It seems to me that you are using uncompressed tracks because of the size of the mod.
The best thing to do is to recode the tracks into ACM mp3 (56 kbps) codec.
This will give the best ratio size/quality, a song of 1 minute will give +/- 6-700KB.
I use wavelab for this but I know there are other programs that can do it.
Next thing to do is change it into a wav format.
Search Google for WaveMP3 (freeware), it recodes an MP3 file into a readable wave format without changing the MP3 compression.
Hopefully this way you will get a more reasonable size for your audio mod.
Regarding the copyright of the tracks, I should warn you that you need permission to use any music on a copyright free basis.
It's hard to find recordlabels who do give free permission but after a long search I got some...
Another option is to check, they group artists that allow for copyright free use of their music with some restrictions...
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