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please help me with files!!!

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:49 pm

please help me with files!!!

i have own super server that i wana be the strongest as well coolest as i am the leader right? right! )
so i got a friend that has incredible speed man he can saround you in one second!
its like he is cloaking or something you see him there and poof! he is infront of you
so he changed some files in data/shiparch something
and he changed the speed to maximum
and there is another awsome thing!
he counted to me like that: "3 2 1''
and the my ship blowed up he talld me he changed that in equipment and there somethings in files to one shot distruction.
so please if you know or you know someone that can help me about it please contact!

Post Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:44 am

LOL - not likely. If you are the admin, then use the ultimate superpower strongest in the world gun, the kick gun. Next time u meet him, count '3...2....1
and then disconnect him. Fastest bootin in the west.

Doubt anyone will help you cheat like that, just because if you really were a server admin, you would hate the cheaters, and not want to be one of them. Sounds like you just want a bully boot on, and peopel wonder why some poeple refuse to reveal mods? *sigh*

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