 here.
What is FLScan?
Important Information
How do I use it?
Built-in BINI decryption support
The Error Report
Commandline Options
Repairing THN Files
The Freelancer PathBuilder
The Mod Monitor
Change Log
Contact Details</ul>

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Links to useful topics for modifying Freelancer</span>
I told you there's a lot of reading involved if you want to make a Mod.

New to modding FL? Be courteous and PLEASE READ well written thread

Limit breaking 101

Compilation of ALL IDS names, Mod Info, Tutorials, INI explination -- Read first!

**Tutorial** - Intro scripts

Compilation of Tutorials - please read

Quick Links to Topics

Utilities, Tools and other Goodies

{News} =EOA= Players Consortium Releases

Tutorial Compilation

Edited by - bakedpotato on 4/22/2007 3:56:16 PM

Post Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:35 am

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Page 3</span>
Putting all the files together to make it work with the Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31

This is just a short description.
For complete details see the Help - How do I make a mod work with FLMM?
Which you can find in the menu of the Freelancer Mod Manager itself.
<ul>The Help file has the following information:
Making a mod work with FLMM
How to make a mod script
How to generate DLL resource strings in-script
How to make use of mod “caching” to speed up activation
How to make a mod archive (mod auto-unzipper)

Let's explain how to zip up files in the correct way.
Most of the Mods have to be re-zipped because the files are not zipped up correctly.
Open your Mod folder (the place where all your modified files are).
Click on - Edit - in Windows Explorer or whatever program you use to navigate all the files on your harddrive, I personally like freeCommander because it has a dual-panel technology, and then - Select All, all the files and subfolders should be highlighted now.
Now right click on the highlighted files and zip them up giving your Mod a name something like
That's it your Mod is now good to go.
All you have to do now is submit your Mod to Lancers Reactor and we'll put it in the download section for everyone to enjoy.

Edited by - bakedpotato on 4/19/2007 11:16:29 PM

Post Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:58 am

Great info bakedpotato, thanks for gathering this info here.

I have a few questions (gee, my first question here, heh). I have heard to always use FLMM 1.31, not the 1.4x beta...can you shed light on why? Is it buggy?

I have also seen a mod or two that 'requires' it's player to install SDK 1.3-1.5 before activating and playing their mod. This doesn't make any sense to me since I thought the SDK was for developers, mainly to make the files readable. Can you shed light on this too? Does it help with anti-cheat or something?

Post Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:34 pm

FLMM 1.4 has some experimental features that also make the original features unstable. This is why most people have gone back to 1.3.1.

Players do not install the SDK, no matter what mod it is. Players are to install the QuickFix patch and that's it, and this is a one-time patch.

Post Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:15 pm

Thank you.

Post Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:28 pm

I am making my first mod and i do not know how to the version number
if anyone can tell me can you please help? Another question is, I have made my own ships and they not showing up in the game can someone please help?

Post Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:46 am

Version Number...
Ok , First you'll need this: ResHack
Then, Make a Copy of Freelancer.exe
Open it with ResHacker and open up the Tab Marked 'Version Info' then '1' then '1033'
When you Click on 1033 You should get Somthing Like This:

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
FILEVERSION 1,0,1223,11
FILEOS 0x40004
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904B0"
VALUE "Comments", ""
VALUE "CompanyName", "Microsoft Corporation"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Freelancer"
VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 0, 0, 0"
VALUE "InternalName", ""
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "© 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
VALUE "LegalTrademarks", ""
VALUE "OriginalFilename", ""
VALUE "PrivateBuild", "Release"
VALUE "ProductName", "Freelancer"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 0, 0, 0"
VALUE "SpecialBuild", ""

BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0409 0x04B0

Change 'FILEVERSION', 'PRODUCTVERSION' and at the Bottom 'VALUE "Productversion"' to your Desired Number. Please Note, The Fourth Integer has no Effect on the Version Number. and If you want to Run your Mod online, you'll need to do this to FLserver.exe as well.

Post Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:27 pm

Thanks So Much That Is much help. there is another thing i have made a startupscreen but when ever i put it in the game it shuts down or dosent show it
can someone help me please

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