Post Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:36 pm

Whitehorse Mod

Introducing the Whithorse Mod version 13.0 by Eric Schlobohm aka Hermann Schwarz:

The Whitehorse mod was created for your enjoyment. Please do not use my work without giving me credit. Anyone wishing to run this mod on a server is welcome to. If anyone is willing to run an official server for free, I would be most appreciative.


0 WH
The beginning. Four houses established law and order and in doing so created a name for themselves. Low fuel supplies led to a war between the Kusari and Rheinland houses. Many have been killed over the same pieces of space. Ageira has been found to be corrupt by high ranking Liberty officials, but the other houses have yet to find them guilty of corruption. The Lane Hackers have been granted a full pardon by the Liberty Police and Navy. New systems are being explored as well but ships are not to venture into these areas as of yet. New ships have been built to combat growing threats. Who knows what awaits the adventurous in space.

This is a new chapter in Freelancer. This is the Whitehorse mod v.13.0.


New Features:

- over 60 New Weapons for existing NPC factions buyable for the player including special guns and base class guns. Weapons are added to almost every NPC loadout.

- several new class 10 turrets for you to choose from.

- enhanced balance between the ship classes. It's now possible to select ships on looks as well as functionality.

- new xenos ships, rebuilt versions of the civilian line(not new looking, new stats)

- new hessians ships, rebuilt versions of the borderworld line(not new looking, new stats)

- Starblazer and Blood Dragon ships added.

- New powerplants to pick and choose.

- New Countermeasure line.

- New fonts for a change in reading.(Be sure to cut + paste the two font files to your Windows\Fonts folder or they may not appear correctly)

- Several new Starlancer ships, some are for factions only(balanced to fit Whitehorse)

and other things...


Future wishes:

* reskinning of xenos and hessians ship lines

* more new ships to balance to current vanilla ships

* server and forum for multiplayer enjoyment(I am unable to run one due to real life constraints, if you wish to just ask me for the mod)

* more equipment such as mines, missiles, and torps.



Crymson/Samurai Studios - Starlancers Ships Redux Beta 0.1


I'll add further updates as I build on this project.

Download the mod HERE.