Post Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:44 am

Need a straightforward tutorial to create factions...

Hey everyone.

Right, I havent been modding for very long, so ill list what I can do;
I know how to edit/create .ini files, I have FLexplorer, and I have FLMM 1.2

Now, Ive looked at the various other factions tutorials here, and I cant make any sense of most of it

Im ready to learn anything else I need to, as long as it can be explained in simple english

So far, peicing together bits from other tutorials, ive edited "initialworld.ini", "empathy.ini", "faction_props.ini", and "mpnewcahracter.fl". In FLExplorer, Im not entirely sure how to work with either zones or patrol routes. I also need to know how to make the infocards things relating to my new factions.

I hope someone can help me out - this is the only things remaining that I need for my addon
