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**Tutorial** - Breaking the 10 Million ship price limit

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Post Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:44 am

**Tutorial** - Breaking the 10 Million ship price limit

Someone asked about this, so I thought I would post a small tutorial for breaking the 10 million ship price limit. We found a way to get around this by making some of the running lights cost 10 million each (players won't notice any thing strange, just that the ship costs more than 10mil).

In order to do this, create a new entry in your light_equip.ini file with the same stats as an existing light, but just a new name, like:

nickname = DockingLightRedSmall10M
always_on = false
docking_light = true
bulb_size = 2
glow_size = 3
color = 255, 64, 64
flare_cone = 120, 90
min_color = 128, 32, 32
avg_delay = 0.500000
blink_duration = 0.500000

Then, open up your misc_good.ini file, and add in a new Good item for that light, with a price of 10Million, like this:

nickname = DockingLightRedSmall10M
equipment = DockingLightRedSmall10M
category = equipment
price = 9999999
combinable = false
material_library = equipment\models\li_equip.mat

Finally, open up your goods.ini file, and find the ship you want the change the price on. Change some of the lights to the new 10Million dollar lights (however many you want/can have on a ship) like this:

addon = DockingLightRedSmall10M, HpDockLight01, 1

Voila, you can now have prices for ships be more than 10Million =)

Edited by - Wasabe on 6/14/2004 9:44:38 AM

Edited by - Chips on 10/31/2004 7:21:47 AM

Post Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:34 pm

Never tried this, but im assuming it could work...

Also, you could just jack up the price in market_ships.ini. In the ships entry, the very last number after each one is a price multiplier - these are always set to 1 (apart for commodities). If you set it to 2, the price will be twice that the ship/item is defined as...set it to 10, it'll be 10 times the price stated.

I havnt been very clear on the above...but it's getting late (excuse for being lazy)...


Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:31 am

I know this is an old thread but you can also use the Engines, Power Plants, Scanners, and Tractor beams. Just add them to the misc_good.ini file.
You don’t have to sell them just put a value on them.
They will show up on the NPC's ships and the player ships when scanned.

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Second, it is violently opposed; and
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