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Custom bases from scratch (new model, loadout)

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Post Tue Aug 12, 2003 10:02 pm

Custom bases from scratch (new model, loadout)

I've noticed that the one thing that hasn't been done is a custom base from scratch. I haven't played any of the popular mods yet so i'm not sure if they have included any, but there are no pointers on how to integrate a fresh base model into Freelancer, and set it as a base.

What i'm looking for are the requirements of a base, ie: are there any specific hardpoints necessary, excluding the docking ones. I do not intend to let ships dock at all, due to the reason below.

Also, is it possible to include a custom base into a mission that requires a base to be destroyed? Placing the base into a system is easy enough, but I only intend this base to be seen as part of a "go here - destroy this base" mission.

Yes, I have modelled the base. No, i'm not telling you what it is. It's a surprise!

Thanks for any help!

Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 11:34 pm

sorry, it isn't possible at the moment.
The problem are the *.sur files. They are for collision detection etc. at the moment there is no exporter or someone that could make these files. Without them you could fly through the base, sometimes this could be funny, but not if you wanted to destroy it...

so, wait for an exporter, like I do.

PS: xcuse me for my bad english, blablabla

Edited by - skyshooter on 17-08-2003 00:34:53

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 12:19 am

Well, that hasn't stopped me from trying! Freelancer seems to lock on the loading/splash screen before entering the main menu, probably because my test model (which is simply a cube with various hardpoints scattered around) doesn't have the required 'things' for a base.
Must a ship or station model have a .sur in every case?

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 3:02 pm

you say a base isnt possible because of the collision detection, so how does this work with new ships, they obviously have some form of collision detection, or are the 3d models for bases different from the ship format?, has any one tryed creating a "bounds" box around the model in there 3d program for a base.
I havent looked at the modeling section on modding freelancer models. so i might be totaly off track.

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 8:30 pm

From what i've gathered from reading the forums, a ship can be without a .sur file and still function, but weapon shots will not register on the hull - only on the weapons. A station is probably the same, which means the construction of base models/materials varies from that of ships. I'll attempt to make a satellite instead of a station, that should avoid any dodgy docking requirements.

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:34 pm

and in fact, CORRECT collision detection isn't possible for ships too! the mods with new ships you can download, they have all sur files from a origianl ship, that in some way fits on the custom ship. Then,they have shields, and a shield has its own sur file

docking points aren' t your problem. I made a station only with turrets and lights and it's really nice. You' ve made some errors in the ini's

Post Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:40 am

You actually got a base to work??

Well done!! <I'll have to go and investigate>

The hard part is obviously the Texturing!!

I'm your Helping Hand

X-Lancer Project Leader
TNG Public Liason

Post Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:58 pm

Skyshooter, i'd really appreciate some help, either here or via email. In fact, the files you used to do that would be great, since I learn best from example. Any chance of those?

Post Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:21 pm

sorry, I will not release the files... the base is part of a BIG mod that I and a 10-member team are making. We don't release anything other than screenshots unless it has reached a beta status.

but I could try to help here... I think you have made an error in the INI stuff.

Edited by - skyshooter on 01-09-2003 19:34:41

Post Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:29 pm

ok, FL is crashing on the splash screen.... Normally this is because you have old savegames with moddet stuff that doesn' t exist anymore, or you have an error in an archetype ini.

so check your entry in solararch.ini and make sure the path of the cmp and mat file is correct. Also make sure that in the system file (ex. li01.ini) in your entry, you have set the "loadout = " same as the "nickname = " in the entry in "data\solar\loadouts.ini"
the "loadout =" in solararch.ini doesn't change anything, I don't know for what it is...

PS: if you're interested about "Custom Base Modelling" there is a thread in the editing forum. Wanderer made there a base called "The Citadel", and it is really cool!

Edited by - skyshooter on 01-09-2003 19:33:38

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:11 pm

Awesome, i'll recheck everything I did. Thanks for the pointers!

Two questions; what hardpoints did you put on your station model? I want to be sure it's not my .CMP that's fouling up before I move on.
Also, in the .MAT file, are you using a .tga image in the -texture library-MIPS- node, or some other format?

