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**Tutorial** - Creating new dynamic weapons

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:06 am

I am in your debt. Please would you give me a virtual kick in ass for being in idiot.

I forgot to reset that value before testing, i'm making a new powerplant for my ship's.

Thanks that whole thing is almost perfect now.

Post Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:12 am

No worries, we all make silly mistakes when we start out . Have fun with the powerplants, maybe once you master this you can make a minimod

Edited by - parabolix on 6/27/2004 7:22:42 PM

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:43 am

hey parabolix

is it possible to make a weapon that fires for long periods of time. EG. You click fire and it's shot last's fire from the barrel for about .5 seconds then it travels away. i don't want a weapon that continuosly fires because. I have tried increasing the tip and taillengths but it hasn't work the way I want it.

It's eyes were completly devoid of life,
Empty Orbs that took in the world with an unfeeling gaze,
A thin trail of blood ran from a fresh wound,
But it would not or could not tend to it,
Only one thing ever brought a spark of vitality,
To the eyes of this Tortured Soul:
The Suffering of others.

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:25 pm

You may be able to achieve that by some editing of the effect_types.ini and effects.ini files.

nickname = EFT_WEAPON_PROJ
priority = 0.500000
generic_priority = 1.000000
lod_type = EFT_LOD_WEAPON
radius = 20.000000
visibility = EXIST_OFFSCREEN
update = CULL_UPDATE
run_time = -1
pbubble = 1000, 1500

Try copying the entry to the bottom of effect_types.ini and adding a 1 to the end of EFT_WEAPON_PROJ, then change the run_time value to something like 30, I've never tried this before so I cant guarantee you it works. If you do this, then go into effects.ini and find your effect. There is a line that says

effect_type = EFT_WEAPON_PROJ

change it to

effect_type = {your effect type}

and then test it out.

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:53 am

I wasn't able to get what I wanted your way but I got it mine:

I added
core_length = 99999
and it works

it doesn't look great if you fire when moving but works none the less.

It's eyes were completly devoid of life,
Empty Orbs that took in the world with an unfeeling gaze,
A thin trail of blood ran from a fresh wound,
But it would not or could not tend to it,
Only one thing ever brought a spark of vitality,
To the eyes of this Tortured Soul:
The Suffering of others.

Post Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:57 am

Good job, glad to see you got what you wanted.

Post Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:58 pm

Parabolix, i am having one of those moments. I am attempting to create a new gun, using a copied entry in weaponale.ini (which i modified and changed name, etc). Now i set the gun up all nice (what i did for the effect was add some of the .txm's to an existing gun, then renamed the proj). now i can buy the gun just fine, and it fires and all, it just does not use the .txm's that i added. It is still the basic projectile, for some reason. HRELP!~ I added a couple things like hexagon.txm, storm.txm, yet the bolt is still the same as if i had never done it. Now i understand the .ini thing pretty well, but i'm lost here. Please help!

EDIT : oh and i *did* remember to change the const_effect to my new one, but still no luck.

Edited by - baene on 7/22/2004 12:09:51 AM

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:19 am

Baene, the .txm files are not as powerful modifiers as the crc numbers. .txm files add smaller effects to the gun that are noticed only if you pay alot of attention to the effect. Try changing the crc number and alchemy reference to get a different effect.

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:30 pm

Hmmm - that crc number is greek to me, but i'll fool with it some hehe thanks Parabolix


Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:44 pm

Not sure if anyone has cracked the crc numbers, but you can just borrow them from other effects. I am making some headway on .txm files and am going to try to export a new one for a gun.

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:29 pm

AWESOME! I wish you luck then! Let me know what you get, as i am getting more and more interested in messing with the gun effects

And thanks for the replies, Parabolix!


Post Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:37 am

Well, since this is missing here and I had to find it out... Speed settings for missiles...

muzzle_velocity is the speed at which the missile will initially leave the launcher. Set it low for a torpedo. Setting it low for a normal or homing missile can be interesting, too, as you will be able to watch the missile actually accelerate on its own.

lifetime (in the munition entry) is actually how far the missile can fly, or how long it can follow an enemy. Multiplay this with the actual speed(see formula for the speed below) and you have the actual tracking range, which can be higher than than the seeker_range, and should not be lower, since that would make the seeker_range redundant.

seeker_range is the range that shows up in the stats. It determines the maximum range for the seeker to work, not the distance the missile can travel.

seeker_fov_deg decides the missiles "filed of view" (fov). For example avalue 0f 30 means that if the target is within a cone with an opening angle of 30° when you shoot the missile, the missile is able to track it. This only matters for the initialization of the seeker, mafter that it will track as long as its lifetime and max_angular_velocity allow it to. I have been able to make a missile that can miss the target and yet fly a large full circle around until it hits the target on the second run.

max_angular_velocity is the turning rate, in degrees per second, at which the missile can turn.

Now the motor, very important:

lifetime determines for how long the missile will accelerate. After that time it will stay at a constant max. speed, which is the same speed as seen in the stats ingame. Lifetime is counted from the beginning of acceleration, if you increase the delay you will not need to increase lifetime to offset this.

accel determines how much speed the missile gains per second during the motors lifetime. That means, the actual speed is (motor)lifetime*accel+muzzle_velocity.
Set it low and the motor's lifetime high for a torpedo that is slowly accelerating over a longer period.

delay simply says how long (in seconds) it takes until the motor will start accelerating after you shot the missile.

Post Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:57 pm

Also something ofr the more experienced. Have you tried making new txms? YOu can open them as UTF export image data (and of course import back) etc. I think I would now be able to change the Nomad glyphs (in the cutscene where the artifact is activated in the campaign), for example, for other images...

I am wondering if you could simply copy and existing txm, change image data and use that one, or if it will produce similarly weird results as custom ship icons that are done by copying files and only replacing image data.

Post Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:38 pm

any one have any tutorials on how to make a turent, i mean yes makeing a gun was fun but a turent is where my kind of fighting becomes golden.

(oh and ty so much for makeing this tutorial i was about to give up just use other's mods tell i saw this you made it simple short and sweet just how everything in learning should be).

oh and one more thing how do you get the name if your new weapon to show up in game. i still have the Mark 1 mk1 gun as the name but its duplicated in the shop one is my mod one is the original.

I tweek rides, but i dont ride tweeked.

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:46 pm


To make a turret, follow the same steps as I outlined in the tutorial, except where you see the line

hp_gun_type = hp_gun_special_1

Change it to;

hp_gun_type = hp_turret_special_1

Obviously substituting the number for the level turret you are making.

As for making the name of your guns show up, follow the link I made in the tutorial to use Catscratcher's great .dll tutorial. Here is the link again just incase you missed it. Hope that helps.

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