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Market_Ship.ini Codes

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Post Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:17 am

Market_Ship.ini Codes

This list is based, in part, on lists by rkohs and vovin.

marketgood = gf1_package--Starflier
marketgood = gf2_package--Skytracker
marketgood = gf4_package--Hawk
marketgood = gf5_package--Falcon
marketgood = gf6_package--Eagle
marketgood = bwf_package--Dagger
marketgood = bwe_package--Stiletto
marketgood = bwe2_package-Sabre
marketgood = bwfr_package-Dromedary
marketgood = cof_package--Legionaire
marketgood = coe_package--Centurion
marketgood = coe2_package-Titan
marketgood = lf_package---Patriot
marketgood = le_package---Defender
marketgood = lfr_package--Rhino
marketgood = bf_package---Cavalier
marketgood = be_package---Crusader
marketgood = bfr_package--Clydesdale
marketgood = kf_package---Drake
marketgood = ke_package---Dragon
marketgood = kfr_package--Drone
marketgood = rf_package---Banshee
marketgood = re_package---Valkyrie
marketgood = rfr_package--Humpback
marketgood = pf_package---Bloodhound
marketgood = pe_package---Wolfhound
marketgood = pfr_package--Mule
marketgood = bhf_package--Piranha
marketgood = bhe_package--Barracuda
marketgood = bhe2_package-Hammerhead
marketgood = oe_package---Anubis

Bases with only 1 ship for sale-3 max allowed:
Br01_03=BS Suffolk
Br01_08=Trafalgar Base-----------------pirates
Br02_03=Sheffield Station
Br02_04=Liverpool Border Station
Br03_03=BS Norfolk
Br04_03=BS York
Br05_01=BS Hood
Br05_04=BS Essex
Br05_05=Arranmore Base-----------------pirates
Bw02_01=Cadiz Base---------------------pirates
Bw03_01=Freidstadt Base---------Bounty Hunters
Bw06_01=Planet Kurile-----------------pirates?
Bw10_01=Planet Harris-----------------pirates?
Ew03_01=Leon Base----------------------pirates
Ew04_01=Freeport 9
Hi01_01=Planet Malta-------------------pirates
Hi02_01=Planet Crete-------------------pirates
Iw02_03=BS Osiris------During Missions ONLY!!!
Iw03_02=Mactan Base---------------Lane Hackers
Iw04_01=Planet Curaco-----------------pirates?
Iw04_02=Montezuma Base-----------------pirates
Ku02_02=BS Myoko
Ku02_04=Planet Junyo
Ku03_03=BS Nagumo
Ku05_01=BS Matsumoto
Ku06_01=Kyoto Base---------------Blood Dragons
Li01_02=Planet Pittsburg
Li01_03=BS Missouri
Li01_12=Buffalo Base------------Liberty Rogues
Li01_13=Rochester Base-----------------Junkers
Li01_15=BS Osiris------During Missions ONLY!!!
Li02_02=California Minor
Li02_03=BS Yukon
Li02_06=Alcatraz Depot
Li03_02=BS Rio Grande
Li04_03=BS Mississippi
Li04_06=BS Osiris------During Missions ONLY!!!
Rh02_02=BS Westfalen
Rh02_07=BS Osiris------During Missions ONLY!!!
Rh03_02=Planet Baden Baden
Rh04_01=Planet Holstein
Rh04_05=Bruchsal Base------------------pirates
Rh05_04=Vogtland Base------------------pirates
St01_01=Planet Toledo--During Missions ONLY!!!
St01_02=BS Osiris------During Missions ONLY!!!
St02_01=BS Osiris------During Missions ONLY!!!
St03b_01=BS Osiris-----During Missions ONLY!!!

I made this list to help in my MOD, and thought that others may be able to use it, too.
I haven't tried it, but it looks like you could make 7 different setups for the BS Osiris.
(Each based on where it is.)
Bases with notes are usually hostile, so I tend to avoid loading them up to much.

For those who don't know it:
Changing the 3rd, 4th, and 5th numbers affects the sales:
0, 0, 1=Ship is not for sale.
1, 1, 0=Ship is for sale.

Make sure that you have no more than 3 for sale, or it'll crash the game.
Personally, I like using the BS (Battleships) to purchase captured pirate ships from.
(Beats trying to make the pirates friendly!)

I hope someone finds this useful!

Edited by - warzog on 22-11-2003 00:19:44

Post Sat Nov 22, 2003 8:42 am

Yah but its alot more fun.

Good work, all those BS Osiris' better not affect the game cause I deleted that all.

Post Sat Nov 22, 2003 4:50 pm

Hate to say it that in fact, ONLY the third number affects the sale of ships. If it is 1 then its sale, if a 0 its not.

Also - nice work, but i suggest that you check out SubXeros Freelancer Miscillaneous database - as you coulda found that out in a minute.!

Post Sun Nov 23, 2003 1:04 am

Wish I could...
I've had problems with this site.
Can't even get in to the "General Editing" forum, at all!

Post Sun Nov 23, 2003 1:07 am

lol - ask nicely and we can cut and copy into emails or into a thread for you if you like

Post Sun Nov 30, 2003 2:25 pm

Did you say the magic words "abrakababra"

Post Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:01 pm

Finally discovered why I couldn't get into the "General Editing" forum...
I had selected "View posts from the last year."
Once I changed it to the last 30 days, I got in.
Oh, well...
Live and learn!
But, I finally finished my MOD, any way!

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