Edited by - Tezz on 02-09-2003 16:27:54

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 5:33 pm

aha. if you 're using a tga file in a MIPS node this is one of the errors "MIPS" comes from "MIP maps", these maps are textures with different sizes in one file. A TGA doesn't have MIPS and so you have to call the node "MIP0" (<-- it's a zero) and not "MIPS".
but I would suggest you to use MIPS, since the tga format is big (512x512 image = 1Mb). Instead of tga you should use the DDS format (there is a plugin for photoshop and paintshop pro). So, save your texture as DDS and import it as usual with UTF EDIT in the MIPS node.

Like you I don't used docking hardpoints. Only lights, weapons and three SFX (for particle effects like the ones from Fort Bush), nothing else.
I called them HpLightXX, HpTurretXX, HpMissileXX and HpFXxx, but this does'nt matter...

Edited by - skyshooter on 02-09-2003 18:33:51

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:24 pm

Hmm, ok, it didn't work. Here's what i'm using:

A simple sphere model, one texture (512x512), two hardpoints. These are Hp/Fixed/HpLight01 and Hp/Revolute/HpTurret01 . The .CMP exports fine.
The .MAT file has one texture in it under a MIP0 node. It's a big .MAT, but I presume that's ok.

.CMP is called test.cmp
.MAT is called test.mat
Both are in /data/solar/dockable/

The entries in the files i've modified are as follows (square brackets left open):


nickname = test_loadout
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = sfx_rumble_station_large
equip = li_Small_station_turret01_mark01, HpTurret01
equip = SlowXLargeBlue, HpLight01


nickname = test_body
ids_name = 300000
ids_info = 70000
type = STATION
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\test.cmp
material_library = solar\dockable\test.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 99999
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = test_loadout
solar_radius = 500
shape_name = NAV_weaponplatform
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000


nickname = Li01_16_Base
system = Li01
strid_name = 261780
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Li01_16_Base.ini
visit = 1


nickname = Li01_16
ids_name = 300000
pos = -40000, 0, -40000
rotate = 0, 0, 0
Archetype = test_body
ids_info = 70000
base = Li01_16_Base
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 10
loadout = test_loadout
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
;shape = SPHERE
visit = 1


nickname = Li01_16_Base
start_room = Deck

nickname = Bar
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\Li01_16_Bar.ini

nickname = Deck
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\Li01_16_Deck.ini

~~LI01_16_BAR.INI = a duplicated and renamed LI01_15_BAR.INI
~~LI01_16_DECK.INI = a duplicated and renamed LI01_15_DECK.INI
~~Both the above are in /DATA/UNIVERSE/SYSTEMS/LI01/BASES/ROOMS/

I'm aware that my model and archetype do not include docking hardpoints or information, yet my base .INI does. I'm not entirely sure what needs to be present for Freelancer to accept that this is a plain old station that you can't dock with.

test.ms3d - 80KB
test.cmp - 24KB
test.mat - 750KB

I'll understand if no-one can be bothered to help further, i'm sure someone will do a tutorial sooner or later now that Wanderer has provided an example station in the form of the Citadel (which is a lovely model, by the way).

Edit: I used a deathstar texture because it looked nice on a sphere. It was also the first texture I came across on my machine, so it can be changed if necessary.

Edited by - Tezz on 03-09-2003 19:28:55

Edited by - Tezz on 04-09-2003 01:47:38

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:49 pm

ok, the only thing I have found is that you have a "Shape" entry in the system file (li01.ini)
I think Shape is only for zones.

I don't know if it matters, maybe not... in universe.ini you wrote "nickname = Li01_16_Base" and in li01.ini you wrote "base = Li01_16_base"
(note: first time "Base" with a upper case B and the second time "base" with a lowercase one). maybe it's case sensitive...

Edited by - skyshooter on 03-09-2003 23:11:07

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:27 pm

Removed, Freelancer still bombs when jumpgating into New York. I even tried switching a few things round, and changing the type to satellite, but no dice.

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