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**Tutorial** - making Story missions

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Sat May 06, 2006 4:59 pm

^^ but Darkstone said:

so unless your first story mission "conveniently" ends up on Pittsburgh, you'll be left drifting aimlessly for ever, not being able to gain another level.

So can we set up to start out in Leeds instead?

Post Sun May 07, 2006 12:00 am

You can do whatever you want.

I did yome extensive research in this field and it turned out that the possibilities are endless. What he ment was that it is very complicated to create new thn scripts with people on a planet, in his example the discussions when you take the mission, and he is very right.

However, it is complicated, but not in the least impossible.

Post Sun May 07, 2006 6:11 am

Actually, I've submitted a mod that makes you start from Leeds: your mission is to get to Freeport 7 and do a mission for Lonnigan. When you complete it the game starts with the usual FP7 destruction script, then you arrive on manhattan and go through all the story.
The theory behind the mod is simple: I added things on M01a.ini file, so the first mission is just something bigger and longer than the original. The good thing is that you can set the entire Sirius sector like in an open sp, even if you're playing inside a mission, so you're free to do what you like, where you like, until you decide to get into the story.

The mod is called 1001BeforeFP7 and will probably be online soon...

It was thanks to this tutorial I could start to make the mod.

See ya

Post Sun May 07, 2006 6:36 am

That's so cool 1001. Can't wait to try your mod.

Edited by - buckaroobanzai on 5/7/2006 7:37:01 AM

Post Mon May 08, 2006 5:15 am

You welcome.
No thn scripts in it however, just plain text for the mission :p


Post Mon May 08, 2006 12:07 pm

Yes, I would like to try that out, too. It can never hurt to see someone else's methods on such a diverse topic such as missions.

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